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Pre – Mid Semester

-Take a piece of paper

- Write your Name and Student
Number on the Top Right side of the
- Close book test
Choose the best answer!
1.Tika : “……………. ?”
Bertha : “I am from Japan”
a. Where do you come from b. How do you come from
c. Where are you from d. What do you come from
2. Donal: “What do you do in your spare time?”
Desi : …………….
a. I like traveling and singing b. I am student
c. I am Desi d. I am fine
3. Sinta: “How do you do?”
Ana :……………..

a. Nice to meet you c. I am fine

b. How do you do d. I am sorry
4. My father’s mother is my ……….
a. aunty c. grandma
b. sister d. wife
5. My uncle’s wife is my ……………
a. aunty c. grandma
b. sister d. wife
6. My father’s son is my …………….
a. uncle c. grandfather
b. brother d. husband
7.My brother’s son is my….
a. Cousin c. Nephew
b. Niece d. Uncle

8. My brother’s wife is my mother………

a. Daughter c. Step daughter
b. Daughter in law d. Niece
9. They….short curly hair
a. Has c. Have
b. Is d.Are
10. Dinda….. A beautiful girl
a. Has c. Have
b. Is d. Are
11. We………..twenty years old
a. Has c. Have
b. Is d. Are
12. He….tall body
a. Has c. Have
b. Is d. Are

13. Tony : May I speak to rio,please?

A woman:……….
a. He is a men c. No,they can’t
b.Sorry,he is out d. He is Rio
14. Dimas : May I leave a message?
Dian :…………..
a. Yes, please c. No, thank you
b. He didn’t here d. Thank you
15.I… hospital last night
a.go c. gone
b. went d. have gone
16. She ……in the bank for four
a. work c. worked
b. have worked d. has worked
17. They….follow the testing
a. Might c. do
b. May d. Did
18. I…..a book two days a go
a. will c. buy
b. do d. bought
19. I ……student last year
a. do c. were
b. was d. does
20. We…. Our teacher yesterday
a. Helped c. was
b. Help d. were
21. X: “…….?”
Y: “I think Cinta laura is really a good actress”.
a. What do you think of Cinta laura
b. How old is Cinta laura
c. Is he Cinta laura
d. What does do Cinta laura

22. I really wish to be a famous system analyst.

The underlined word means ….
a. well manner c. welfare
b. well done d. well-known
23. How old are you…..
a. I am single c. I am student
b. I am twenty years old d. I am the only son

24. How many brother or sister do you have

a. I am single c. I am student
b. I am twenty years old d. I am the only son

25. Do you like playing football?

a. No, he doesn’t like c. yes, he likes
b. yes, I like it d. She doesn’t know

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