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Subjects and Curriculum

By : Natalin Pertiwi Siahaan
Curriculum Material
Learning Process
Meaning in learning
The relationship with Bloom's Taxonomy
Learning readiness
Interest and Motivation to learn
Curriculum Material
 Selected and meaningful knowledge units adapted to student
development characteristics
 The purpose of education in the United States is that there is dualism
that requires balance, namely usefulness and beauty (ornamental)
 Useful understanding has 2 meanings, namely the form of mastery of
skills and general understanding.
Skills: special skills mastered by someone
General understanding: mastery of matters relating to life problems
 Mastery of structure is an understanding of a lesson material
thoroughly and meaningfully
 Learning structure is learning a whole where things that are
integrated are integrated into one unit
4 important points in the education process

1. the role of material structure

2. intuitive thinking
3. readiness problem
4. encouragement to learn
2 types of learning

1. Learning
2. Transfer of
applications in
learning in the
form of principles
assignments or
and attitudes
special work
Benefits in learning

1. Understanding of fundamental matters allows mastery of

teaching materials more comprehensively
2. Related to the level of human memory ability
3. An understanding of fundamental principles and ideas is
the main requirement for making transfers
4. Emphasis on the structure and principles of fundamental
Learning Process
 Inargulate genius is shown by children who master deeply the
concept of teaching material concepts but are unable to express
verbally and in articulate idiocy, namely children who are good at
expressing words but do not have the ability to use these concepts
 Intuitive Thinking is a cognitive process that raises ideas as a strategy
in making predicted decisions that are correct so as to produce
spontaneous answers to problem solving

factors affecting :
1. Predisposition
2. Heuristic procedure
Meaning in learning

Ausubel and Robinson (1969)

2 dimensions of the learning process
1. dimensions that are distinguished by type of learning
that are search (discovery learning) and are accepting
(reception learning)
2. dimensions that are distinguished between memorizing
learning (rote learning) and meaningful learning
It can be concluded that meaningful learning demands three
1. Subject matter must be able to be related to cognitive structures in
a regular manner and because of the similarity of contents
2. Students must have a concept that matches the material to be
3. students must have the willingness or motive to connect the
concept with its cognitive structure

a less meaningful learning activity will appear if:

1. The material being studied is less logical
2. Students lack concept concepts that are appropriate in their
cognitive structure
3. Students lack readiness to carry out meaningful learning activities
Learning by memorizing

Causes of students doing learning activities by memorizing:

1. They learn from unpleasant experiences that materially
provide the right answers but lack support for meaningful
2. Students experience considerable anxiety
3. Students are under pressure to always pay attention to
the success and smooth learning or to hide their
Learning Proposition

A sentence that shows the relationship between two things

1. Relations
between parts
2. Superordinate
3. Combination
Learning Discovery
Dicovery learning or searching for the material being studied is not
thoroughly presented but requires some mental activity to complete
and state it with a cognitive structure

Learning Problem Solving

Learning problem solving has a process that is children faced with
problems that require solving

Creative Learning
Creativity is an ability to produce something new. This study is a student
planning, carrying out, proving a trial experiment
The relationship with Bloom's Taxonomy

Knowledge from Bloom has more to do with memory so it can be

grouped as learning to memorize (rote learning). ranging from
understanding to evaluation can be categorized as meaningful

a new concept is learned by individuals, remembered for a while and

some of it is forgotten.
this process occurs in 2 steps:
1. Mastery and Storage
2. Remembering and Forgetting
3 factors that influence the mastery of the
concept from memory

1. Strength of the relationship between existing concepts

and new concepts
2. The effectiveness of the business to regain the forgotten
3. Types of mastery at the level of recall or recognition
Learning readiness
1. Development of the intellect
intellectual is the ability to obtain various information thinking
abstractly, reasoning, and acting efficiently and effectively.
Intellectuals are abilities brought by individuals from birth.

Motorcycle Concrete Formal

sensor (0-2 operational operation
(2-5 / 6 years)
years) (6/7 - 9 years) (10-14 years)

2. Learning Activities
The process of obtaining or obtaining new information

3. Spiral curriculum
spiral curriculum is a form of adjustment between the material studied
and the stage of cognitive development of the person learning
Interest and Motivation to learn
 generate interest in learning in children that are
temporary (short term) and some are permanent (long
arouse temporary interest in learning such as: the use of
film, audio, video visual aid and this creates passivity in

 arouse children's learning interest that is sedentary in the

form of selection of work materials which means for
children according to children's thinking skills, creating a
state of learning that can generate encouragement to
find (discovery) and involve an active role in children

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