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The adverb has four suffixes to set it apart from

other form classes – the derivational suffixes – ly,-

wise, -ward, and –s – and the free form like.
One function of adverbs is to intensify the meaning of the
word it is modifying. It does this by putting more or less
emphasis on the word, amplifying the meaning of the word,
or toning down the feeling of the word.
Here are some sentences with the emphasizing adverb
I really don’t care.
He literally wrecked his car.
I am certain of the facts, for sure.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectiv
es, or other adverbs. Modify
means to add to or change the
meaning of a word.
Many adverbs end in “-ly”. If you are not sure of the
part of speech a word would be, and it ends with “-ly”,
it is probably an adverb.

Examples include:



Un adverbio, es un adjetivo con el sufijo derivativo /-mente/.

Los adverbios pueden modificar a los adjetivos.

Son palabras que complementan a los verbos, a los adjetivos o incluso otros
adverbios. Se utilizan para expresar lugar, cantidad, tiempo, modo, duda,
afirmación, etc.


Compré mucha ropa (“mucha” es adverbio de cantidad).

Esta invariabilidad permite distinguir la presencia de un adverbio de la de un
adjetivo: si se dice ‘Leyó bastante de literatura francesa’, el término “bastante”
funciona como adverbio de cantidad, mientras que si
se dice ‘Leyó bastantes libros de literatura francesa’, esta palabra funciona
como adjetivo, y acompaña en número al sustantivo (en este caso, “libros”).


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