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Jamie Warren, BSN

Lisa Ketchem, BSN

Kim Kline, BSN
Kyla Stanley, BSN
Susan Kelly, BSN
King University
Average plasma glucose concentration over a three month look back
period, allowing providers the opportunity to adequately evaluate
 Blindness
 Stroke
 Heart Attack
 Renal Disease (end stage)
 Amputations

(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] 2015)

Create opportunities to enhance future treatment and care with
 90 to 95% of patients diagnosed with diabetes are type II
 Since 1980 diabetes has quadrupled
 1 in 3 adults will be diagnosed with diabetes by 2050
 In the United States 1.7 million adults are diagnosed with diabetes
each year

(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] 2015)

Quantitative Study
Does diabetic education impact HgbA1C levels two years after education
in patients diagnosed with type II diabetes as compared to individuals
that did not receive diabetic education?
Newly diagnosed diabetics will become familiar with and learn how
manage their diagnosis.

(ADA, 2016)
 Search engines
 Narrowing search
 Utilization of key words
 Review articles and statistics
Sample characteristics identified
 Patients with type II diabetes, diagnosed within the last two years and followed
by a primary care provider
 Routine A1C levels drawn with the initial one being > 7%
 Previous diabetic education

Stratified random sampling methodology utilized

 Every three month recording of A1C levels and conducting real time
 Document diet and exercise with each visit
 Demographics
 Numeral based ratio data

(Grove, Burns & Gray,2013)

 Table methodology with cross section and compare
 Data will be correlated to find a definitive relationship between
diabetic education and A1C
 Approval depends on the facility or organization where the study will
be conducted.
 Studies may require approval from a board of directors or university
prior to proceeding
 The chosen location for this study would require approval of the Chief
Executive Officer, physician, and nurse practioner. After approval of the
governing bodies the patients would have to consent.

(Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2013)

 Guiding principles
 Beneficence
 Justice
 Respect of persons
 Informed consent defining the purpose, beneficence, and risk
Tennova West Clinic
Morristown, Tennessee
 Patients
 Providers
 Phlebotomist
 Nurses
 Researchers
 Space to conduct research
 Educators
 Educational material
 Consent forms
 Lab capabilities and resources
 American Diabetes Association [Internet]. (2016a). A1c and eAG [updated
2014, September 29]. Retrieved from website:
 American Diabetes Association [Internet]. (2016b). Recently diagnosed.
Retrieved from website:
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Internet]. (2015). Diabetes
report card 2014. Retrieved from:
 Grove, S. K., Burns, N., & Gray, J. (2013). The practice of nursing research:
Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO:

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