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Michael Jackson: DVD Digipak

The title of this digipak has been created so that it is
simple yet it’s effective. We can clearly see what the title
reads allowing us to be aware of what is actually is.
Although it’s a simple and plain black coloured title, the
fact that it is in capitals allows it to remain audacious. In
terms of the artist, this tells us that the artist preferred to
be simple rather than dramatic.

The rating can tell us who the target
audience are. In this case, it’s aimed at
anyone however they must have a parent or
guardian present if they are under 12. This
can also tell us that the artist aimed their
work and music at all target audiences.

The main image is an animated image of Michael Jackson’s
Small print: body however has been edited in order to fill his body with
The small print doesn’t always images of his concerts, his fans, his events, his shows, etc. This
tell us something important tells us that the digipak is created as a ‘fan video’ for admirers
hence why its small however it of his music. The image is filled with a large range of colours
may be something the artist allowing it to stand out amongst other images and other
wanted to say about their music digipaks. This also tells us that the artist may have liked his
or may be a critical review. work to be based on his fans and his admirers.
The blurb can do many things however it usually tells
us something about the artist and his/her music. In
this case, we can read about the DVD, the artist and
why it was created. This can tell us that the artist
wanted to create an awareness about the purpose of
his music. It’s simply a summary of the DVD’s

Like most DVD Digipaks, this back cover has several
images representing the artist and his work. It’s a
variety of images based on the artist’s concerts,
shows, events, fans, etc. There is a large range of
colour in the images telling us that the artist liked
the collaboration of many colours coming together.
Technical aspects:
The back of the DVD usually consists of many
Critics: different technical aspects which are based on
Although not all DVD Digipaks have this, most of websites available about the artist, sponsors of
them will contain a range of reviews from the media the DVD itself, how long the movie lasts for,
such as newspaper reviews, radio station special features that are available, etc. Relating
discussions, etc. This countenances the artist’s work to the artist, this can create an awareness of
to be spread by word of mouth. The purpose of the other work from the artist which the audience
critical section tells the audience whether this can then take a look at as well, e.g.: the making
artist’s digipak is worth purchasing or not. of their music video.
Michael Jackson: This Is It
Michael Jackson’s DVD digipak, ‘This Is It’ has many different features on the
digipak. Michael Jackson has been branded through a range of images more
than any other feature. We can see that the front of the DVD has a body
outline of Michael Jackson and is filled with images of his concerts, shows and
fans. This is because it focuses on his telling the audience that this DVD will
take us through the journey of his life. The back of the cover also has a range
of images however these are scattered around the cover between other
information rather than in one set place. This gives us an idea of what kind of
shots and scenes we may see in the movie. The back also contains a variety of
information about the artist and his work as well as a blurb about the artist. It
also gives information and tells us about what music critics make of his work
as we see a range of opinions allowing the movie to promote the music and
promote the DVD at the same time. We can also see that the DVD is targeting
admirers and fans of Jackson. This is made clear because there are images of
Jackson at his shows, images of his fans, and information on him as a artist
and who he aims his music to. The cover gives the audience the idea that
Jackson may have been a more simple person rather than dramatic as the
cover is simple with subtle colours, average font, and not too much on it.

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