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for your Safety
in the Rolling Mill?
Who is responsible


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This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.

Safety is important in any operation but especially in a

This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.
rolling mill where complacency is the biggest problem.
The rolling process appears hazard free but one high
speed cobble can soon change the scene.

Always be aware, when the nose (head) of the billet is

travelling through the mill, this is the time when it is most
likely to cobble and run onto the mill floor. The rule has to
be never turn your back to the rolling line.

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A safe working environment is important in any

This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.
Management must be pro-active not reactive in matters of
safety developing a culture of safety in the plant.
Safety should always be on the agenda.
Never hide unsafe practices, never turn a blind eye to
unsafe acts.
If you see something wrong don’t just report it…. Put it
right first, then report what you’ve done.

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There are a couple of rules that should be adopted in

This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.
every mill:
1. Only authorized personnel should be allowed entry into
the mill.

2. Specified protective clothing should be worn. Always a

helmet and safety shoes. In areas with high noise levels
wearing of ear protection should be mandatory. In areas
of dust or flying debris, safety spectacles should be worn.

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This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.
Probably, the highest cause of accidents in a mill is due
to tripping or falling over objects. Good housekeeping
is a major factor in reducing the incidence of these
accidents and regular and prompt removal of items from
the mill floor should be a routine.

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A safe working procedure should be written up for every

task, this document will show for every task in the SWP the

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following major points:

Particular hazards
Protective clothing,
Special tools.

If operators are involved in compiling these safe working

procedures, they will have a feeling of ownership and so
more likely to accept their use and become more
conscious of the hazards present in the mill.

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In many plants safety teams are established and made up

This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.
from the members of the plant. Their role could be:
dealing with safety issues as they arise, performing safety
audits of plant and holding regular safety meetings for
outstanding safety issues.

Researchers have shown that 95% of all accidents are

caused by unsafe acts, the reasons are many, but all are
concerned with people who do not conform to a safe
behavioural standard.

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Accident ratio studies have highlighted that for every:

This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.
1 Fatality or serious injury, there are:
3 Minor injuries with time loss

50 Injuries requiring first aid

80 Property damaged incidents

400 Non injury/damage incidents or near misses

So treat near misses as seriously as you would injuries

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LTA frequency rate

Lost time accident frequency rate, - gives employees an

This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.
understanding of the number of LTA's they will have,
statistically, in their working life at the company if nothing
A company employing 550 people has 7 LTA's in one year,
if a normal persons working life is 40 years (20 years to 60
years) then:
1. 7 / 550 * 40 = Frequency rate of 0.5

If we substitute the people as 200 then

2. 7 / 200 * 40 = Frequency rate of 1.4
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In example 1. 5 persons in every team of 10 people

are likely to have a lost time accident during their

This document contains proprietary information of Danieli & C SpA. All right reserved.
working life.
In example 2. all 10 team members will have an accident
but 4 of the team will have a second accident in their
working life.
The higher the figure then the more chance of
accidents or personal injury.

Safety is the responsibility of ALL

personnel not just the managers.

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