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Radial Angiography: Frequently Asked

 The term ‘Angiography’ embodies a feeling of apprehension
and fear. Most people will avoid an angiography not because
of the possible diagnosis but also because of the complicated
surgical procedure it entails. However, medical advancement in
the field of Interventional Cardiology has helped developed
an easier, less complicated and faster procedure to make
angiographies less stressful.
BMB Performs Complicated Surgery to
Repair Tear in Aorta
 A 42-year-old patient came to Doctor Manoj Daga, Cardio
Thoracic Surgeon at BM Birla Heart Research Centre, with a
tear in the inner layer of the aorta. Medically this is termed as
an aortic dissection but for a non-professional it meant that the
patient was bleeding into the false layer of the blood vessel
with a risk of rupture at any minute.
Taking Care of the Heart: Simplified

 Just handling your blood sugar levels is not enough when managing
diabetes. According to research, India houses 65.1 million diabetics, second
only to China. Diabetic complications go beyond blood sugar and therefore
risk factors culminating from diabetes increases manifold. The good news is
that with correct treatment, aided by a healthy and responsible lifestyle,
these complications can be prevented or delayed. Moreover it is far less of
a burden on the wallet to manage diabetes early than to treat its
complications like cardiovascular diseases.
Transposition of the Great Arteries: A complicated &
critical procedure aimed at curing a congenital problem

 In a complicated and critical procedure to cure a congenital

problem in a 6-day old child, Dr Manoj Daga at the BM Birla
Heart Research Centre (BMB) and his team gave a baby a
new chance at life. The procedure known as Transposition of
the Great Arteries (TGA) or more commonly Arterial Switch,
was recently performed successfully at the Paediatric
Cardiology Department of BMB.
Mother and Child safe after Aortic
Valve Replacement Surgery
 Doctors at BM Birla Heart Research Centre performed an Aortic Valve Replacement
Surgery on a pregnant woman, a surgery performed in extremely rare cases only.
Faced with a very complicated situation, the doctors, led by Dr Lalit Kapoor,
Cardiothoracic Surgeon at BM Birla Heart Research Centre successfully completed
the surgery saving both the mother and the child.
 The patient, Mrs Soni Rai (name changed on ground of anonymity), came to
BMBHRC in her second trimester in desperate need of a cardiac surgery. The
patient complained of breathlessness and frequent blackouts. On diagnosis, the
doctors realised that she required an Aortic Valve Replacement to save her and her
Contact and Location
BM Birla Heart Research Centre,
1/1, National Library Avenue,
Alipore, Kolkata-700027
West Bengal.
Phone Number : +91 33 30403040
Fax : +91 33 2456 7880
E-mail :

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