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Constitutional Remedy

Under the Indian Constitution,

Supreme Court and High Court are
empowered to issue writs, for the
enforcement of fundamental rights.
Article 32 - Supreme Court
Article 226 – High Court
Article 32 - Constitution of India

It grants an extensive original

jurisdiction to the Supreme Court in
regard to enforcement of Fundamental
Article 226 - Constitution of India

It can be exercised not only for the

enforcement of fundamental right but
for any other purpose.
Jurisdiction is wide and extends to
Fundamental rights and other
constitutional rights.
Types of Writ
Habeas corpus
Writ of Habeas corpus
 Habeas Corpus means, “you may have the
 A person, when arrested, can move the
Court for the issue of Habeas Corpus. It is
an order by a Court to the detaining
authority to produce the arrested person
before it so that it may examine whether the
person has been detained lawfully or
otherwise. If the Court is convinced that the
person is illegally detained, it can issue
orders for his release.
Who can apply?
General rule is that an application can
be made by a person who is illegally
detained. But in certain cases, an
application of habeas corpus can be
made by any person on behalf of the
prisoner, i.e., a friend or a relation.
Sunil Batra Vs. Delhi Administration
and Ors. etc
The Supreme Court enlarged the
scope of habeas corpus, making
available the fundamental rights of the
Writ of Mandamus
 Mandamus is a Latin word, which means
"We Command".
 Mandamus is an order from a superior court
to a lower court or tribunal or public
authority to perform an act, which falls
within its duty.
 Simply, it is a writ issued to a public official
to do a thing which is a part of his official
duty, but, which, he has failed to do, so far.
This writ cannot be claimed as a matter of
right. It is the discretionary power of a court
to issue such writs.
Barada Kanta VS. State of West
In this case, writ of mandamus does
not lie against a private individual or
any private organisation because they
are not entrusted with a public duty.
Writ of Prohibition
 Writ of prohibition means to forbid or to stop
and it is popularly known as 'Stay Order'.
 This writ is issued when a lower court or a
body tries to transgress the limits or powers
vested in it.
 It is a writ issued by a superior court to
lower court or a tribunal forbidding it to
perform an act outside its jurisdiction. After
the issue of this writ, proceedings in the
lower court etc. come to a stop.
Case Study
S. Govinda Menon VS. Union of India

The writ is issued in both cases where

there is excess of jurisdiction and
where there is absence of jurisdiction.
Writ of Certiorari
Literally, Certiorari means to be
The writ of certiorari is issued by the
Supreme Court to some inferior court
or tribunal to transfer the matter to it or
to some other superior authority for
proper consideration.
Case Study
Hari Vishnu VS. Ahmad Ishaque

The writ is issued for correcting an

error of law apparent on the face of
records. It cannot be issued to correct
an error of fact.
Case Study
Madan Gopal VS. Union of India
Apply both Prohibition and Certiorari -
Prohibition to prevent the court to
proceed further with the case and
Certiorari for quashing what had
already been decided.
Writ of Quo-Warranto
 The word Quo-Warranto literally means “on
what authority one is holding the public
 It is a writ issued with a view to restraining a
person from acting in a public office to
which he is not entitled.
 For example, a person of 62 years has
been appointed to fill a public office
whereas the retirement age is 60 years.
Now, the appropriate High Court has a right
to issue a writ of quo-warranto against the
person and declare the office vacant.
For example, a person of 62 years
has been appointed to fill a public
office whereas the retirement age is
60 years. Now, the appropriate High
Court has a right to issue a Writ of
quo-warranto against the person and
declare the office vacant.
Case Study
Baij VS. State of U.P.,
Where the holder of an office has
been continuing in office for a long
time and there is no complaint against
him the court refused the writ as it
would have been vexatious
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