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Sympatric Speciation

By Wesley Fink, Cooper Hochman, Nico Hadiaris, and Jake Hobson

What it is.

Sympatric Speciation is when with in the same geographical location

reproductive isolation evolves without a geographic barrier. This leads to a new
species that is completely different from its ancestor.
Graphic Representation
How it creates speciation

-Sympatric Speciation creates speciation when there are

multiple species in the same habitat that become
reproductively isolated from one another. This causes
them to create a whole new species.
A Real World Examples

● Typical in plants
○ Plants develop separate from parents
○ Occupy same environment as parents
○ Can’t reproduce
More Real World Examples

● Apple Maggots
○ Seperated from Hawthorn flies in 1800s
○ Developed to feed on apples
■ Hawthorn flies still feed on hawthorn
○ Both still occupy North America
○ Step towards a new species

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