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Stephanie Hernandez
Title/Captions: CrossFit is life changing

Narration: Would you believe me if I told you that

CrossFit could save your life?

Images/Video Clips:
Čeština: Crossfit tělocvična v Praze by IKjub. Free to Use,
Share, or Modify. Downloaded from
on 24th January 2016

Music:”Good Rider” by Freeplay Music from Dubstep

Volume 2. Free to Use. Downloaded from on 28th
December 2016.

Notes: Start music first, and enter voice after 3

seconds, use fade-in effect.

Dramatic Question
Title/Captions: None

Narration: Ok…saving your life is a bit dramatic, but it

can definitely improve your life!

NTU Graduation Week 2013 by Nottingham Trent University .
Free to Use and Share.. Downloaded from
5938/in/photostream/ on 2015 July 31.

Music: Same as above.

Notes: Use animation effect here

Dramatic Question
Title/Captions: What is CrossFit?

Narration: Founded in two-thousand, in Santa Cruz,

California by Greg Glassman..and with more 13,000 affiliates
across many countries, CrossFit can be defined as constantly
varied, functional movements performed at high intensity.
Images: layout zz by Dolina Wiedzy. Free to Use, Share,
or Modify. Downloaded from
on 30 July 2015

Music: Same as above.


Dramatic Question
Title/Captions: none

Narration: CrossFit is never the same thing twice!

CrossFit uses different movements that utilize similar
movement patterns in order to get results without having to
make you do the same thing over and over and over again!

Reverse Mentoring by LearningDrip. Free to Use, Share, or
Modify. Downloaded from
Taken on April 13, 2012

Music: Same as above.


Business Executives
Title/Captions: none

Narration: CrossFit is fun! Because it isn’t gthe same thing, you’re able to
enjoy your workouts because there is always a new challenge to take on. CrossFit
teaches you functional movements which are movement patterns that you utlize
in everyday life.

IMGP5492.JPG by mconnors. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from
10_01_11/file8871263244366.jpg on 29th July 2015

Music: Same as above.


Title/Captions: none

Narration: For example, a deadlift is picking up anything off the floor

such as a backpack, a box or a baby. A power clean is putting anything onto
your shoulderrs. Again, a baby or even a bag. A squat is getting up off the
toile. A burpee is getting up off the floor.
Social Media Explained (with Donuts) by Chris Lott. Free to Use, Share, or
Modify. Downloaded from Uploaded on February 9,

Music: Same as above.


Reverse Mentoring
Title/Captions: none

Narration: CrossFit is executed at high intensity and intensity can be

described as the amount of work done and work is power output over
time. So if you run a marathon it’s really impressive because it’s assumed
that you did it in a certain amount of time right? But if you run 26 point 2
miles over a year, it’s a lot less impressive. So time defines intensity.

Social Networking Services by wilgengebroed. Free to Use, Share, or
Modify. Downloaded from Uploaded on 13
May 2014.

Music: Same as above.


Title/Captions: none

Narration: Running a marathon in 3 and a half hours is much more

intense than running a marathon over 365 days because of the time
component. Intensity is what drives results. Doing anything in lifie without
giving it your all does not produce the fruits of labor that doing things with
full intensity produces.

Images: ToonDoo comic by Steffi Soriano

Music: Same as above.


Emotional Content
Title/Captions: none

Narration: Lastly, CrossFit is infinitely scalable which

means anyone can do it. So what are you waiting for? Give
CrossFit a try and watch it change your life.

Presentation by geralt. Free to Use, Share, or Modify.
Downloaded from
coach-tutor-business-407291 on 30 July 2015.

Music: Same as above.

Notes: Start music first, and enter voice after 3 seconds,
use fade-in effect.


Image 1: References/Copyright Information

Image 2: References/Copyright Information
Image 3: References/Copyright Information
Image 4: References/Copyright Information
Music 1: References/Copyright Information
Music 2: References/Copyright Information
Video Clip 1: References/Copyright Information
Other 1: References/Copyright Information

Music: None

Notes: The caption should be displayed in this last scene

Credits Slide/Scene

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