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Yellow = Protist: What can you conclude?

The First Eukaryotes

• “Protist” is a catch-all category that
means not plant, not animal, and
not fungi.
• alternatively kinda like plant, animal
and fungi
• very diverse group.
Six major groups
older but not

But the term “Protist” stubbornly remains in
common use so taxonomists be like:
How They Move
• pseudopods
Cilia and Flagella
Cilia are like oars on a boat
Flagella are like a rudder/oar on the front or back
Nonmotile: Some have to “hitch a ride” using spores
Reproduction: Amoeba-
• Quick - good when conditions are favorable
• Limits genetic diversity - bad in changing
Conjugation: not actual reproduction

• Some have the ability to do both mitotic cell division AND

Conjugation: a “swapping” of genetic material
What is different?

Alternation of Generations
Autotrophic Protists: Ecological Roles
Supporting Coral Reefs
Providing Shelter: Kelp Forest
Waste Breakdown: Algal bloom
Heterotrophs: Cliates-paracium
Amoeba: food vacuole
Slime Molds

Feeding Plasmodium
Symbiotes : Mutualist
Parasites: African Sleeping Sickness
Fruiting body: not the whole organism
Spores are Everywhere
Harder to get rid of because of cell structure
Mutualists: Lichen
Increase surface area of root systems

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