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EDT 180D: Gary Lewallan

Group 1:
Elliot Muhlenfeld, Olivia Ghirdan, Cody Adams
What do we all have in common?
 -Although everyone is unique and diverse in their own way, everyone in this
room shares a few commonalities. One of which is that we are all investing an
excessive amount of money in a higher education here at ASU.
 -There are a few ways to help alleviate this burden which include,
scholarships and student loans. Unfortunately, these strategies may not be
enough and require students to find a source of income while they are
supposed to be dedicating their time to their school work.
 -Our group conducted a survey to try and reveal the effects that present
themselves as a result of having a job especially in regard to an individual’s
What questions we asked.
1. What grade level are you?
2. What is your gender?
3. Which college are you enrolled in?
4. How many hours do you typically work outside of school per week?
5. How many credits are you taking this semester?
6. What is your current GPA?
7. In your opinion, has your job (if you have one) affected your academic
career in any way?
1. Yes, it has had a positive effect.
2. Yes, it has had a negative effect.
3. No, it has not had any effect at all.
Interesting results.
 We received a total of 159 responses.
 The average GPA was 3.26, and 105 out of 159, or about 66% of respondents
reported a GPA of 3.1 or higher, while only 6 respondents (about 3.7%) reported a
GPA of 2.0 or lower.
 The average and median number of hours worked was 11.73 and 5.5
 The mode was 0, which means that 74 (46.5%) of our respondents replied saying
they work 0 hours per week.
 16 respondents indicated that they work over 30 hours per week.
 One respondent even claimed to work 60 hours per week.
 The vast majority of responses reported that student were taking between 11 and
20 credits.
 At least 12 out of the 16 respondents who work over 30 hours per week are also
either full-time ASU students, or just one credit shy of being full-time, as the
cutoff is 12 credits.
Commonalities found in gender.

 There were a total of 121 Female

 The majority of respondents are
from the teacher’s college.
 the majority of males and
females do not work
 The number of females that work
21-30 hours raises when the
number of males stays relatively
Does working effect students?

 We asked the different grade

level is they thought working
effected their GPA.
 The graph clearly shows freshman
worked most out of all the other
grade level.
 Freshman, Sophomore and Junior
all had the majority say that
working did not effect their GPA
while Seniors and Graduates had
more of an equal opinion.
Calculations of GPA and Hours Worked
Calculated GPA Among the Students Calculated Amounts Worked by the Students
70.00 70.00

60 60
60.00 60.00

50.00 50.00

Hours Worked
40.00 40.00

30.00 30.00

20.00 20.00

10.00 10.00
3.26 3.3
0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00
Average Median Mode Minimi Maximum Average Median Mode Minimi Maximum
Different calculations for students gpa Different Calculations for Hours Worked
Calculations of GPA and Hours Worked

 These two graphs calculated the average, mean, median, mode, max and min
of the calculated GPA of the students and the calculated amount of hours
worked by the students.
 The two graphs share the same max of 60 and the same min of 0.
 There is a much greater range from the average amount of hours worked and
the median amount of hours worked compared to the average GPA and the
median for the students GPA. There is a much smaller gap between the GPA
average and the GPA median.

 We received a total of 159 responses from the survey we made which

questioned the relationship between the number of hours worked and the
students GPA. What we found from the data collected was pretty interesting.
Majority of the students say that working does not effect their GPA and the
data proved it to be true. Most students work 11-20 hours. That is a good
amount of hours to be working for a college student. On top of that, majority
of the students are taking 15-20 credits as well. We found it pretty interesting
that most of the students did not think working effected their GPA and they
are able to take 15 or more credits per semester, still work 11-20 hours and
maintain their GPA.

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