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• Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. When any object vibrates, it

causes movement in the air particles. These particles bump into the particles
close to them, which makes them vibrate too, causing them to bump into
more air particles. This movement, called sound waves, keeps going until they
run out of energy. If your ear is within range of the vibrations, you hear the
• Sound waves travel away from the source of interruption like wave ripples in
the water

This is not what sound waves look like

traveling through space. This is a graph of
a sound wave. Sound waves do not travel
in a straight line. They radiate in all
directions at once.
The graph of a sound wave is meant to show you how the air molecules are being
The x-axis represents the original position of the air molecule before it was
interrupted by the wave.
The arc above the line shows how many air molecules are brought together at a
certain point in time.
The arc below the line shows how many air molecules are pushed apart at a certain
point in time.
Toner och buller
Höga och låga toner
• Stämgaffel har frekvensen 440hz-ton A
• Vilken ton?
-strängens läng ,strängens tjocklek,hur hårt spänd
• Diskanttoner-hög ton- tunn,kort,hårt spänd sträng

• Bastoner-låg ton- lång,tjock,löst spänd sträng(tihgt)

Starka-strong och svaga-weak toner

Ljudstrykan beroende på hur hårt du slår på pianotangent
Stark ton-slår du hårt

Svag ton-slår du löst

(loudness –power in volume of the sound depend how hard we press pianokey)
But frequency will be the same in both cases.
Övertoner och oktaver- Harmonics and octaves
• Övertoner ger tillsammans med
respektive grundtone varje instrument
specilell klang

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