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 Pelajar Amerika memasuki sekolah primer dan sekunder dalam

waktu 12 tahun. Tahun-tahun ini disebut sebagai grade (kelas) 1
sampai 12. Sekitar umur 6 tahun, anak-anak A.S. memulai
sekolah primer, yang disebut sebagai "elementary
school (sekolah dasar)." Mereka memasuki sekolah dasar selama
lima atau enam tahun dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan
sekolah sekunder.
 Sekolah sekunder terdiri dari dua program: program pertama
adalah "middle school (sekolah menengah)" atau "junior high
school (sekolah menengah pertama)" dan program kedua adalah
"high school (sekolah menengah atas)." Pelajar mendapatkan
diploma atau sertifikat setelah lulus dari high school. Setelah
lulus high school (grade 12), pelajar A.S. dapat melanjutkan
ke college (perguruan tinggi 2-tahun) atau universitas.
 Early September until May or June (nine months) and is divided into ‘quarters’ or terms
(semesters). Some schools use the quarter system, which comprises three sessions: fall
(September to December), winter (January to March) and spring (March to May or June).
Others use a semester system made up of two sessions: fall (September to December) and
spring (January to May).
 School vacation dates are published by schools well in advance, thus allowing parents
plenty of time to schedule family holidays during official school holiday periods.
Normally parents aren’t permitted to withdraw children from classes, except for visits to a
doctor or dentist, when the teacher should be informed in advance whenever possible. If
you wish to take a child out of school during classes, you must obtain permission from
the principal. This is rarely given. It’s particularly unwise to take a child out of school
when he should be taking examinations or during important course work assignments.
 Elementary schools: 8.30am to 3pm or 3.30pm, with an hour for lunch.
 High schools, hours are usually from 7.30am to 2pm or 2.30pm. This is divided into six
one-hour classes or four 90-minute classes (with a five-minute break between classes)
and a 30-minute lunch break. Extra-curricular activities and sports are scheduled after
school hours.
 Lessons in public schools are held from Monday to Friday and there are no lessons on
Saturdays or Sundays.
 It’s common for children at elementary level to take a
packed lunch to school, although many children also go
home for lunch when they live close to school. Milk is
usually sold at elementary schools at snack and lunch
times. Most elementary and secondary schools provide a
self-service cafeteria where children may purchase lunch,
and some children receive free lunches under local welfare
 High school students are provided with lockers where they
can store their books and other possessions. Schools
provide cycle racks for students who cycle to school and
high schools provide car parks (parking lots).
 Penilaian di Amerika adalah menggunanan
pemerhatian dan penggunaan sistem
"grade (nilai)" dan "Grade Point
Average (GPA)/Index Prestasi Kumulatif
(IPK) dan pemerhatian subjektif.
 The United States does not use oral national
examinations to determine graduation from
school or access to further studies, and there
is no national curriculum on which to base
such examinations.
 School curricula are set by local school districts,
private schools, and homeschooling parents with
reference to state standards and postsecondary
 Postsecondary or tertiary curricula are determined by
the individual institutions with reference to
accreditation requirements, professional
requirements, and the expectations of graduate
programs and employers.
 Pemerintahan negara menjadi teras utama sistem
 Sistem pemerintahan negara bertujuan:
1) Memberikan dana untuk pendidikan (publik dan swasta)
2) Memberikan keizinan
kepada sekolah swasta dan sekolah publik.
3) Mengadakan pengawasan dan bimbingan kepada
pentadbiran sekolah.
4) Menetapkan kandungan kurikulum, standard buku
teks dan
 Membentuk ‘normal distribution curve’ dan ‘bell shape’
 A (Excellent)
= Top 10 % of Class
 B (Good)
= Next 20 % of Class
 C (Average, Fair)
= Next 30 % of Class
 D (Poor, Pass)
= Next 20 % of Class
 F (Failure)
= Bottom 20 % of Class
• = 95-100

F (Failure) B (Good)
• = -65 • = 85-95
n merujuk-

D (Poor) C (Fair)
• = 65-75 • = 75-85
• Bersifat subjektif.
PASS-FAIL • Contoh: Seni dan Muzik.
SYSTEM • Tidak ada penilaian spesifik

• -Tidak menggunakan angka atau huruf dalam

melakukan penilaian dan penggredan. (tidak wajar
dan tidak sepatutnya kerana tidak sesuai dengan
• -Pihak fakulti yang akan membuat penilaian
berdasarkan intelektual dan perkembangan murid
itu sendiri mengikut ketetapan yang telah digariskan
PENILAIAN fakulti masing-masing.
TIDAK BERGRED • Penilaian tradisional.
TEST • 1.1 Khas untuk pelajar yang memohojn
kemasukan ke sekolah menengah
1. Secondary swasta(secondary level) dan sekolah publik
School Admission biasa.
Test (SSAT) • 1.2 Ia mengukur aspek pertuturan, pembacaan,
2. Preliminary • 2.1 Peperiksaan sukarela untuk murid tahun 10
SAT/National dan 11 untuk melayakkan mereka mendapatkan
Merit Scholarship biasiswa kebangsaan.
Qualifying Test • 2.2 Ia mebgukur kemahiran membaca, menulis
dan penyelesaian masalah matematik.
• Peperiksaan ini dicipta bagi
mengukur pengetahuan dan
ENGLISH kemahiran dalam memahami
serta menggunakan Bahasa
LANGUAGE Inggeris.
PROFICIENCY • Ia digalakkan kepada pelajar
TESTS antarabangsa yang menggunakan
Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa
• 1.1 Peperiksaan kepada pelajar tahun 11 dan 12
UNDERGRADUATE dan dewasa untuk menentukan hala tuju
FIRST DEGREE selepas sekolah menengah (Secondary
• 2.1 Sama seperti di atas.
1. American College • 2.2 Dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian:
Testing Program. • a. SAT Reasoning Test (ukur pembacaan,
2. Scholastic penulisan dan beberapa kemahiran).
Aptitude Test. • b. SAT Subject Test (ukur pengetahuan dan
keupayaan dalam beberapa subjek lain).
• Dental Admission Test (DAT)
• Graduate Management Admission
PROFESSIONAL • Law School Admission Test (LSAT
DEGREE • Medical College Admission Test
TEST. • Optometry Admission Test (OAT)
• Pharmacy College Admission Test

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