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Holistic Pauilinian

• Holistic-
characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately
interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
• Professional-
a member of a profession or any person who earns their living from a
specified professional activity. The term also describes the standards of education and
training that prepare members of the profession with the particular knowledge and
skills necessary to perform their specific role within that profession.
What is expect for us, Professional
Paulinian as a whole?
Objectives of the CBIT Department (BSA-
BSA-MA-AT program is committed to form Christ-centered, competent
professional accountants/management accountants/accounting technicians
capable of making positive contribution over their lifetime to the profession
and society in which they work. It provides a foundation of professional
knowledge, skills, and values, ethics, and attitudes that enable students to
continue to learn and adapt to change throughout their professional lives.
The Paulinian 5 Core Values

Christ-Centered Christ’s love is the motivating

force, the power that drives
Paulinian, as embedded in the
 The Christo-centricity of Paul Charity Paulinian motto:

makes him cling to the Cross as

a way to Glory.  the voluntary giving of help
to those in need.

 The Charity of Christ
commissions us to proclaim
Him as the Good News to all.
 The ambassadors of Christ.
Community Charism
 The Paulinian recognizes and
 The Paulinian contributes to the
building of the body of Christ which respects the gifts of people,
is the Church, the community of all realizing that each gifts is for a
who had been justified the Christ. different purposes but all for the
building of communities of faith,
 Socialize and Unity
hope and love.
 Respect and Acceptance
General Goals of Paulinian Education in the
Paulinian Education aims to develop a:

Christian Filipino Person

One who believes in and One who peserves and One who values self-
accepts Jesus Christ as the transmits worthy Filipino respect and has respect for
center of his/her existence. values while being open to others.
worldwhile universal influence.
Who continuously develop
is committed to human his/her capabilities and brings
development for Christian out the best of others for the
Community and nation service of God and man.
Participates unselfishly in
the service of others,
especially those who deprives
in the community.
Paulinian Man/Women
One who exudes warmth, is
responsive to the needs of others,
has a sense of propriety and show
appreciates for the arts.
One who is academically prepared,
professionally skilled, imbued with
moral and spiritual strength to carry
on the various responsibilities in a
chosen vocation and profession, and
holds Christian family values of
primary importance.
St. Paul University System (SPUS) motto:
“Caritas, Veritas, Scientia”
Caritas Veritas Scientia
 “Love”  “Truth” “Knowledge”
 Action borne of  Epitomizes morality, An authentic, scholarly,
faith and deep love systematic and
of God and values and social disciplined effort to
neighbour concern, the pursuit of teach and learn so
truth and justice, peace that the gifts of the
and unity and the Paulinian may be fully
higher gifts of the spirit. developed for God
and country.
Institutional Goals of St. Paul University
• to instil in the young men and women who come to our school the Catholic
Faith and Christian values necessary to salvation for themselves as well as for
• to develop academically competent professionals who can serve as responsible
leaders and intelligent followers in the building of a Christian Community.
• to inculcate as strong spirit of nationalism, characterize by a deep appreciation
for our socio-cultural heritage and a dynamic commitment to the growth and
development of a nation.

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