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Overall Project Design

Using operations with positive and negative numbers

Being able to successfully utilize basic math operations with positive and negative Design choices:
numbers is key for general everyday use. Whether its shopping, balancing a Color scheme (include examples or hex numbers):
checkbook, or planning a road trip, being able to add/subtract/multiply/ and divide
positive and negative numbers is a must. This training is to operate as an online Cornflower blue :6495ed (BANNERS)
course for students as a support for struggling students. Additionally, for gifted
students it can be used as an acceleration format, as they could supplement this for
the generic teaching as all standards will be met.

Font styles, sizes, colors (include font style name, size, and color for each element):
Title: Perpetua Titling MT BOLD 36
Text: Perpetua Titling MT Light 24

Describe the navigation of this module and any navigation elements that are required (ie. button shape, link color, button placement, etc.)

Navigation will be done by arrow buttons that students can click to move forward and backwards

Additional Developer Notes:

Content Slide #1
Number Lines
Proposed image or graphic for this slide

Watch the following video and

proceed to the next page
Will be embedded later

Welcome to your course on positive and negative integers, let’s start with some basics on determining their differences.
Watch the video and after you’re done, click on the arrows to move on to the next page.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward as well as the video to watch it.
Assessment (Quiz) Slide #2
Number Line Quiz
Locate the following numbers on the number line. <Question text goes here>

B. 3
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

This will establish a baseline of determining whether or not students understand the differences between positive and negative numbers.
For questions that students get incorrect, they will be prompted to try again. If they fail again, feedback to walk them through the problem will appear.
Learning Objective 1:Using the notes students will be able to apply their understanding of the number line by locating positive and negative integers with 100% accuracy.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Content Slide #3
Proposed image or graphic for this slide

Video to be embedded later

Going off the basis that you know how to add, we are going to dive right in to negative numbers. Watch the video and then click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Content Slide #5
Adding continued
Let’s see an example Proposed image or graphic for this slide
To be embedded later

Now let’s see adding negative numbers in action. Once the video is over click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Assessment (Quiz) Slide #4
Adding quiz
Answer the following questions: <Question text goes here>

1. 𝟒 + 𝟑 =

2. −𝟓 + 𝟔 =

3. −𝟖 + −𝟐 =

For questions that students get incorrect, they will be prompted to try again. If they fail again, feedback to walk them through the problem will appear.

Open response
Content Slide #6
Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Subtraction OF

Video to be embedded later

Now that we’ve covered addition, let’s get started on subtraction. After watching the video, click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Content Slide #7
Subtracting continued
Let’s look a little deeper Proposed image or graphic for this slide
To be embedded later

Now let’s look at the comparison of adding and subtracting negative numbers. Once the video is over click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Assessment (Quiz) Slide #8
Subtracting Quiz
Answer the following questions: <Question text goes here>

1. 𝟖 − 𝟑 =

2. −𝟔 − 𝟏 =

3. −𝟑 − −𝟕 =

Once students have finished answering the questions accurately, they can click on the arrows to move.
For questions that students get incorrect, they will be prompted to try again. If they fail again, feedback to walk them through the problem will appear.
Learning Objective 2: Students will be able to analyze the similarities and differences between addition and subtraction within a group setting for 4 out of 5 problems.

Open response
Content Slide #9
Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Multiplication OF

Video to be embedded later

Let’s get into some of the harder stuff. How about multiplication? After watching the video, click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Content Slide #10
Multiplication continued
But why does multiplying negatvies Proposed image or graphic for this slide

make a positive?
To be embedded later

Let’s make sure we understand what happens when we multiply two negatives. Once the video is over click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Content Slide #11
Let’s examine division Proposed image or graphic for this slide
To be embedded later

How about we take a quick look at division. Once the video is over click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Assessment (Quiz) Slide #12
Multiplication and division Quiz
Answer the following questions: <Question text goes here>

1. 𝟒 × 𝟑 =

2. −𝟓 × 𝟔 =

3. −𝟖 × −𝟐 =

4. 𝟏𝟐 ÷ −𝟒 =

5. −𝟐𝟒 ÷ −𝟖 =

Once students have finished answering the questions accurately, they can click on the arrows to move.
For questions that students get incorrect, they will be prompted to try again. If they fail again, feedback to walk them through the problem will appear.
Learning Objective 3: Students will be able to analyze the similarities and differences between multiplication and division with their small groups for 4 out of 5 problems.

Open response
Content Slide #13
Order of Operations
Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Order OF Operations

Video to be embedded later

Let’s put it all together, with order of operations or PEMDAS. After watching the video, click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Content Slide #14
Multiplication continued
Parentheses Proposed image or graphic for this slide

Addition To be embedded later

Let’s watch an example of PEMDAS in action.. Once the video is over click on the arrows to move on.

Learners can click on the arrows to move forward onto the next slide.
Assessment (Quiz) Slide #15
Order of Operations
Answer the following questions: <Question text goes here>

1. 𝟒 × (−𝟐) + 𝟑 =

2. −𝟓(−𝟏) + 𝟔 ÷ 𝟑 =

3. −𝟖 × (−𝟒) ÷ (−𝟏) + −𝟐 × 𝟎 =

Once students have finished answering the questions accurately, they can click on the arrows to move.
The open ended assessment will be used to grade student proficiency. In an in class activity students will be required to take the Order of Operation problems later and write a word problem.
Learning Objective: Using their notes students will be able to apply their knowledge of arithmetic functions to utilize order of operations 80% of the time.
Learning Objective: Students will be able to write a number story using at least three different operations with their small groups.

Open ended and in class activity.

Content Slide #16
Proposed image or graphic for this slide

You have finished the course on
negative numbers

Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.

Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

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