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Natural Language Processing

Artificial Intelligence
» In theory, natural-language processing is a very attractive
method of human-computer interaction.
» NLP has significant overlap with the field of computational
linguistics, and is often considered a sub-field of artificial
» AlchemyAPI is a product of Orchestr8, a leading provider of
semantic tagging and text mining solutions, helping
companies enhance, understand, and better-leverage their
textual information assets. “Our text mining platform
provides advanced natural language processing and
information extraction capabilities not found in competing
» They have been in operation since 2005, and are based in
Denver Colorado.
» AlchemyAPI utilizes statistical natural language processing
technology and machine learning algorithms to analyze your
content, extracting semantic meta-data: information about
people, places, companies, topics, languages, and more.
» AlchemyAPI provides content owners and web developers
with a rich suite of content analysis and meta-data
annotation tools.
Automatic Language Identification
» Determine the language that any text or web-based content
was written in. AlchemyAPI's language identification
capability is the most robust in the industry today,
supporting 97 different languages. Automatically route,
filter, and organize information by language!
Topic Categorization / Text Classification
» Automatically topic-classify web pages, text
documents/content, and scanned document images. Our
document categorization capability provides fast taxonomy
classifications for your unstructured content.
Text Extraction / Web Page Cleaning
» Automatically "clean" web pages, removing navigation links,
advertisements, and other undesirable content. Extract key
article / webpage text to improve website indexing, increase
contextual advertising relevancy, and more!
Named Entity Extraction
» Identify people, companies, organizations, cities, geographic
features, and other typed entities within HTML pages, text
documents/content, and scanned document images.
Concept Tagging
» Automatically tag documents and text in a manner similar to
human-based tagging. Our advanced concept tagging
capability is capable of making abstractions and annotating
documents at high rates of accuracy.
Keyword / Term Extraction
» Extract important terms and "topic" keywords from HTML pages,
text documents/content, and scanned document images.
Advanced statistical and linguistic algorithms analyze your content,
"tagging" it with the most important words and phrases.
Products and Licensing
» To use AlchemyAPI, you need an access key.
» AlchemyAPI provides both free and commercial support options to
fit your organization's specific needs.
» We offer four tiers of service, ranging from completely free to

» Use the full range of AlchemyAPI services completely

free of cost! This includes both commercial and non-
commercial use! Make up to 30,000 API calls a day.
» Basic service tier expands your usage limits to 70,000
API calls a day and provides a commercial support

» Professional service tier offers 140,000 API calls daily,

priority support agreement.

» AlchemyAPI now offers metered use for large

publishers and content providers requiring even higher
usage, Offering 1,000,000 calls daily.

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