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102 Educational Technology 2

Topic: Benefits of ADDIE MODEL

Presented to:
Sir Darryl Imperial

Class schedule: TTH 9-10:30 a.m

Presented by:
Oraiz, Erolyn P.
• To understand the benefits of Addie Model.

• To learn how to give value of the benefits of

Addie Model.

• At the end of the lesson, the listeners will know

how to apply its benefits in real-life situation.
Benefits of the ADDIE model:

 It provides a step-by-step process to aid in planning and

creating training programs.

 It provides several opportunities to re-evaluate learning

goals and outcomes.

 It ensures the design and development of training material.

 It is a basic model that can be used for any kind of learning

and is very systematic and thorough in including all the
components of other instructional design models.

 The ADDIE model leads to better results from the learner’s

point of view because each step is focused on helping
learners achieve the desired objective.
 It's flexible; it can be used for traditional
instruction, individual instruction and across

 ADDIE can be used with different evaluation

strategies. Some say that ADDIE works best when
testing for easily measured criteria, like time and
cost, but if your team is measuring behavioral
outcomes, you can add those goals and
measurements to your program.
* Reference:

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