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The Death of Moses

and Intro of Joshua
Hebrew Name: Debarim “These are the Words”

Structure and Outline:

Preamble Chapter 1:1–5
Lessons from Israel’s History Chapters 1:6– 4:43
Lessons from the Law of God Chapters 4:44–26:19
Renewal of the Covenant Chapters 27–30
Succession of Leadership Chapter 31-34
Hebrew Name: Debarim “These are the Words”
• What is Deuteronomy?
The Hebrew name, “These Are the Words,” comes from the first phrase in
the book. The English name, Deuteronomy, comes from the
Septuagint. The word deuteronium, which means “second law,” is
actually a mistranslation of the phrase “copy of this law” appearing in
Deuteronomy 17:18. The book is not another law, but rather a second
proclamation of the original law.

• Who Wrote Deuteronomy?

Deuteronomy 31:9, 24 state that Moses wrote these words. Moreover,
numerous other OT passages indicate Moses as the author (Joshua
23:6; 1 Kings 2:3; Malachi 4:4). The book of Deuteronomy was
composed near the end of the wilderness wanderings, which will put
the date either around 1406 B.C. or 1220 B.C. depending on the
preferred date ascribed to the exodus from Egypt.
Hebrew Name: Debarim “These are the Words”

• Why Was Deuteronomy Written?

Deuteronomy is either one long sermon with three parts or three
separate sermons. As the Israelites are camped on the east side of
the Jordan River, they are preparing to enter the Promised Land.
Moses proclaims and reaffirms the covenant established by God,
urging the people to keep the laws given to them 40 years earlier
at Mount Sinai. He recounts God’s faithful deeds as well as the
people’s numerous times of rebellion to serve as motivation to
walk in obedience. Moses emphasizes the need for covenant
faithfulness as Israel embarks on their new journey. The book
ends with an account of the death of Moses and the succession of
Joshua as Israel’s new leader.
Deuteronomy: Key Themes
• Obedience
Deuteronomy 4:1—2 Obey God fully on His terms.
Deuteronomy 11:1—32 Obey all God’s statutes.
Deuteronomy 30:11—20 Choose life or death.
• Relationship
Deuteronomy 7:9 God is faithful to His covenant
Deuteronomy 29:12—15 The Lord is God of Israel.
• Grace
Deuteronomy 7:7—8 God’s love motivates Him.
Deuteronomy 9:1—6 God’s favor is not earned.
Deuteronomy 30:1—3 God allows for repentance.
• Discipleship
Deuteronomy 3:28 Moses trained Joshua to lead.
Deuteronomy 6:4—9 Parents train their children.
Salvation History
• Salvation History refers the detailed review of specific
events in the past recounting the ways in which
Yahweh had rescued/ provided for Israel so as to
honor His covenant with Abraham.

• It Has Three Purposes

– To remind Israel of their past relationship with Yahweh
– To encourage Israel to presently obey the Law of God
– To influence the world for God
The Shemah: Deut 6:4-9
Orthodox Jews Recite this Prayer 5X Daily

• Vs. 4 Statement of Monotheism and Priority

• Vs. 5 All-consuming love for Yahweh
– Heart represents the center for willful choice
– Soul represents the essence of life
– Strength represents everything else left over

• Vs. 6-9 Submissive Love/ Teach Children How to Live

Holy War: Deuteronomy 7
God tells Israel to completely and utterly
destroy the other nations.
Why did God command this?

• If any of the nations remained, they would lead Israel

astray. (7:3-4)

• These people were exceedingly wicked. (Gen. 15:16)

The Prophet Greater Than Moses
Deuteronomy 18:15-19

• Moses speaks of a future prophet to come

– This prophet will be sent by God.
– This prophet will be like unto Moses.
– This prophet will speak the TRUE words of God
– Those who do not listen to this prophet will be punished
by God.
• This passage, among others in the OT, lead the
Jewish people to await the coming Messiah
(annointed one).
Deuteronomic Formula:
Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Obey God and Be Blessed

Disobey God and Be Cursed

**The hyper form of this causes problems.

Moses’ Death
and Joshua’s Commissioning
Moses was told by the LORD at Meribah that he would
not enter the promised land.

• Moses commissions Joshua publicly as the next

• Moses blesses each of the 12 tribes.
• Moses climbs the mountain and God shows him the
entirety of the land. Then Moses dies.
• Joshua is filled with the Spirit of God, and assumes
the role as leader of Israel.

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