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Durezza Basil
•A body of written works

•An art form whose medium is language


• As an art, literature is the organization of

words to give pleasure; through them it
elevates and transforms experience; through
them it functions in society as a continuing
symbolic criticism of values.

•Oral and written

•Prose and Poetry

Poetry vs. Prose


• Fiction

• Non-Fiction
1. Theme

The main idea or message about life the

author wishes to expresses
Could be moral of the story
Summarized in one sentence
2. Characters
Protagonist –the character whom the
reader empathizes (hero)
Antagonist – character who is against
the protagonist
3. Plot
Sequence of events /actions

4. Conflict
 Struggle between 2 opposing forces
 Man vs. Man
Man vs. Society
Man vs. Himself
Man vs. Nature
5. Setting
 The total environment of the story
 When
 Where
 Social Climate
Literary Devices

1. Foreshadowing: the use of clues to hint at events

that will happen later in the story

2. Symbolism: A person, place or object that suggests

a deeper meaning than its literal meaning
Literary Devices

3. Irony: A twist of fate, contradiction between what is

expected and what really happens

4. Characterization: The way a writer reveals the

personality of a character (i.e. looks, dresses, speaks,
thoughts, behavior)
Literary Devices

5. Imagery: Language that appeals to the senses, a word or

phrase that appeals to one or more of the five senses. It is
used to describe how something looks, sounds, feels, tastes,
and smells (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)
Literary Devices

6. Personification: giving human characteristics to an

inanimate object

ex. Disney characters; cartoon strips

7. Hyperbole: extreme exaggeration not meant to be

ex. so hungry I could eat a horse; raining cats and dogs
Literary Devices

8. Alliteration: repetition of the same consonant sound or

group of sounds
ex. sailed on a silver ship; Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled
* tongue twisters

9. Onomatopoeia: words that imitate the natural sound they

are referring to

ex. buzz, hiss, clang, whisper, zoom, meow, slurp, Zoom

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