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Integrated Curriculum

as an Effective Way to Teach

21 Century Capabilities

發展21世紀能力在教育課程的重要性已在國際上逐漸形成一個共識. 然而, 教育工作者

對於 “能力”的定義以及如何教學且評量 “能力” 並不是那麽清楚. 這篇論文提供了統整

課程作為一個有效解決要發展21世紀能力所遇到挑戰的方式. 我們提出一個整體的課程

架構 – 知識-技能-態度. 接著, 我們也清楚地解釋在不同範圍中所描述的“能力” . 然後 我

們提供了具有創意和一致性計畫過程的逆向式課程設計. 接著統整課程的模式會以統整

的效果做探究. 最後, 我們會展現如何將能力以及統整課程結合在一起以創造一個豐富

的學習情境. 這份論文會以透過統整課程促進強調21世紀能力的建議作為結論

1. The KDB Framework

2. Capabilities / Competencies
3. What is Curriculum Integration?
4. How Effective is Integrated Curriculum?
5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
7. Conclusion

1. The KDB Framework (what is important for students)

(1) Traditionally: the Know of the curriculum
21st Century: Know & Do & Be
A. the Know: conceptual thinking & interdisciplinary
(sustainability, change, cause and consequences,
interdependence, and systems.)
B. the Do: complex interdisciplinary capabilities
(communication, collaboration, critical thinking,
information management, and creativity)
(Literacy and numeracy remain the basic
foundation, but research and inquiry are also

1. The KDB Framework

C. the Be: mental health, personal growth,
socio-emotional learning, and values and
Character education is a hallmark of the Be.
across the curriculum in all subjects and grade
three main goals:
lifelong learning, creating
maintaining healthy relationships
developing the values to successfully
participate in society

1. The KDB Framework

(2) The Know, Do, and Be are interconnected and
(3) the capability of citizenship:
concept of good citizenship (Know)
then act in ways that demonstrate citizenship (Do),
they become good citizens (Be)
2. Capabilities / Competencies
(1) The point of becoming proficient in the capabilities or
competences is to become a fulfilled and successful member
of 21st Century society.
(2) frameworks for 21st Century competencies
Ontario, Canada describes competencies as the six Cs:
communication, character, critical thinking, creativity,
citizenship, collaboration.
(3) technology moderated how the capabilities are taught in
(4) a reciprocal relationship among competencies: directly
taught one competency, the other competencies also
2. Capabilities / Competencies
(5) teaching competencies using Measuring What Matters model:
specific criteria that are observable, concrete, teachable, and learnable
example: creativity  Ss work with objects and ideas without an end goal in mind
or students generate a range of novel ideas in relation
to personal knowledge and learning context”.
(6) The specificity helped Ts identify interconnected nature of learning areas
(creativity & social emotional learning)
 directly taught one competency, the other also improved
(7) uncertain as to the degree of interconnectedness,
or the specific relationships between areas like creativity
and social emotional learning.

3. What is Curriculum Integration?

(1) 6Cs transcend the disciplines.
Curriculum integration offers an effective way to teach these
21st Century capabilities and maintain, and boost academic

(2) Fusion & multidisciplinary

3. What is Curriculum Integration?

*In Ontario, educators are required to infuse character education, financial literacy,
critical literacy and environmental awareness into mandated subject-based
curriculum K to 12.
*A multidisciplinary curriculum features a similar theme or a common capability in
different subject areas, but each subject is still distinct and separate.
3. What is Curriculum Integration?

*An interdisciplinary curriculum occurs when skills such as inquiry

or communication are taught across subject areas and the subjects
are less distinct.
*A transdisciplinary curriculum transcends the disciplines and the
organizing center revolves around a pressing question, issue or
problem. Subjects lose their boundaries when they are holistically blended around
the question
3. What is Curriculum Integration?

*A transdisciplinary curriculum an be a focused attention on developing relevant

For example, students could explore controversial aspects of citizenship as
represented by art in public spaces. How does public art reflect civic values, and are
those values relevant today? Which socio-economic, ethnic and political groups are
represented and who is missing? Is graffiti vandalism or public art?

4. How Effective is Integrated Curriculum?

(1) Integrated curriculum is effective for academic learning.
Students experiencing integrated approaches do as well as,
or better than, students in traditional classrooms in
academic success
(2) Integrated curriculum can lead to deeper learning.
“Deep learning” means the shift from surface learning and
covering content to understanding a topic in depth with the
student taking the lead in his or her learning

4. How Effective is Integrated Curriculum?

(3) Interdisciplinary approaches can lead to increased student
engagement and motivation, less absenteeism, and better
attitudes toward school.
(4) positive experiences in the affective domain – growing more
self-confident and self-aware, forming positive relationships,
and recognizing their place in their communities
(5) The benefits of integration can be seen internationally;
the countries that top the PISA scales all have policy
provisions for integration

4. How Effective is Integrated Curriculum?

(6) The exploration of the STEAM program is an effective way
to implement Science, Technology, Mathematics,
Engineering, and the Arts.
(7) The “free semester system” in middle school schedules
blocks of afternoon time for one semester so that
students can participate in open-ended pursuits such as
club activities and career education.

5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum

(1) Backward design
(2) Unifying Frameworks
(3) Rich performance assessment task
(4) Daily activities

5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum

(1) Backward design
A. Step 1 is to ask what is most important for students to
Know, Do and Be.
Step 2 is to determine the summative assessment
(performance assessment task rather than a test or
exam) which will determine whether a student has
accomplished the KDB.
Step 3 is to create the daily instructional activities and
formative assessments that scaffold the summative
performance task.

5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum

(1) Backward design
B. give students as much voice and choice as possible
C. Alison Boehme (2017) created a “Student-led curriculum
inquiry” model in which Grades 4 and 5 students
investigate the Ontario curriculum.
a. Ss collaboratively chart what they find when
exploring curriculum documents, Growing Success
(assessment guide) and the 21st Century competency
b. Ss determine a topic of their choice and pull standards
together to develop an integrated project.

5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum

(1) Backward design
d. Ss focus on developing competencies using the
Measuring What Matters model
c. Many of the projects tend to be STEM-related
e. Alison has to research most of the topics just to keep
up with the students.
f. Alison develops creativity by using low-floor high-
tasks in problem solving that required students to think
flexibly and fluidly in terms of the application of their
knowledge and understanding.

5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum

(2) Unifying Frameworks
A. Examples of unifying frameworks are the following:
a. Singapore’s The Framework for 21st Century
Competencies and Student Outcomes
b. USA’s Partnership for 21st Century Skills
c. Hong Kong’s education framework
B. an umbrella as a graphic to show that certain
knowledge (Know), skills (Do), and
attitudes/values/behaviors (Be) act as an umbrella
over the entire curriculum

5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum

(2) Unifying Frameworks

5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum

(3) Rich performance assessment task
A. rich and complex, inquiry-based, and set in the real
B. offer student choice and invite an authentic public
C. marking rubric need to be created and shared with
students / Students need to know from the beginning
of a unit what they will be assessed on and how this
assessment will be done.

5. Designing an Integrated Curriculum

(4) Daily activities
the designer needs to constantly align the activities and
assessments with the KDB that was established in step 1.
These activities act as a scaffold for the rich performance
assessment task that was created in step 2.
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(1) Inquiry
A. Inquiry and curriculum integration go together
B. facilitate creativity and curiosity, because students
are encouraged to pursue their own interests.
C. foster critical thinking when an inquiry is set in the
complicated real world.
D. involve collaboration because often the work
I involves research, experimentation and problem-
solving with others.
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(1) Inquiry
E. across subjects / rich, challenging questions do
encompass more than one subject area
meaningful inquiries focus on real world situations so they
are usually interdisciplinary.
F. standards-based curriculum: the questions emerge from
the concepts that are found in the Know of the KDB.
G. inquiry arises from a student’s questions
H. A favorite strategy is to create a “wonder wall”
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(1) Inquiry
I. Over the grade levels, the concept of wonderings
deepens. Questions become more complex
J. project-based learning.
wicked problems where there are no clear-cut answers and
there are innumerable causes that demand acknowledgement
and inquiry in many different subject areas
& Critical thinking is key in this type of inquiry
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(1) Inquiry
J. project-based learning
Five principles for high quality project-based work
a. establishing real-world connections in projects
b. building rigorous projects that are core to learning
c. structuring collaboration for student success
d. facilitating learning in a student-driven environment
e. embedding assessment throughout the project
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(2) Design Thinking and Maker Spaces
A. an inquiry process revolving around making things from
digital apps to eco-friendly clothes in a “maker space”
B. application of technology along with low-tech tools.
Tools include a 3-D printer, Lego, Minecraft and sewing
C. Students follow a defined procedure which allows for
creativity coupled with structure for accountability.

6. Teaching in the 21st Century

(3) Technology
A. it is ICT as a core competency that is propelling
general capabilities into prominence
B. Digital literacy includes the Be where students need
to learn to be a digital citizen
C. enhance learning, increase engagement and improve
academic achievement
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(3) Technology
D. communicate and collaborate through programs such as
Googledocs, Voicethread, interactive games, interactive
maps, and graphing tools
E. Students can join an organization that has already
established global connections and collaborative inquiries
F. non-profit iEarn: over 100 ongoing projects in subject
areas or are interdisciplinary.
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(4) Focusing on the Be
A. Character education is a fundamental capability
B. Korea: thinks creatively, takes up new challenges,
participates in community development, and
considers others.
C. Singapore: Do good and be good
D. learning that includes self-awareness, self-management,
social awareness, relationship skills with others and
responsible decision-making
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(4) Focusing on the Be
E. Metacognition and self-direction are also qualities
associated with school success.
Metacognition is the ability to think about one’s thinking.
Metacognitive strategies can be taught specifically
F. Recently qualities such as intellectual curiosity, grit, and
wellbeing are receiving increased attention
G. Growth mindset rests on the premise of brain plasticity
rather than fixed abilities
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(4) Focusing on the Be
H. International Baccalaureate (IB) schools:
be internationally-minded, active, responsible citizens
Learner Profile describes students as open-minded,
reflective, principled, caring, balanced, communicator,
risk-taker, inquirers, knowledgeable, and thinkers.
6. Teaching in the 21st Century
(5) Assessment
A. efficient
B. In Ontario, the 21st Century competencies will
replace the learning skills
C. challenge when a grade is required
operational definitions of the capabilities and
accompanying rubrics that identify criteria and
levels of performance
D. Students can and should become participants in the
assessment process
6. Conclusion
Capabilities are acknowledged as necessary for successful
21st Century living and should be a central focus of
The implementation of teaching the capabilities for 21st
Century learning and teaching:
(1) beginning with operational definitions of the
critical and creative thinking could include the following categories
based on the definition:
A. Inquiry- identifying, exploring and organizing information
B. Generating ideas - possibilities and actions
C. Analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating reasoning and
D. Reflecting on thinking and processes
6. Conclusion
(2) begin with a unifying.
This process recognizes the KDB and insures that the
competencies are at the forefront.
(3) consider using an integrated approach to curriculum
teaching integrated skills with an integrated curriculum
is effective pedagogy.
(4) more direct teaching about competencies in teacher
preparation programs and more ongoing professional
development for practicing educators

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