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The conservation

effort of Mineral
and Coal Mining
1. Matilda Metboki
2. Herlando Bubala
3. Deni Susanto
4. Mutashain Ridha
5. Shenny Linggasari
6. Hardian Wijaya
What is....
Conservation ...??

“conservation” generally

Resource consevation about coal mineral is effort

management, business and utilization must be optimal, for
company, comunity, govermant and environment
Good mining Practice
( UU No 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang pertambangan Minerba )

Health and safety

Safety of operational mining

Management and monitoring Mining Environment

(reclamation and post mining)

The concervation efforts of Mineral and coal mining


Managi the waste of mining from mining activities (Liquid,

solid, Gas) based on environmental quality standards
Principles of Conservation

Optimizing mining production

Optimizing processing of mineral

Use marginal good mineral

Optimizing function of others mineral which is mined.

Optimizing mining production
To create mining and good equipment
maxsimalizing cut off grade ( ore
) and cut off thickness ( Coal )

Ore price production Technology improve

Striping Ratio.(comparison
about material over
Mining equipment.
burden with ore and coal
in mathematical
prevent losses in excavation and transportation

• Geological Losses
Affected • Mining Losses
factor: • Processing and
Transporting Losses

Wich is • calculation about detail coal

resourch wich reviwed every year

conducted mining methode

• application divorce methode and
effort : mining wich maximalizing taking
backup left behind
Dilution avoid

Mixing from waste inside ore

material so inclined Tonase
raise and lowered levels

Dilution Wall colapse

Difficulity technic
Wide ore
Recovery optimilizing

Wich intended coal

recovery is numbers or
scale wich shows how
efective coal mining .
coal recovery numbers
showed in percentage
(%), increasingly big
numbers about coal
recovery then
increasingly about good
coal mining .
Optimalize Processing
Apply processing technic and the right equipment

maxmimalizing head grade is with blending methode

production everal different types and produc quality( PNT,

Bauksit > Alumina)

Maximalizing recovery about main minerals and following


Put and logs amount and talling good quality

How to treat about good mineral and
coal marginal levels

Seek soo that easy for utilization

Not mixing with waste

Not removed, but must save in order to further utilization(

excample blending with hight levels )
Optimalizing Mineral wich get

Not to removed , but get utilization

separated with main mineral

processed with adjust with needs

Impact not implemented
Conservation concept
Environmental damage

Less than optimal about mining and


Not developed society quality

Thank you

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