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It is a Ayurvedic medicine plants.

It is commonly known as the
chinese chaste tree ,five leaved
chaste tree .
Horse shoe . Vitex is a large aromatic
,shrub with quadrangular density whitish
,tomentose branches .It is widely used in
folk medicine particularly in south and
southeast Asia
Latin name Vitex negundo linn.
Kingdom Plantae
Order lamiales
Family Verbenaceae
Genus Vitex
Species negundo
Vernacular Name .

English _ Five –leaved chaste

Hindi _ Nirgundi ,Sambhalu
Sanskrit – Nirgundi ,Sindhuvara
Punjabi _ Banna , Marwan , Mawa
Synonmys .
Sitasaha -It is a plant resistant to cold
Sugandhika – It is a aromatic plant
Indrasvrasa _ The leaf juice is efficacious
drugs in many disease
Nirgundi _ It is useful in many diseases
Subaha _ It purifies the body
Srindura _ It checks accumulation of
fluid in body .
Bhutakeshi It eliminates evil

organisms in the body

Classification Categorization
Charak samhita
1. Vishaghna
2. Krimighna
Susruta samhita
1. Surasadi
1. Surasadi

Kingdom plantae
Order lamiales
Genus vitex
Species negundo
vitex negundo commonly known as the five
leaved chaste tree , is q large ,erect
aromatic shrub or small tree growing from 2
to 8 m (6.6 to 26 ft) in height with
quadrangular, density whitish tomentose

Leaves . Tri or penta –foliolate , leaflets ,

lancoolate , entire or crenate
Flowers -In lateral cymes , small, clusters,
bluish purple
Fruits – drupaceous and black when ripe.
Seeds - Obovate on oblong
Flowering and Fruiting between March -

it is found in moist area , often on banks of
rivers throughout India , up to ab altitude
of 1500 meter , also grown in
Mediterranean countries and central Asia .
Chemical constitutes
leaves contain an alakaloaid nishidime
flavonoids like flavones luteolin2 glycosides
Seeds contain hydrocarbons, anti
inflammatory diterpene , flavonoids,
Stem bark. yields
Rasa panchaka

Rasa Katu , tikta

Guna Ruksha
Virya ushna
Vipaka Katu
vata – kaphahara , Chakshushya ,keshya
,Arushi , virana ,Gridhrasi ,
Snayuka , Visarpa , Netra Roga
Visha roga , Gandamala , Etc.

Pharmacological Actions
External uses –Best analgesic,anti-
inflammatory , antibacterial,cleaning and
Healing wounds , hair tonic , heated
nirgundi leaves are tied over the
affected part in headache . Scrotal
swellings, arthritic pain and rheumatic
Internal uses –

Nervous system-it is an analgesic,

brain tonic and allevates water. Useful
in headache, sciqtica , rheumatic
arthritis . Improve memory.
Digestive system – Since it has tikta ,
katu and ushna properties it improves
appetite and digestion. Useful in los of
appetite, anorexia
Ciculatory system – white flowered
nirgundi is used in oedema induced by
kaphavata. Nirgundi useful in all
inflammatory conditions .
Respiratory system – By removing
kapha from respiratory passage ,
It is used in kapha
kasa , asthma,
pneumonia and
pleurisy .
Urinary system- Diuretic , hence useful
in dysuria and anuria . In gonorrhoeal
infection it helps in passing urine
smoothly .
Skin - valuable medicine in skin
disease, urticaria and eruption .
Eyes - Leaf juice is installed in
conjunctivitis, surma, is prepared from
Ears –Nirgundi oil is useful (leaves+
oils) in reducing pain ,
inflammation,fungal infection of ears.

Rogaghata. Shula, shotha, vrana,

amavata, krimi , Gandamalah
Kustha , Aruchi, Visha Roga.

Part used
leaf , roots , seeds .
Dosages . Leaf juice – 10-20 ml
Root bark powder- 3-6 gm
Seed powder - 3-6 gm
Direct extract – Sugar/water/honey
Yoga .

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