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Goal: Today is: March 20, 2019

Today’s Goal:
Our goal is to complete Identify the course
a Question 2 and 3 on a goals and their
Cambridge Exam for Today, we will continue writing our to you
our final.
Personal Narrative essay about
discrimination that you have witnessed.
It will be 3 pages, include 3 Power Verbs
and 3 Vocab Words.
• Writing Utensil In your Narrative Essay, you will talk about
• Highlighters a time you or someone you know
• Cambridge Exam
witnessed discrimination of some kind.
You must include dialogue, plot, and
It is due at the end of class on Thursday.
Random Fact:
2,167 people died
between 1999 and 2014 Out of Class:
due to ‘constipation.”
Finish reading Chapters 17-24 for our quiz
on Thursday.

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