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What is Chemistry?

A. Chemistry is the study of stuf

1. How stuff works
2. What stuff looks like
3. Energy changes in stuff
Branches of Chemistry
A. Organic chemistry: stuff that has carbon atoms in it.
B. Inorganic chemistry: all the other stuff
C. Physical chemistry: study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to
D. Analytical chemistry: identify materials
E. Biochemistry: study the chemistry of living things
F. Theoretical chemistry: uses math and computers to think about possible behavior and
properties of stuff.
Types of Research
A. Basic research: just to increase knowledge.
1. Often leads to accidental discoveries.
-Play doh
B. Applied research: Solve problems.
1. Using different refrigerants
C. Technological development: production of stuff that make our lives better

Discoveries in basic research new technologies problems applied research

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