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 Personality is used in terms of influencing

others through external appearance. Sum

total of ways in which an individual reacts and
interacts with others.
 Personality is an individuals' characteristics
response tendencies across similar situations.
 Personality is reflects individual difference
 Personality is consistent and enduring
 Personality can change
 Personality reflects individual difference: this
is simple fact that due to difference in inner
characteristics no two individuals are exactly
a like
 Personality is consistent and enduring : an
individuals personality is commonly thought
to be both consistent and enduring indeed
 Personality can change :
 They focus on unique characteristics that account for
difference between individuals rather than on how
people are alike
 They stress the consistency of an individuals'
dispositions rather than changes in his actual
behavior across different situation.
 Each definition includes a behavioral tendency to
reflect how an individuals personality will tend to
influence his actions and reactions to environmental
 Personality is usually considered to include the
interactions of an individuals moods, values,
attitudes, motives, and habitual methods of
responding to situations.
 Freudian theory
Unconscious needs or drives are at the heart of
human motivation
 Neo-Freudian personality theory
Social relationships are fundamental to the formation
and development of personality
 Trait theory
Quantitative approach to personality as a set of
psychological traits
 Freud the father of psychoanalytic theory,
proposed that every individuals personality is
the product of struggle among three
interacting forces i.e
 ID
 ID: the id is the source of strong born drives and
urges such as acts to avoid tension
and seeks immediate pleasure
 EGO: the ego develops the individuals capabilities
of realistic thinking and ability deal appropriately
with his environment.
 SUPER EGO: the super ego represents societal
and personal norms and serves as an ethical
constraint on behavior
it can best be described as the conscience
the super ego provides norms to ego to
determine what is wrong or right
 According to these Neo-Freudians social
relationships played a vital role in the
formation and development of personality
 Neo-Freudian think that people continuously
attempt to establish significant and rewarding
relationships with others.
 It is focused on the impact of child-parent
relationships, especially the individuals desire
to conquer feelings of anxiety.
 Individuals be classified in to three personality
 COMPLIANT INDIVIDUALS : are those who seek
others. These individuals desire to be loved, feel
wanted and appreciated
 AGGRESSIVE INDIVIDUALS : are those who move
along other. Aggressive individuals are those
who move against others
 DETACHED INDIVIDUALS : these individuals
wished to be independent and self-reliant.
Individuals are those who move away from others
 A trait theory is defined as “any
distinguishing, relatively enduring way in
which one individual differs from another”
 Personality traits are enduring characteristics
that describe and individual’s behavior.
 The more consistent the characteristics and
the more frequently it occurs in diverse
 The more important that trait is in describing
the individual are:
Less intelligent vs. more intelligent
Serious vs. happy-g-lucky
Tough-minded vs. sensitive
Trusting vs. suspicious
Relaxed vs. tense
Practical vs. imaginative
Uncontrolled vs. controlled
Group dependent vs. self dependent
Big five personality traits are :
 Extraversion
 Agreeableness
 Conscientiousness
 Emotional stability
 Openness
 Extraversion : extraversion reflects a persons comfort
level with relationship.
extroverts and introverts
 Agreeableness : agreeableness refers to a persons
ability to get along with others.
 Conscientiousness : conscientious refers to the goals
that a persons focuses on. A highly conscientious
person focuses on relatively few goals at one time
 Emotional stability: emotional focuses on an
individual ability to cope with stress
 Openness: openness addresses one’s range of
interests. Extremely open people are fascinated by
novelty and innovation
 Consumer research : trait theory has been used in research
on consumer more than has any other concept.
 Psychographics :personality concepts have made
significant contribution to the area of psychographics. The
psychographic pictures are helps to developing composite
pictures of consumer type.
 Consumer brand choices : each persons has personality
characteristics that influence his or her buying behavior.
 Segmentation, purchase prediction and marketing
communication : trait theories suggest that personality is
comprised of a set of traits that describe general response
 Brand personality : since large number of consumer can be
categorized according to various traits. Brand personalities
that will appeal to different types of consumer
 Personality is a set of unique psychological
characteristics that influence how a persons
responds to his or her environment.
 Consumer personality can help predict
his/her responses to marketing activities and
also they do not behave the same way in all
situations and an individuals personality can
change over time
 Personality is also useful for targeting some
product and service categories
 Marketing practitioners try to learn all they
can about consumer innovators
those who are open to new ideas
those who are ready to try new products
personality traits that have useful in
differentiating between consumer innovators
and non innovators include
 Consumer innovativeness : this aspect of personality may
be useful for both FMCG products and durables. It enables
marketers to identify and target consumer who are
receptive to new product categories.
 Dogmatism : the tendency to lay down principles as
undeniable true with out consideration of evidence or the
opinions of others
 Social character : as used consumer psychology, social
character is a personality trait that ranges on continuum
from inner-directedness to other-directedness.
 Need for uniqueness : consumers who pursue novelty
through the purchase. Use, disposition and service
 Sensation seeking : sensation seeking a variable likely to
affect a consumers tendency to enjoy more complex
 In contrast to multiple trait theory, cognitive
often identify one particular cognitive trait
relevant to consumer
product & services
Three motivational traits are discussed here as
 Need for cognition :
measure natural tendency : need for cognition
measures an individuals natural tendency to engage
in and enjoy effortful cognitive activities
 Need for humor : need for humor represents an
individual tendency to crave, seek out and enjoy
humor, a construct more motivationally-driven
than sense of humor
 Need for cognitive closure : when making
decisions consumers must frequently make the
difficult trade-off between speed and accuracy.
Acquisition centrality : it is the belief that
material possessions and money are a highly
important life goal, indicated by agreement
Success : it refers to the extent to which people
see possessions and money as a good yardstick
for evaluating their own achievement as well as
those of others.
Happiness : finally the happiness component
captures the conviction that goods and money
are the major path to personal happiness, a
better life and a more positive identity
 Consumer ethnocentrisms is specific to
consumer of s particular country. Consumer
ethnocentrism is a psychological concept that
refers to individuals who believe that their
country products are superior to those of
others countries.
 This concept also describes consumers in one
country thinking that purchasing product in
others countries is immoral or inappropriate
because doing is unpatriotic
 Brand personality is the personification of
brands appeals to one’s imagination.
 Brand personality refers to the brand
personification. It is the set of human traits /
characteristics assigned to the brand.
 A brand personality comes into existence
when human like adjectives like unique,
caring, funny, trustworthy, creative etc. are
assigned to a brand
 “brand personality is the set of human
personality traits that are both applicable to
and relevant for brand”

 Personification is very effective at describing
what the brand is
 The attribution of a personal nature or human
characteristics to brand
 The most common technique for eliciting the
composition of the brand is personification
if the brand were a person
what type of person would it be
 levy state that brand personality is a subject
to gender categorization.
product personality can be classified as
 Feminine
 Masculine
It has to be acknowledge that product
categories might already consist of a gender
The product category influence to consumer
behavior through the congruence effect
 Certain products in minds of consumer
posses a strong geographical association.
marketers learned long-ago that certain
products in the mind of consumer, possess a
strong geography
product name
product manufacturer
it create a geographic personality for the
product. meaning that in the consumer’s
memory, the knowledge of the brand reflects a
strong geographic association.
 Colors are frequently used to describe
emotion, brand personality provides
consumers with emotional fulfillment
 Color is vital part of products, service ,
packages, logos, display…..
 Color is an important brand attribute that
conveys different symbolic meanings which
are employed in the creation and
maintenance of brand image
 a persons self image is the mental picture
generally of a kind that is quite resistant to
change, that depicts not only details that are
potentially available to objective
investigation by others
 Self image is “perception of self”
 An advantage of studying consumer behavior
using the theory of self-concept is that
consumer provide description of themselves
 Each consumer describes his or her own view
of himself or herself
 A single consumer is likely to act quite
differently with different people and in
different situation
 A person is likely to display a some what
different personality in each of the different
situation or social roles
 Consumer possessions can be seen to “confirm
or extend their self image “
the above suggest that much of human emotion
can be connected to valued possessions
 Actually : by allowing the persons to do things
that otherwise would be very difficult to
 Symbolically: by making the person fell better or
 By conferring status or rank : status among
collectors of rarer works of art because of the
ownership of a particular masterpiece
 Consumer are frequently attempting to
express their individualism or uniqueness by
creating a new self, maintaining the existing
and extending the self
 Marketers offers consumer the opportunity to
modify their appearances
 Human beings are constantly attacked by
numerous sensory stimulation including
“noise, sight, smell, test ,etc…..”
 Different people perceive the universe
 Ability to see hear or become aware of
something through the senses
 Perception is the process by which individuals
organize and interpret their sensory
impressions in order to give meaning to their
 SENSATION :when a person is exposed to any
of the marketing stimuli or an ad the first
reflex that is initiated in him is known as
 Absolute threshold :the lowest level of a
stimulus – light, sound, touch, etc – that an
organism could detect. Under the influence of
signal detection theory.
difference that can be detected between two
similar stimuli is called the differential
perception is different from pre-attentive
processing. With pre-attentive processing
attention is directed at something other than
the something.
 Perceptual selection : the first of perception,
selection, requires to be exposed to
marketing stimuli and to attend to these
stimuli. Consumer will pick and choose
marketing stimuli based on their needs and
 Exposure
 Attention
 Selective perception
organization emphasizes on the subsequent
activates that take place in the perceptual
process after a stimulus is received

figure and ground

 The interpretation of stimuli is also uniquely
individual, because it is based on what
individuals expect to see in light of their
previous experience on the number of
plausible explanations they can envision

physical appearances
first impressions
 Elements of consumer imagery :
 Product positioning : product positioning is the essence of
the marketing mix. It converges what the meaning of the
product is and how it can fulfill the consumer needs
 Perceived price : price images represent an evaluation of a
set of prices relative to some standard.
 Perceived quality : perceived quality is psychological
because it involves consumers perception of how the
brand addresses their need
 Price / quality relationship :the price-quality relationship
refers to the consumer perception that a relatively high
price is a sign of good quality.
 Perceived risk : consumer behavior is motivated to reduce
 Performance risk : it reflects uncertainty about
whether the product or service will perform as
 Financial risk :it is higher if an offering is expensive
 Physical risk :it refers to the potential harm a product
or service might pose to one safety
 Psychological risk : if reflects consumer about the
extent to which a product or service fits with the way
they perceive themselves
 Time risk : it reflects uncertainties over the length of
time that must be invested in buying, using or
disposing of the product or service
 Consumer seek information
 Consumer stay brand loyal
 Consumer select products by brand image
 Consumer rely on store image
 Some consumers buy the most expensive
 Consumer seek reassurance
 Customer relationship management is a
strategy for managing an organization's
relationships and interaction with customers
and potential customers
 A CRM system helps companies stay
connected to customers, streamline
processes and improve profitability
 CRM helps users focus on their organization’s
relationships with individual people including
customer, services users, colleagues, or
 Increased sales revenues and reduced cost of
 Increased customer satisfaction
 Lower costs of recruiting customers
 Increased customer retention and loyalty
 Evaluation of customer profitability
 Customer knowledge
 Customization
 Opportunity to cross-sell and upsell
 Operational CRM : operational CRM focused on
automation, improvement and enhancement of
business processes which are based on customer-
facing or customer supporting.

 Collaborative CRM : collaborative CRM deals with

synchronization and integration of customer
interaction and channels of communication like
phone, email, fax web etc.

Analytical CRM : analytical CRM support

organizational black-office operation and analysis.
It deals with all the operations and process that do
not directly deal with customer
 Personalization
 Rewards
 Communication
 Special treatment benefits
 Personalization : there are certain personalized
shoppers who highly appreciate personal contact in
the store. The term personalization describes the
social content of the interaction between service
employees and their customers
 Special treatment : consumer focus and selectively, all
consumer do not need to be served in the same way
is a key aspect of relationship marketing.
 Communication : communication is often considered
as a necessary condition for the existence of a
 Reward : providing customers with tangible reward is
often referred to as level one relationship marketing
 e-CRM provides a means to conduct
interactive, personalized and relevant
communication with customers across
electronic channels.
 Lowers the cost
 Adaptability to new technology
 Availability
 Integration with the system
 Helps data construction
 Increased customer interaction
 Managing data reservoir
 Lesser response time
 User control

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