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題 綱
 簡介台科大暑期英語密集班
 從 SIEP 、夜間加強課程、寒假研習營及檢定考試班
 運用晚間時段,提升非英文系學生英語能力之基礎
 教學實例之經驗分享 : 以中外師協同教學與商用 /
 基本文法、應試與聽力補強之相關資源與網站介紹
 展望與結論 : Q & A 討論─交換心得、雙向溝通
Summer Intensive English Program
台科大自 2005 年起基於對技職生的特殊背
設密集英語課程 (SIEP) 供新生修讀,目的不單
歡迎,報名人數已從 600 人增加到 2008 年的
2000 人含舊生研究生校外人士。
Overview of the SIEP
 The Objective:
To help the students master basic English
speaking and listening skills, thus laying a
solid foundation for reading and writing
 The Program: A Review and Overview
The Priority Purposes of SIEP
 Discover the fun of communication
 Stimulate, Raise and sustain their interest in
learning English
 Form a daily learning habit to enable them to
study on their own
 Build needed vocabularies and grammatical
Priority Purposes of
The SIEP speaking and listening part
Students need to:
 discover the fun of communication in English;
 build their vocabularies;
 learn grammatical constructions used frequently in
spoken dialogue;
 Learn the tips and advice on how to study English on
their own;
 learn how to use E-touch and other resources as a
learning tool;
 develop easy connections back and forth between
speaking and listening, and writing and reading
The Aims of the SIEP Basic English
 Develop easy connections back and forth
between speaking and listening to
understand English talks and lectures
 Speak up with confidence and able to give
prepare and/or improvising talk
 Pass the College Student English
Proficiency Test and TOEIC/TOEFL tests
Initial Types of Courses
1. Everyday Life English Taught by Native Speakers
for Communicative Skills
2. English Reading & Writing by Non-native
English Teachers: on-line writing & testing skills
3. Film English by Native Speakers giving introduction
and leading an after-film discussion - 6 selected films
4. Oral-Aural, Presentation skills, public speaking,
reading and vocabulary and so on (see the
program schedules
Film English Courses
 The teacher makes an introduction, explains some
key words and sentences before the showing and,
after the showing, leads a discussion after the
 At the end of the showing, a quiz will be given
 Students is asked to make notes as much as they
can during the showing and turn in their reflection
or a report, as a group project, either in Chinese or
English the next week
Some Films Titles Selcted
 Oliver Twist 孤雛淚
 I Am David 送信到哥本哈根
 In Good company 大公司小老闆
 Music and Lyrics K 歌情人
 The Pursuit of Happiness 當幸福來敲門
Teaching Evaluation Criteria
 Teacher’s daily agenda including objectives and quiz
 Class leaders’ daily learning log

 Students’ understanding of teaching and participation

in class activities and discussions
 Interaction with teacher, and raised and sustained
interest in learning.
 Teachers’ enthusiasm, responsiveness, teaching tips
and strategies via open discussions on building
suitable evaluation criteria
Summer Intensive English Program
Pilot Research/Evaluation
Purpose of designing the Pilot Research/Evaluation:
1. Provide the Program with info about what the students
hope to gain by attending the SIEP and whether the
program met those expectations.
2. Provide the Program with info about how students view
their own progress as a result of attending the SIEP.
3. Provide the Program with student writing samples
and/or presentation recordings which will provide
quantifiable data to demonstrate that the SIEP has
produced expected gains, and to what degree.
A Brief Introduction to
The 2008 and Current Programs
 Lessons and experiences learned from/by doing or carryin
g out the remedial/reinforced programs
 Cooperative Teaching with focus on listening and speaking
 Extended and proposed courses and programs based on th
e SIEP experience
 Practices and examples on business/career English
 Teaching Plan 課程實例、學生作業觀摩檢討
 Results, reflections and prospects
輔導補強課程之學習 / 習作策略
 字彙增強策略 : 談單字積木學習法
 學習使用英英字典查用基本關鍵字
 學習字典例句與用法,練習造句
 基礎聽力突破─發音要領
 文法:從基本句型實例著手
 閱讀:字串學習法
12 Basic Verbs to Start With -
run, make, get, do, go, have, give, take, come, keep, turn, catch

 蛋糕已經吃光了 The cake has been eaten u

p. We have eaten up the cake ?
 Be gone: The cake is gone.
 中英文無法直接對譯–實用的生活英文
 傳神的動詞─動詞變化─時態─造出實用
句─英文的靈魂 : 跳脫以中文思考英文的
學習方式 - 學習比較道 ( 地的說法
 Where should I put the dishes?
 Where do the dishes go?
 這一首歌要怎麼唱?
How do you sing the song? 正式講法?
口語習慣講法 How does this song go?
歌是如何走法 / 進行的?
Go - Go wrong/bad?
 Hi hair is going grey; She went white with anger
 Go global/public/international
 Go / come: Would you like to come to my place 你在 - Let
’s go to my place 你不在家
 This road goes to the METRO station 到達;通往
 This valley goes from east to west
 The roots of the plant go deep 伸展
 Where do the dishes go? which cupboard do the plates g
o in?
 The chairs can go against the wall –Two into seven won’t
go 除不盡 wont’s go; Two goes into eight four times.
 She ran a bath = fill it with water, run hot water into the
 John ran the 1500 meters last night.
 The newspaper ran a feature story on …
 Nancy began to run a fever, a temperature.
 We’ll look foolish, if we turn and run now.
 He tried to run home to his mother. 求助
 He ran for Governor/against Clinton.
 She ran her finger down a list of names.
Run + a Noun
 They run a (library) service, a course, a shop, a busines
s, a experiment, a computer, a program, a process, a ma
chine, a car
 You start it and continue it until it finishes or you achie
ve the results you wanted.
 She ran the office as a captain.
 It’s a sloppily run hospital
 I was taking her for a run/s in the car. 逛遊
 Would you mind running/walking me to the metro?
Run as a Noun

 I’ve got a run in my new tights/stockings 脫

 A run on a bank/a run on tickets for the opera
this week=great demand/sale
 On the run from the police= escape
 In the long run/short run
 He goes for a 5-mile run every morning.
看到 1 個字該探究哪些要素

 依據音節,分析切割該字,找出 root
字根 + affix 添加詞之構造
 字首 pre- 前 fix 與字尾 suf- 後下 fix
 屬於什麼詞類 part of speech: [ 名詞、
 derivatives [ 詞類變化
 association 連想法 : 包括中英文比較
Col 共同 location
擺在一起 慣用語法或用法之搭配
-- 2-word V 動詞片語 ; idioms or phrases 習慣片
語 ; preposition + 名詞或動名詞 ; V or -V-ing
or Root V 動詞原型
-- Semantic feature - translation 探討語意,或 e
quivalent-finding 找出相對或對應語
-- 該字用法:要運用什麼 sentence patterns 句
-- 練習造句 Sentence-making 背誦例句 examples
-- 製作卡片或書寫朗讀,模擬對話,自問自答
Making your word list
 製作常用單字表或卡片 cards and keep them handy
隨身攜帶 for review 有空就複習並朗誦 whenever yo
u have time, plus , extensive 廣讀精讀 intensive readin
g 兼顧俾能建立強化 word power 字彙能力
 Note-taking 勤做筆記 read through pictures 多透過
 單字片語的分類 grouping 聯想 association 猜測 gue
ssing- 心領神會其意思 meaning- 查英英字典,增加
,強化並活化已習得簡單字彙的附加價值 dictionar
y-consulting, add value…
7 Basic Sentence patterns to Know First

1. 燈不亮 SV
The light doesn’t work. The key/this method...
2. 良藥苦口 SVC
Good medicine tastes bitter
cf. sound/look/feel/smell
He’s a diabetic; he became diabetic in his old age.
She’s a good talker/a mere talker/a light sleeper/a chain smoke
3. 隔牆有耳 SVO
Walls have ears.
I beat/bit that dog.
7 Basic Sentence patterns to Know First

4. 我要打得你鼻青臉腫 SVOO
I want to give you a black eye/a good beating.
5. 五十步笑百步 SVOC
The pot calls the kettle black
我很想幫你學得快速有效 SV+to V/O/ to V
OC I’d like to help him make you a quick and e
ffective learner.
7 Basic Sentence patterns to Know First

6. 從這兒到那兒走路要 15 分鐘
It +V or be + to V
It’ll take 15 minutes to go from here to there
by walking.
7. 我湯裡有一隻蚊子
There + be + N(s) + Preposition + N (s).
There’s a fly in my soup.10.
典型英文句子 / 型的基本要素

 SVO/ C: Subject / 主詞 + auxiliary/helping V

助動詞 + V 動詞 + O 受詞或 C 補語 -- to V
/Ving/Root V 適當動狀語 + 表示或修飾動詞
之副詞或相等語 ] =A
Adv- place : Where 地點 + How 方法 + Wh
y (the reason / cause) why 因為理由 + When
(date / day/ time ) 時間
 Sentence-making practice: peer revision
Basic Sentence Patterns 基本句型
Kinds of sentences 句型結構舉例
 Clause structures 子句
 Subject (S) + Verb (V) 主詞+動詞
 Object (O) – direct object (Od) 直接受詞
 indirect object (Oi) 間接受詞
 Complement (C) – Subj. Comple. (Cs) 主詞補語
 Object complement (Co) 受詞補語
 Adverbial (A) – subject-related (As) 修飾主詞之
副詞片語 Object-related (Ao)
Multiple class membership of Verbs:
 SV (x)
 SVO He’ll get a surprise.
 SVC He’s getting angry.
 SVA He got through the window.
 SVOO He got her a splendid present.
 SVOC He got his shoes and socks wet.
 SVOA He got himself into trouble.
Major Clause Types
 SV The sun is shining.
 SVO That lecture bored me.
 SVC Your dinner seems ready.
 SVAd My office is in the next building. 地方副
 SVOO I must send my parents aget-well card.
 SVOC Most of students have found her reasona
bly helpful.
 SVOAd You can put the dish on the table.
Adverbial Phr. _ 當主詞補語
 Our car is in the garage.
 We are now living in a small village.
 The place’s off the ground. = away from – I’m off; not on something
 Debbie is remaining at Oxford.
 Sam is staying at a nearby motel.
 Your scarf is lying on the floor.
 We got off the train.
 We all got into my car.
 I stole into her room.
 All roads lead to Rome. 條條大路通羅馬
 The lawn goes all the way around the house.
The painting was by an unknown artist. (agent)

 How much is this jacket? It’s $60. (measure)

 We kept Ronald off cigarette.
 We kept Mary happy.
 I put the kettle on the stove.
 They are placing the blame on us.
 I’m keeping most of my money in the bank.
 I stuck the wallet in the drawer.
 He directed his speech at the workers.
 He wants his payment in dollars.
變壞;惡化─ 這個字給了您多少啟
de-press 降低;壓下 ; downfall 崩潰 ; subway
地下鐵 ; suffix; suppress 平定鎮壓 ; suspend;
 de-tour
 de-cline
 de-grade
 des-pise
 de-PRE-ci-ate; ap-PRE-ci-ate
de-bate 我對將來要不要考研究所
--From Longman Exams Dictionary, Your key to Exam Succ
ess 朗文考試字典
 To discuss a subject formally when you are trying to ma
ke a decision or find a solution
 This issue will be debated on Tuesday.
 We need more time to debate some of these issues.
 Philosophers debate whether it’s right to clone an indiv
聯想法 : 有面子;化妝、穿著、端
 Her face was covered with deep lines 臉上滿布深刻的皺紋
She has a face seemed with/full of lines.
 She is beginning to have [ 出現 ]/get/acquire [ 開始起 ] wrinkles ro
und (at the outer corner of ) her eyes [ 眼角四周 ].
 SKII can reduce [ 減少 ] or remove [ 消除 ] my fish-tail lines 魚 尾
紋 ? Crow’s feet?
 She puts on/wears no/little make-up/ 結領帶 a necktie/ nec
kwear/ 留鬍鬚 a beard/ 面帶 a smile/ 穿 shoes/ 戴 a diamond ring
鑽戒 .
 He wears airs 裝腔作勢;擺架子 / 一本正經 a grave face; draw/m
ake/pull 拉長臉 a long face/a pitiful face[ 裝出一副可憐相 ]
 He likes to wear/never wears 從不穿綠色 green\black.
 He could feel the pain again 又感到病痛 as the medicine [ 一旦藥
性 ] wore away [ 過了 ].
Face 有面子
 整形 face lift-up ;變臉 face-off; face off 反目成仇 an
Have the face to face [ 有臉去面對 ] the fact [ 事實 ] t
On 從 the face ... 方面 of; a room facing south 朝南 /
on the river 面向河 street 對街;靠馬路
 Face up to 面對 the problem/troubles/ new circumsta
nces ;遭遇到危險 faced with dangers
Lose one’s face 丟臉
 make face at 扮鬼臉;使臉色; lose my head
頭昏腦脹;不知如何是好 ; lose my cold 感冒
好了 /train/time 期限就到了 ; keep my head
保持冷靜;臨危不亂 ; lose my heart to 迷戀
 I should be ashamed 不好意思 to show my fa
ce 露臉 in public; 看人顏色、臉色 survey/s
tudy one’s face
 He straightened his face 板起臉孔;不苟言笑
;一本正經 ; He wore a poker face.
 His face was already lined with the cares of his fam
ilies 因辛苦操持家務,臉上滿布皺紋
 Her bony 瘦削 ; 憔悴 thin / hatchet; broad/sweet
/ beaming[ 喜洋洋 smiling / 期盼 eager
fine/ narrow/elongate 細長 / handsome 俊俏 / h
appy/proud 傲氣 / impressive 印象深刻難忘 face;
 a telltale face 喜怒寫在臉上形於色
The illness wore him down
生病 使他變得衰弱不堪
 This stuff wears long/well 這東西經久耐用 .
 The cloth will wear for years 穿它幾年也不壞 .
 The paint/color/effect will soon wear off 剝落 /
脫色 / 不彰 ].
 Cheap shoes will soon wear out 便宜貨容易壞 .
 Things wears out quickly from bad use 使用不
wear - wore - worn
 The heels of your shoes 你鞋跟 are worn down on one side 磨
 I will wear my shoes into holes 鞋子穿到破洞
 The dripping water 滴水 wear 穿 a hole in the stone.
 His temper/patience was worn out 沈不住氣 / 按耐不住性子
by all the troubles 這一連串的困擾搞得他 ; he felt worn out
忍無可忍 .
 The carpet shows / signs of) wear 顯得破舊 / 的跡象
 Our product must stand/endure 經得起 /fair 正常 wear 耐穿
and tear 堅韌不破 .
 It’s suited for all-purpose 適合各種場合 wear n. /between-sea
son’s 換季 wear/ everyday 日常穿著 /home 家居 /summer /sp
orts 運動 / working 工作服 /underwear 內衣褲 neckwear
Walk the Talk
 40 ways to walk 走路的方法 ; A weary walk 拖著疲憊
的步子 a waddling 啪躂 walk like 活像 a duck a
mble; pace; canter; saunter 閒逛 ; 溜達 ; 跁走 ?
 Walk the talk 言出必行;言行一致;說到做到;行
 Small talk 閒聊;瞎扯淡; cross talk 相聲;對談
a casual talk 隨便聊聊不拘束
 光說不練 it’s easier said than done/ He’s full of talk
He’s all talk and no deed

Focused Listening Training

Tips and Strategies
職能英文 / 商用英文
心情放鬆、腦袋放空、甘願放下,絕不放棄 ( 李淑娟老
師 16 字訣 ) Prep Process in 7 steps:
1. Use CD or MP3 to check and test 模擬聽力測驗
2. Correct and study 研讀原文和解答,瞭解內容 .
3. Listen and repeat. 用心聽看原文跟讀多唸不熟字句
4. Do shadow reading 同步跟讀,訓練速度 .
5. Listen again without script. 不看原文多唸幾次
6. Cup your hands behind your ears, read out loud
7. Do your own recording 聽自己的聲音並錄音
 基本發音練習與拼音基本規則與舉例
 Stress 重讀
 Reduction 弱音
 Liaison; linking 連音
 Haplology 省略音
 Intonation 音調
 Rhythm 節奏
 Breath group 呼吸停頓
 Sound change 變化音
 基本文法、應試與聽力補強之相關資源與網
 展望與結論
 Q & A 討論─交換心得、雙向溝通
 Thank you for Listening

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