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Joy B. Johnson
Department of Pharmacology
• Alcohol, primarily in the form of ethyl alcohol (ethanol),
has occupied an important place in the history of
humankind for at least 8000 years
• Today, alcohol is widely consumed. Like other sedative-
hypnotic drugs, alcohol in low to moderate amounts
relieves anxiety and fosters a feeling of well-being or even
• However, alcohol is also the most commonly abused drug
in the world, and a cause of vast medical and societal costs.
In the United States, approximately 75% of the adult
population drinks alcohol regularly.
Types of Alcohol
• Ethanol (ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol)
• Methanol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol)
• Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol)
• Ethylene glycol

• Route of administration
• Topical
• Inhalation
• Intravenous injection
• Oral ingestion
• Absorption of ethanol is by simple diffusion
• 25% of an ingested dose of ethanol is
absorbed from the stomach
• 75% of an ingested dose of ethanol is
absorbed from the small intestine
Factors affecting absorption

Alcohol concentration of the ingested beverage

• Optimal absorption occurs for beverages with
alcohol concentrations between 10% alc. v/v
and 30% alc. v/v
• Beverages <10 % alc. v/v do not present as large a
concentration gradient
• Beverages >30% alc. v/v will irritate the gastric
mucosa and increase mucous production
Factors affecting absorption
• Changes in blood supply to the GI tract
• Changes in motility will affect the speed
with which ethanol enters the small
Presence of food in the stomach
• Food in the stomach will prolong gastric
emptying time, resulting in a lower, delayed
peak blood alcohol concentration
Effect of food on absorption
Empty stomach
Blood Alcohol Concentration


With food in stomach





• Alcohol is hydrophilic and will distribute into

fluids and tissues according to water content

• Total body water (TBW) is dependent upon

• Age
• Sex
• Body weight
Alcohol Metabolism

• 5-10% of ingested ethanol is excreted

• Biotransformation occurs in the liver
• Commences as soon as EtOH is absorbed
• Alcohol dehydrogenase is primary enzyme
Alcohol metabolic pathways

• Two major pathways of alcohol metabolism

to acetaldehyde have been identified namely
the Alcohol Dehydrogenase pathway and
the Microsomal Ethanol Oxidising System
The Alcohol Dehydrogenase pathway

• The primary pathway for alcohol metabolism

involves alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), a cytosolic
enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of alcohol to
• This enzyme is located mainly in the liver, but it is
also found in other organs such as the brain and
• In some Asian populations with polymorphisms in
ADH that affect enzyme activity, a form of ADH
with reduced activity is associated with an increased
risk of alcoholism.
ADH contd.
• A significant amount of ethanol metabolism by gastric
ADH occurs in the stomach in men, but a smaller amount
occurs in women, who appear to have lower levels of the
gastric enzyme.
• This difference in gastric metabolism of alcohol in women
probably contributes to the sex-related differences in blood
alcohol concentrations.
• During conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde, hydrogen
ion is transferred from alcohol to the cofactor nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to form NADH.
• As a net result, alcohol oxidation generates an excess of
reducing equivalents in the liver, chiefly as NADH.
• The excess NADH production appears to contribute to a
number of metabolic disorders that accompany chronic
Microsomal Ethanol Oxidizing System

• This enzyme system, also known as the mixed

function oxidase system, uses NADPH as a
cofactor in the metabolism of ethanol and
consists primarily of cytochrome P450 2E1,
1A2, and 3A4 .
• At blood concentrations below 100 mg/dL (22
mmol/L), the MEOS system, which has a
relatively high affinity for alcohol, contributes
little to the metabolism of ethanol.
MEOS contd.

• However, when large amounts of ethanol

are consumed, the alcohol dehydrogenase
system becomes saturated owing to
depletion of the required cofactor, NAD+.
• As the concentration of ethanol increases
above 100 mg/dL, there is increased
contribution from the MEOS system, which
does not rely upon NAD+ as a cofactor.
Acetaldehyde metabolism

• Much of the acetaldehyde formed from alcohol

appears to be oxidized in the liver in a reaction
catalyzed by mitochondrial NAD-dependent
aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH).
• The product of this reaction is acetate, which
can be further metabolized to CO2 and water.
• Oxidation of acetaldehyde is inhibited by
disulfiram, a drug that has been used to deter
drinking by alcohol-dependent patients
undergoing treatment.
Acetaldehyde Metabolism contd.

• When ethanol is consumed in the presence

of disulfiram, acetaldehyde accumulates and
causes an unpleasant reaction of facial
flushing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and
• Several other drugs (eg, metronidazole,
cefotetan, trimethoprim) inhibit ALDH and
can cause a disulfiram-like reaction if
combined with ethanol.
• Some people, primarily of Asian descent, have a genetic
deficiency in the activity of the mitochondrial form of
• When these individuals drink alcohol, they develop high
blood acetaldehyde concentrations and experience a
flushing reaction similar to that seen with the combination
of disulfiram and ethanol.
• Although the presence of the form of ALDH with reduced
activity appears to protect against alcoholism, its presence
in alcoholics is associated with increased risk of severe
liver disease, presumably owing to the toxic effects of

Alcohol dehydrogenase


Aldehyde dehydrogenase

Acetic Acid

CO2 + H2O

• Elimination of alcohol from the blood:

• Follows zero-order kinetics
• Ranges from 10-20 mg/100 mL/hour
• Average rate of elimination is 15 mg/100 mL/hour
• Is fixed and unaffected by:
• coffee • exercise • showering
• sleep • eating • fresh air

• There is scientific agreement that fructose

can increase the elimination rate of alcohol

• However – the required intake of fructose is

so high that vomiting and abdominal pains
result from the ingestion
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) and
clinical effects in Nontolerant Individuals

• BAC (mg/dL)1

• Clinical Effect
• 50–100
• Sedation, subjective "high," slower reaction times
• 100–200
• Impaired motor function, slurred speech, ataxia
• 200–300
• Emesis, stupor
• 300–400
• Coma
• > 500
• Respiratory depression, death

Effect of sex: Effect of weight:

• Man weighing 150 lbs • Man weighing 150 lbs

• Woman weighing 150 lbs • Man weighing 200 lbs
• Each consume 2 beer • Each consume 2 beer
• BAC of the man will be • BAC of the lighter man
57 mg/100 mL will be 57 mg/100 mL
• BAC of the woman will • BAC of the heavier man
be 67 mg/100 mL will be 43 mg/100 mL
• In many parts of the USA, a blood level above 80–100
mg/dL for adults or 10 mg/dL for persons under 21 is
sufficient for conviction of driving while "under the
• Like other sedative-hypnotic drugs, alcohol is a central
nervous system depressant. At high blood concentrations, it
induces coma, respiratory depression, and death
• Ethanol affects a large number of membrane proteins that
participate in signaling pathways, including
neurotransmitter receptors for amines, amino acids, and
opioids; enzymes such as Na+/K+ ATPase, adenylyl cyclase,
phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C, and ion
• Much attention has focused on alcohol's effects on
neurotransmission by glutamate and GABA, the main
excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the CNS.
• Acute ethanol exposure enhances the action of GABA
at GABAA receptors, which is consistent with the
ability of GABA-mimetics to intensify many of the
acute effects of alcohol and of GABAA antagonists to
attenuate some of the actions of ethanol.
• Ethanol inhibits the ability of glutamate to open the
cation channel associated with the N-methyl-D-
aspartate (NMDA) subtype of glutamate receptors.
• The NMDA receptor is implicated in many aspects of
cognitive function, including learning and memory.
• "Blackouts"—periods of memory loss that occur with
high levels of alcohol—may result from inhibition of
NMDA receptor activation
Organ-system effects of alcohol

• Significant depression of myocardial contractility has
been observed in individuals who acutely consume
moderate amounts of alcohol, ie, at a blood
concentration above 100 mg/dL.
• Ethanol is a vasodilator, probably as a result of both
central nervous system effects (depression of the
vasomotor center) and direct smooth muscle relaxation
caused by its metabolite, acetaldehyde. In cases of
severe overdose, hypothermia—caused by
vasodilation—may be marked in cold environments.
• Ethanol also relaxes the uterus and—before
the introduction of more effective and safer
uterine relaxants (eg, calcium blockers,
magnesium ion, and 2-adrenoceptor
stimulants)—was used intravenously for the
suppression of premature labor.
• Liver disease is the most common medical
complication of alcohol abuse; an estimated 15–
30% of chronic heavy drinkers eventually develop
severe liver disease.
• Alcoholic fatty liver, a reversible condition, may
progress to alcoholic hepatitis and finally to
cirrhosis and liver failure.
• In the USA, chronic alcohol abuse is the leading
cause of liver cirrhosis and of the need for liver
• The risk of developing liver disease is related
both to the average amount of daily
consumption and to the duration of alcohol
• Women appear to be more susceptible to
alcohol hepatotoxicity than men.
• Concurrent infection with hepatitis B or C
virus increases the risk of severe liver disease.
• Tolerance and Physical Dependence
• The consumption of alcohol in high doses over a
long period results in tolerance and in physical
and psychologic dependence.
• Tolerance to the intoxicating effects of alcohol is
a complex process involving poorly understood
changes in the nervous system as well as the
metabolic changes described earlier.
• As with other sedative-hypnotic drugs, there is a
limit to tolerance, so that only a relatively small
increase in the lethal dose occurs with increasing
alcohol use.
• Chronic alcohol drinkers, when forced to reduce or
discontinue alcohol, experience a withdrawal
syndrome, which indicates the existence of physical
• Alcohol withdrawal symptoms classically consist of
hyperexcitability in mild cases and seizures, toxic
psychosis, and delirium tremens in severe ones.
• The dose, rate, and duration of alcohol consumption
determine the intensity of the withdrawal syndrome.
• When consumption has been very high, merely
reducing the rate of consumption may lead to signs of
• Neurotoxicity
• Consumption of large amounts of alcohol over
extended periods (usually years) often leads to
neurologic deficits.
• The most common neurologic abnormality in chronic
alcoholism is generalized symmetric peripheral nerve
injury, which begins with distal paresthesias of the
hands and feet.
• Chronic alcoholics may also exhibit gait disturbances
and ataxia that are due to degenerative changes in the
central nervous system.
• Other neurologic disturbances associated with
alcoholism include dementia and, rarely, demyelinating
• Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a relatively uncommon
but important entity characterized by paralysis of the
external eye muscles, ataxia, and a confused state that can
progress to coma and death.
• It is associated with thiamin deficiency but is rarely seen in
the absence of alcoholism.
• Because of the importance of thiamine in this pathologic
condition and the absence of toxicity associated with
thiamine administration, all patients suspected of having
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (including virtually all
patients who present to the emergency department with
altered consciousness, seizures, or both) should receive
thiamine therapy.
• Often, the ocular signs, ataxia, and confusion improve
promptly upon administration of thiamine.
• However, most patients are left with a chronic disabling
memory disorder known as Korsakoff's psychosis
• Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure
• Alcohol has complex effects on the cardiovascular system.
• Heavy alcohol consumption of long duration is associated
with a dilated cardiomyopathy with ventricular hypertrophy
and fibrosis.
• In animals and humans, alcohol induces a number of
changes in heart cells that may contribute to
• They include membrane disruption, depressed function of
mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum, intracellular
accumulation of phospholipids and fatty acids, and up-
regulation of voltage-dependent calcium channels.
• Arrhythmias
• Heavy drinking—and especially "binge"
drinking—are associated with both atrial and
ventricular arrhythmias.
• Patients undergoing alcohol withdrawal syndrome
can develop severe arrhythmias that may reflect
abnormalities of potassium or magnesium
metabolism as well as enhanced release of
• Seizures, syncope, and sudden death during
alcohol withdrawal may be due to these
• Hypertension
• A link between heavier alcohol consumption (more
than three drinks per day) and hypertension has been
firmly established in epidemiologic studies.
• Alcohol is estimated to be responsible for
approximately 5% of cases of hypertension, making it
one of the most common causes of reversible
• This association is independent of obesity, salt intake,
coffee drinking, and cigarette smoking.
• A reduction in alcohol intake appears to be effective in
lowering blood pressure in hypertensives who are also
heavy drinkers; the hypertension seen in this population
is also responsive to standard blood pressure
• Alcohol indirectly affects hematopoiesis through
metabolic and nutritional effects and may also directly
inhibit the proliferation of all cellular elements in bone
• The most common hematologic disorder seen in
chronic drinkers is mild anemia resulting from alcohol-
related folic acid deficiency.
• Iron deficiency anemia may result from gastrointestinal
• Alcohol has also been implicated as a cause of several
hemolytic syndromes, some of which are associated
with hyperlipidemia and severe liver disease
• Chronic maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy is
associated with teratogenic effects, and alcohol appears to
be a leading cause of mental retardation and congenital
• The abnormalities that have been characterized as fetal
alcohol syndrome include (1) intrauterine growth
retardation, (2) microcephaly, (3) poor coordination, (4)
underdevelopment of midfacial region (appearing as a
flattened face), and (5) minor joint anomalies.
• More severe cases may include congenital heart defects and
mental retardation.
• While the level of alcohol intake required for causing
serious neurologic deficits appears quite high, the threshold
for causing more subtle neurologic deficits is uncertain.
Stages of Alcohol Intoxication
See also: Table 2, Chapter 10. Levine, 1999. p. 177

10–50 • Slight intoxication

mg/100 mL • May be no observable signs of intoxication
• Laboratory testing may reveal some effects
30-120 • Mild euphoria,  sociability, talkativeness
mg/100 mL • Increased self confidence,  inhibitions
• Sensory perception  (e.g. hearing)
• Loss of fine motor skills
• Slowed information processing
Stages of Alcohol Intoxication

90–250 • Emotional instability (dissatisfaction)

mg/100 mL • Mental confusion
• Memory impairment
• Impaired balance and coordination
• Sedation, drowsiness
180-300 • Disoriented to time and place,  confusion
mg/100 mL • Exaggerated emotional state
• Double-vision
• Motor incoordination worsens, apathy
• Anesthesia
Stages of Alcohol Intoxication

250-400 • Loss of motor function

mg/100 mL • Response to stimuli 
• Stupor, unconsciousness
• Vomiting, incontinence
• Hypothermia
350-500 • Unconsciousness  Coma
mg/100 mL • Depression of reflexes
• Impairment of respiration, circulation
• Death
Alcohol and Death

• Primary mechanism for death due to acute

alcohol intoxication is respiratory depression

• Average BAC at which respiratory paralysis

occurs is 350 mg/100 mL

• Death can occur at much lower BAC where

aspiration of vomit occurs
Positional Asphyxia

• Alcohol intoxication is the major risk factor for

positional asphyxiation. Central nervous system
depression causes relaxation of the muscles that
keep the airway open during sleep

• Average BAC in 23 cases of positional

asphyxiation was reported to be 240 mg/100 mL
(Bell et al. 1992)
Example Case

• Woman, early 20’s

• Sexually assaulted
• Blood alcohol level = 0 mg/100 mL
• Urine alcohol level = 105 mg/100 mL
• Blood alcohol sometime prior to collection
of the urine sample was 80 mg/100 mL
Further history…

• Non-drinker, mentally challenged

• Lived in a group home, no access to alcohol
• Poorly controlled diabetic
• Yeast infection

Sugar + Yeast  Ethanol

The woman had not necessarily been drinking; part
or all of the ethanol detected in the urine may have
been formed after collection of the sample.
Grand Rapids Study
Borkenstein et al. 1974. Blutalkohol. 11: 7-13

• Relative probability of 45
causing an accident 40

Relative Probability
increases exponentially 35

with  BAC 30

• 80 mg/100 mL - 4x 
• 100 mg/100 mL - 7x  5
• 150 mg/100 mL - 25x  0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140160
BAC (mg/100 mL)
Effects of Alcohol on Driving

• At low BAC the faculties required for

driving that are impaired are:

• Judgment
• Ability to divide attention
• Choice reaction time
Effects of Alcohol on Driving

• With increasing BAC, the nature and the

extent of impairment will increase
• Impairment of other faculties, including:

• Tracking
• Vision
Alcohol and Driving

• In addition to the BAC, driving impairment

will also be affected by:

• Skills of the driver

• Driving task
• Tolerance to alcohol
Alcohol and Memory

1. Memory loss may be characterized by

forgotten events, later recoverable, either
when brought to the individual’s attention
or spontaneously

2. Memory loss may be non-recoverable;

characterized by feelings of “lost time”,
also known as an alcoholic blackout
• Chronic consumption at the level of three or more
drinks per day increases the risk of hepatotoxicity due
to toxic or even high therapeutic levels of
• This is probably due to increased P450-mediated
conversion of acetaminophen to reactive hepatotoxic
• In contrast, acute alcohol use may inhibit metabolism
of other drugs.
• This inhibition may be due to decreased enzyme
activity or decreased liver blood flow
• Phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants, and sedative-
hypnotic drugs are the most important drugs that may
interact with alcohol by this pharmacokinetic
Management of acute alcohol intoxication
• Nontolerant individuals who consume alcohol
in large quantities develop typical effects of
acute sedative-hypnotic drug overdose along
with the cardiovascular effects described above
(vasodilation, tachycardia) and gastrointestinal
• Since tolerance is not absolute, even chronic
alcoholics may become severely intoxicated if
sufficient alcohol is consumed.
• The most important goals in the treatment of
acute alcohol intoxication are to prevent severe
respiratory depression and to prevent aspiration of
• Even with very high blood ethanol levels, survival
is probable as long as the respiratory and
cardiovascular systems can be supported.
• The average blood alcohol concentration in fatal
cases is above 400 mg/dL; however, the lethal
dose of alcohol varies because of varying degrees
of tolerance
Management of Alcohol withdrawal
• Abrupt alcohol withdrawal leads to a characteristic
syndrome of motor agitation, anxiety, insomnia, and
reduction of seizure threshold.
• The severity of the syndrome is usually proportionate to
the degree and duration of alcohol abuse.
• However, this can be greatly modified by the use of
other sedatives as well as by associated factors (eg,
diabetes, injury).
• In its mildest form, the alcohol withdrawal syndrome of
tremor, anxiety, and insomnia occurs 6–8 hours after
alcohol consumption is stopped.
• These effects usually abate in 1–2 days. In some patients,
more severe withdrawal reactions occur in which visual
hallucinations, total disorientation, and marked
abnormalities of vital signs occur.
• Alcohol withdrawal is one of the most common causes of
seizures in adults
• The major objective of drug therapy in the alcohol
withdrawal period is prevention of seizures, delirium, and
• Potassium, magnesium, and phosphate balance should be
restored as rapidly as is consistent with renal function.
• Thiamine therapy is initiated in all cases. Persons in mild
alcohol withdrawal do not need any other pharmacologic
• Specific drug treatment for detoxification in
severe cases involves two basic principles:
substituting a long-acting sedative-hypnotic drug
for alcohol and then gradually reducing
("tapering") the dose of the long-acting drug.
• Because of their wide margin of safety,
benzodiazepines are preferred, though
barbiturates such as phenobarbital were used in
the past.
• Since any benzodiazepine will prevent symptoms
of alcohol withdrawal, the choice of a specific
agent in this class is generally based on
pharmacokinetic or economic considerations.
• Long-acting benzodiazepines, including
chlordiazepoxide, clorazepate, and diazepam,
have the advantage of requiring less frequent
• Since their pharmacologically active metabolites
are eliminated slowly, the long-acting drugs
provide a built-in tapering effect.
• A disadvantage of the long-acting drugs is that
they and their pharmacologically active
metabolites may accumulate, especially in
patients with compromised liver function.
• Short-acting drugs such as lorazepam and
oxazepam are rapidly converted to inactive
water-soluble metabolites that will not
accumulate, and for this reason the short-
acting drugs are especially useful in alcoholic
patients with liver disease.
• Benzodiazepines can be administered orally in
mild or moderate cases, or parenterally for
patients with more severe withdrawal
Treatment of Alcoholism

• Three drugs—disulfiram, naltrexone, and acamprosate—have

FDA approval for adjunctive treatment of alcohol dependence.
• Naltrexone
• Naltrexone is an orally active opioid receptor antagonist that
blocks the effects at opioid receptors of exogenous and
endogenous opioids .
• Studies in experimental animals first suggested a link between
alcohol consumption and opioids.
• Injection of small amounts of opioids was followed by an
increase in alcohol drinking, whereas administration of opioid
antagonists inhibited self-administration of alcohol.
Treatment contd.
• Naltrexone, a relatively long-acting oral opioid antagonist, has been
shown in a number of short–term (12-week) placebo-controlled
trials to reduce craving for alcohol and to reduce the rate of relapse
to either drinking or alcohol dependence.
• Naltrexone is taken once a day in a dose of 50 mg for treatment of
• The drug should be used with caution in alcoholic patients with
evidence of mild abnormalities in serum aminotransferase activity.
• The combination of naltrexone plus disulfiram should be avoided
since both drugs are potential hepatotoxins.
• Administration of naltrexone to patients who are physically
dependent on opioids will precipitate an acute withdrawal
syndrome, so patients must be opioid-free before initiating
naltrexone therapy.
• Naltrexone also blocks the therapeutic effects of usual doses of
• Acamprosate
• Like ethanol itself, acamprosate has many molecular
effects including effects on GABA, glutamate,
serotonergic, noradrenergic, and dopaminergic
• Probably its best characterized actions are as a
weak NMDA-receptor antagonist and a GABAA-
receptor activator.
• In clinical trials, acamprosate reduces short-term
and long-term (more than 6 months) relapse rates
when combined with psychotherapy.
• Acamprosate is administered as 1–2 enteric-
coated 333-mg tablets three times per day. It is
poorly absorbed, and food reduces its absorption
even further.
• Acamprosate is widely distributed and is
eliminated renally.
• It does not participate in drug-drug interactions.
The most common adverse effects are
gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and
• It is contraindicated in patients with severe renal
• Disulfiram causes extreme discomfort in patients
who drink alcoholic beverages.
• Disulfiram given by itself to nondrinkers has little
effect; however, flushing, throbbing headache,
nausea, vomiting, sweating, hypotension, and
confusion occur within a few minutes after
drinking alcohol.
• The effect may last 30 minutes in mild cases or
several hours in severe ones.
• Disulfiram acts by inhibiting aldehyde
dehydrogenase. Thus, alcohol is metabolized as
usual, but acetaldehyde accumulates.
• Disulfiram is rapidly and completely absorbed from
the gastrointestinal tract; however, a period of 12 hours
is required for its full action. Its elimination rate is
slow, so that its action may persist for several days after
the last dose.
• The drug inhibits the metabolism of many other
therapeutic agents, including phenytoin, oral
anticoagulants, and isoniazid.
• It should not be administered with medications that
contain alcohol.
• Disulfiram can cause small increases in liver function
tests. Its safety in pregnancy has not been demonstrated
Pharmacology of other alcohols
• Other alcohols related to ethanol have wide applications as
industrial solvents and occasionally cause severe poisoning.
• Of these, methanol and ethylene glycol are two of the most
common causes of intoxication.
• Methanol
• Methanol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol) is widely used in
the industrial production of synthetic organic compounds
and as a constituent of many commercial solvents.
• In the home, methanol is most frequently found in the form
of "canned heat" or in windshield-washing products.
• Poisonings occur from accidental ingestion of methanol-
containing products or when it is used by alcoholics as an
ethanol substitute.
• Methanol can be absorbed through the skin or from the
respiratory or gastrointestinal tract and is then distributed in
body water.
• The primary mechanism of elimination of methanol in
humans is by oxidation to formaldehyde, formic acid, and
• The most characteristic symptom in methanol poisoning is a
visual disturbance, frequently described as "like being in a
• A complaint of blurred vision with a relatively clear
sensorium should strongly suggest the diagnosis of
methanol poisoning.
• Since much of the toxicity is due to metabolites of
methanol, there is often a delay of up to 30 hours before
development of visual disturbances and other signs of
severe intoxication.
• The first treatment for methanol poisoning, as in all
critical poisoning situations, is support of
• There are three specific modalities of treatment for
severe methanol poisoning:
• suppression of metabolism by alcohol
dehydrogenase to toxic products,
• hemodialysis to enhance removal of methanol and
its toxic products,
• and alkalinization to counteract metabolic acidosis
Ethylene Glycol

• Polyhydric alcohols such as ethylene glycol

(CH2OHCH2OH) are used as heat exchangers, in
antifreeze formulations, and as industrial solvents.
• Young children and animals are sometimes attracted
by the sweet taste of ethylene glycol and, rarely, it is
ingested intentionally as an ethanol substitute or in
attempted suicide.
• While ethylene glycol itself is relatively harmless
and eliminated by the kidney, it is metabolized to
toxic aldehydes and oxalate.
• Three stages of ethylene glycol overdose occur.
Within the first few hours after ingestion, there is
transient excitation followed by central nervous
system depression.
• After a delay of 4–12 hours, severe metabolic
acidosis develops from accumulation of acid
metabolites and lactate.
• Finally, delayed renal insufficiency follows
deposition of oxalate in renal tubules.
• The key to the diagnosis of ethylene glycol
poisoning is recognition of anion gap acidosis,
osmolar gap, and oxalate crystals in the urine in a
patient without visual symptoms.
• As with methanol poisoning, early ethanol infusion
and hemodialysis are standard treatments for
ethylene glycol poisoning.
• Fomepizole, an inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase,
has FDA approval for treatment of ethylene glycol
poisoning in adults based on its ability to decrease
concentrations of toxic metabolites in blood and
urine and to prevent renal injury.
• Intravenous treatment with fomepizole is initiated
immediately and continued until the patient's serum
ethylene glycol concentration drops below a toxic
threshold (20 mg/dL).
• Adverse effects associated with fomepizole
are not severe.
• Headache, nausea, and dizziness are most
frequently reported, and a few patients
experience minor allergic reactions.
• Fomepizole is classified as an orphan drug
because ethylene glycol poisoning is
relatively uncommon.
• Thanks for your attention

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