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Past Experience

Kelompok 2
Aulia Jihadil Akbar Lubis
Delfia Riska Manurung
Past Experience Definition
Past Experience is telling about experiences or
something that has happened
Definisi Past Experience
Past Experience adalah menceritakan tentang
pengalaman atau sesuatu yang telah terjadi
When and How to Use Past
we can with use Past Tense, Past Continuous,
Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continous Tense
Kapan dan Bagaimana Cara
Menggunakan Past Experience
kita dapat dengan menggunakan Past Tense,
Past Continuous, Past Perfect dan Past Perfect
Continous Tense
Sample Story About Past
Learning How to Ride a Motorcycle
A few years ago, when I was still elementary school, I
learned how to ride a motor cycle. I was still in grade 5, still a
little child.I borrowed my uncle's motorcycle. It was green Honda.
It was made in 1978. The first time, he taught me how to ride. I
sat on the saddle while he was sitting at the back. I rode carefully
in my backyard. The yard was not wide enough, but it was
comfortable to learn riding.After 10 times riding the motorcycle,
my uncle let me ride by myself. I started the engine and started to
ride alone without a partner
Contoh Cerita Tentang Past
Belajar Cara Mengendarai Sepeda Motor
Beberapa tahun yang lalu, ketika saya masih sekolah
dasar, saya belajar cara mengendarai sepeda motor. Saya masih
di kelas 5, masih anak kecil. Saya meminjam sepeda motor
paman saya. Itu Honda hijau. Itu dibuat pada tahun 1978.
Pertama kali, dia mengajari saya cara naik. Saya duduk di atas
pelana saat dia duduk di belakang. Saya mengendarainya dengan
hati-hati di halaman belakang saya. Halamannya tidak cukup
lebar, tapi nyaman untuk belajar mengendarai. Setelah 10 kali
mengendarai motor, paman saya membiarkan saya naik sendiri.
Saya menyalakan mesin dan mulai naik sendiri tanpa pasangan.
The first round I was succesful riding. The second round
was OK. But, the third round there was a cat running in front of
me. I tried to step on the brake and turned right. Unfortunately, I
still held the gas. So, I hit my kitchen. The kitchen was made
from plaited bamboo. That was broken and made a big hole on it.
Lucky me, the motorcycle did not move. It stopped moving.
Everybody was laughing. Maybe, it's funny for them. So was I.
Babak pertama saya berhasil naik. Babak kedua OK. Tapi,
putaran ketiga ada seekor kucing berlari di depanku. Saya
mencoba menginjak rem dan berbelok ke kanan. Sayangnya, saya
masih memegang gas. Jadi, saya memukul dapur saya. Dapur
terbuat dari anyaman bambu. Itu rusak dan membuat lubang
besar di atasnya. Beruntung saya, motor itu tidak bergerak. Itu
berhenti bergerak. Semua orang tertawa. Mungkin, itu lucu bagi
mereka. Begitu juga saya

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