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 Achieving high-productivity

performance requires work on

both qualitative factors or
values such as confidence, trust,
creativity or honesty, and on
quantitative factors such as
efficiency or return on
 The economic mission is related
to the need to generate profits,
and the social mission refers not
only to features that are common
to all companies but also to the
specific features of the sector and
the company.
Being the best for us means:
 Be the best employer for our employees.
 Perform excellent activities for our
 To offer exceptional quality and security
in all areas of activity.
 To offer sustainable profitable growth.
Our Company Values:
 Loyalty

 Responsibility

 Respect

 Tolerance

 Customer orientation
Common values:
 Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex,
age, race, political affiliation or trade union activity.
 Treat with respect and pay attention to people at all
 Prohibition of favoring policies on recruitment,
promotion, and encouragement.
 Paying attention to all types of customers.
 Impartiality in the choice of suppliers, to make the
relationship with them a comparative advantage for
the company.
 Paying the necessary attention to all
types of investors.
 Promote local growth by supporting
initiatives that are more geared to
the real needs of the community.
 Sharing knowledge without
monopolizing to increase personal
 Keeping the community in which we
work informed about what we do and
how we do it.
 Clearly define roles and responsibilities
for each employee.
 Hearing and offering constant attention
to employees, respecting their values,
feelings, moral positions; never to use
any form of undue pressure or insult.
 Collaboration and mutual exchange of information
and knowledge to create value and to find our
professional identity beyond organizational
 Active listening to the needs of our colleagues,
trying to make a positive impact in our work
 Offering a good return and a sense of security to
customers for getting the same in return.
 Encourage collaboration with suppliers so that they
and the company can create value and give
legitimacy to their corporate identity.
Thank you for
your attention!

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