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Origin of blood cells
• Hematopoiesis is the process of • Embryonic blood cells, excluding
blood cell production, the lymphocyte type of white blood
differentiation, and development. cell, originate from the
mesenchymal tissue that arises
• The hematopoietic system consists from the embryonic germ layer, the
of the bone marrow, liver, spleen, mesoderm.
lymph nodes, and thymus.

• Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)

are the foundation of the adult
hematopoietic system.

• It is now widely accepted that the

embryo produces the first adult
repopulating HSCs.
Sitios de hematopoyesis en
distintos momentos
durante el Desarrollo
pre-natal y post-natal
del ser humano
Microambiente inductivo hematopoyético
IL-7, IL-3,
IL-1, IL-6
• Functionally, three types of human stem cells exist:

• 1. Totipotential stem cells. These cells are present in the first few
hours after an ovum is fertilized. Totipotential stem cells, the
most versatile type of stem cell, can develop into any human cell
type, including development from embryo into fetus.

• 2. Pluripotential stem cells. These cells are present several days

after fertilization. Pluripotent stem cells can develop into any cell
type, except they cannot develop into a fetus.

• 3. Multipotential stem cells. These cells are derived from

pluripotent stem cells. They can be found in adults, but they are
limited to specific types of cells to form tissues. For example,
bone marrow stem cells can produce all types of blood cells, bone
cartilage, and adipose (fat) cells.
In certain abnormal circumstances, the
spleen, liver, and lymph nodes revert back Sites of red
to producing immature blood cells bone marrow activity
(extramedullary hematopoiesis).

In these cases, enlargement of the spleen

and liver is frequently noted on physical

This situation suggests that

undifferentiated primitive blood cells are
present in these areas and are able to
proliferate if an appropriate stimulus is

1. When the bone marrow becomes

dysfunctional in cases such as aplastic
anemia, infiltration by malignant cells, or over
proliferation of a cell line (e.g. leukemia).
2. When the bone marrow is unable to meet
the demands placed on it, as in the hemolytic
• Hematopoietic cells can be divided into three phases according to cell maturity:
1. Primitive, multipotential cells. The most immature group capable of self-renewal
and differentiation into all blood cell lines.
2. Intermediate cells. This group consists of committed progenitor cells destined to
develop into distinct cell lines.
3. Mature cells. The most developed group with specific functions.
Characteristics of human hematopoietic growth factors
Summary of general maturational characteristics
Normal adult values and selected characteristics of
Mature Leukocytes in peripheral blood
Los macrófagos son cinco a 10 veces más
grandes que los monocitos y contienen más
organelos, en especial lisosomas

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