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Noun and Pronoun

a noun is any word that names people, things, animals, places, events, or ideas.

the Functions of a Noun
• Subject of the sentence
• Object of the verb
• the object of a preposition
• Direct object
• Indirect object
1. Subject of the sentence

Birds fly
s v
Birds is a NOUN

Azar (1995:127)
2. Object of the verb

John is holding a pen

s v o

pen is a NOUN

Azar (1995:127)
3. the object of a preposition

Birds fly in the sky

s v prep. Object of prep.

Azar (1995:127)
4. Direct object
The beavers built a dam.
s v d.o

• In this sentence, “beavers” is the subject, the word “built” is the verb,
and the underlined word is the noun that serves as the direct object (the
thing that is acted upon).

5. Indirect object
He gave Maria a love letter.
i.o d.o
• This example has two nouns, “Maria” and “love letter.” The thing that
is acted upon (direct object) is the “love letter,” while the indirect
object is “Maria.” Simply put, an indirect object refers to the
recipient or the one who gets the direct object.

four genders of nouns
1. Neuter
2. Common
3. Masculine
4. feminine

this gender simply refers to nouns that have no sex.

•Examples: computer, city, pizza, bus, brownies, oven
is the gender of nouns which can refer to either the male or female sex.
• Examples: student, driver, lawyer, criminal, leader, visitor
this refers to nouns of the male sex
• Examples: sorcerer, actor, tiger, rooster, prince, fox, stag, bull, ram

this denotes nouns of the female sex.

Examples: sorceress, actress, tigress, hen, princess, vixen, doe, cow, ewe
Measurements with noncount noun

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