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Grade 10
Chapter 1 : Matter and Change

1) Chemistry is a physical Science

2) Matter and its Properties

3) Elements

• Definition of Chemistry

• List Branch of Chemistry

• Compare and contrast basic research, applied

research, and technological development.
Chemistry is Physical Science

• The natural sciences were once divided into two broad

• the biological sciences and the physical sciences. Living
things are the main focus of the biological sciences. The
physical sciences focus mainly on nonliving things.
However, because we now know that both living and
nonliving matter consist of chemical structures, so
chemistry is central to all the sciences, and there are no
longer distinct divisions between the biological and
physical sciences
• Chemistry: A science which study composition,
structure and properties matter.

• Composition; what is it made of

• Structure; shape

• Property; information about a substance

Branches of chemistry
• Organic chemistry; most carbon compounds. Carbon (C)
is the main element for living things because all living
things made of carbon.

• Inorganic chemistry; non-carbonic compounds.

• Physical chemistry; study energy of substance ,

concerned with interaction and transformation of materials
Branches of chemistry
• Analytical chemistry; identification or quantification of
substance. (to know what is it)

• Biochemistry; study living things . ( photosynthesis )

• Theoretical chemistry; Study calculations in chemistry .

• Chemical; A substance which is used in chemistry.
Scientists use these chemicals to make researches.
These are;

• Basic research

• Applied research

• Technological development
• Basic research; Search without plan. Discovered by
luck (accidently). It increases our knowledge. Ex; Teflon.

• Applied research; Search with a plan. We will find a

solution for a problem. Ex; we have a problem in ozone
layer in the atmosphere. It is damaged because of some
chemicals. Trying to find ozone (O3) and placing it back
to atmosphere is an applied research.

• Technological development; Search which help us in

our daily life. Ex; mobile phones, computers, cars.

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