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Artificial Intelligence 15-381

Heuristic Search Methods

Jaime Carbonell
16 January 2003
Today's Agenda
Brief review of search complexity
Heuristics and evaluation functions
Heuristic search methods
Admissibility and A* search
B* search
Macrooperators in search
Complexity of Search

 Let depth d = length(min(s-Path(S0, SG)))-1
 Let branching-factor b = Ave(|Succ(Si)|)
 Let backward branching B = Ave(|Succ-1(Si)|);
usually b=bb, but not always
 Let C(<method>,b,d) = max number of Si visited

C(<method>,b,d) = worst-case time complexity

C(<method>,b,d) < worst-case space complexity
Complexity of Search

Breadth-First Search Complexity

 C(BFS,b,d) = i=0,dbi = O(bd)
 C(BBFS,b,d) = i=0,dBi = O(Bd)
 C(BiBFS,b,d) = 2i=0,d/2bi = O(bd/2), if b=B
 Suppose we have k evenly-spaced islands in
s=Path(S0, SG), then:
C(IBFS,b,d) = (k+1) i=0,d/(k+1)bi = O(bd/(k+1))
C(BiIBFS,b,d) = 2 (k+1) i=0,d/(2k+2)bi =O(bd/(2k+2))
Heuristics in AI Search


A Heuristic is an operationally-effective
nugget of information on how to direct
search in a problem space. Heuristics are
only approximately correct. Their purpose is
to minimize search on average.
Common Types of Heuristics

 "If-then" rules for state-transition selection

 Macro-operator formation [discussed later]

 Problem decomposition [e.g. hypothesizing

islands on the search path]
 Estimation of distance between Scurr and SG. (e.g.
Manhattan, Euclidian, topological distance)
 Value function on each Succ(Scurr)

 cost(path(S0, Scurr)) + E[cost(path(Scurr,SG))]

 Utility: value(S) – cost(S)
Heuristic Search

Value function: E(o-Path(S0, Scurr), Scurr, SG)

Since S0 and SG are constant, we abbreviate E(Scurr)

General Form:
1. Quit if done (with success or failure), else:
2. s-Queue:= F(Succ(Scurr),s-Queue)
3. Snext:= Argmax[E(s-Queue)]
4. Go to 1, with Scurr:= Snext
Heuristic Search

Steepest-Ascent Hill-Climbing
 F(Succ(Scurr), s-Queue) = Succ(Scurr)
 Snext:= Argmax[E(Succ(Scurr))]
 If Succ(Snext) is null, then stop
 Quintessential greedy search
Max-Gradient Search
 "Informed" depth-first search
 Snext:= Argmax[E(Succ(Scurr))]
 But if Succ(Snext) is null, then backtrack
 Alternative: backtrack if E(Snext)<E(Scurr)
Beyond Greedy Search

Best-First Search
BestFS(Scurr, SG, s-Queue)
IF Scurr = SG, return SUCCESS
For si in Succ(Scurr)
Insertion-sort(<Si, E(Si)>, s-Queue)
IF s-Queue = Null, return FAILURE
ELSE return
BestFS(FIRST(s-Queue), SG, TAIL(s-Queue))
Beyond Greedy Search

Best-First Search (cont.)

 F(Succ(Scurr)), s-Queue) =
Sort(Append(Succ(Scurr), Tail(s-Queue)),E(si))
 Full-breadth search
 "Ragged"fringe expansion

 Does BestFS guarantee optimality?

Beyond Greedy Search

Beam Search

 Best-few BFS
 Beam-width parameter

 Uniform fringe expansion

 Does Beam Search guarantee optimality?

A* Search

Cost Function Definitions

 Let g(Scurr) = actual cost to reach Scurr from S0
 Let h(Scurr)= estimated cost from Scurr to SG
 Let f(Scurr)= g(Scurr) + h(Scurr)
A* Search Definitions

Optimality Definition
A solution is optimal if it conforms to the
minimal-cost path between S0 and SG. If
operators cost is uniform, then the optimal
solution = shortest path.

Admissibility Definition
A heuristic is admissible with respect to a
search method if it guarantees finding the
optimal solution first, even when its value is
only an estimate.
A* Search Preliminaries

Admissible Heuristics for BestFS

 "Always expand the node with min(g(Scurr)) first."
If Solution found, expand any Si in s-Queue where
g(Si) < g(SG)
 Find solution any which way. Then Best FS(Si)
for all intermediate Si in solution as follows:
1. If g(S(1curr) >= g(SG) in previous, quit
2. Else if g(S(1G < g(SG), Sol:=Sol1, & redo (1).
A*: Better Admissible Heuristics

Observations on admissible heuristics

 Admissible heuristics based only on look-back
(e.g. on g(S)) can lead to massive inefficiency!
 Can we do better?

 Can we look forward (e.g. beyond g(Scurr)) too?

 Yes, we can!
A*: Better Admissible Heuristics

The A* Criterion
If h(Scurr) always equals or underestimates the
true remaining cost, then f(Scurr) is admissible
with respect to Best-First Search.
A* Search
A* Search = BestFS with admissible f = g + h
under the admissibility constraints above.
A* Optimality Proof

Goal and Path Proofs

 Let SG be optimal goal state, and s-path (S0, SG)
be the optimal solution.
 Consider an A* search tree rooted at S0 with S1G
on fringe.
 Must prove f(SG2) >= f(SG) and g(path(S0, SG))
is minimal (optimal).
 Text proves optimality by contradiction.
A* Optimality Proof

Simpler Optimality Proof for A*

 Assume s-Queue sorted by f.

 Pick a sub-optimal SG2: g(SG2) > g(SG)

 Since h(SG2) = h(SG) = 0, f (SG2) > f (SG)

 If s-Queue is sorted by f, f(SG) is selected
before f(SG2)
B* Search

 Admissible heuristics for mono- and bi-polar
 "Eliminates" horizon problem in game-trees
[more later]

 Let Best(S) = Always optimistic eval fn.
 Let Worst(S) = Always pessimistic eval fn.
 Hence: Worst(S) < True-eval(S) < Best(S)
Basic B* Search
Basic B* Search
B*(S) is defined as:
If there is an Si in SUCC(Scurr)
s.t. For all other Sj in SUCC(Scurr), W(Si) > B(Sj)
Then select Si
Else ProveBest (SUCC(Scurr)) OR DisproveRest (SUCC(Scurr)

Difficulties in B*
 Guaranteeing eternal pessimism in W(S) (eternal optimism is
somewhat easier)
 Switching among ProveBest and DisproveRest
 Usually W(S) << True-eval(S) << B(S) (not possible to achieve
W(Si) > B(Sj)
Macrooperators in Search

Linear Macros
 Cashed sequence of instantiated operators:
If: S0 opi  S1 opj S2
Then: S0 opi,j S2
 Alternative notation:

if: opj(opi(S0)) = S2, Then: opi,j(S0) = S2

 Macros can have any length, e.g. oi,j,k,l,m,n
 Key question: do linear macoros reduce search?
Macrooperators in Search

Disjunctive Macros
op2 op3

op1 op4 Op7---- >

op5 op6

Iterative Macros

opi,j Cond (s-Hist,SG) YES opk,l,m,n


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