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Top 10

The inventions that changed the world

Alan Felipi Costa Fernandes

10 - The telephone

• Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for the
electric telephone in 1876.
• The invention quickly took off, and revolutionized
global business and communication.

Inventor: Alexander Graham Bell.

9-The light bulb

• When all you have is natural light,

productivity is limited to daylight hours.
Light bulbs changed the world by
allowing us to be active at night.

Inventor: Thomas Edson.

8- Compass
• Created for spiritual and navigational purposes,
the earliest compasses were most likely invented
by the Chinese in around 1050 BC.

• He invention of the compass certainly helped

modern navigation more than our GPS-needing
culture could understand.
Inventor: A Chinese.
7- Steel
• While the early ages used stone, bronze,
and iron, it was steel that fired the industrial

• Now steel is used in the creation of

Everything from bridges to skyscrapers.

Inventor: Henry Bessemer.

6- X-ray
• x-rays are a phenomenon of the natural world,
and thus can’t be invented.
But they were discovered accidentally.
The invisible was made visible in 1895.
• X-ray is undoubtedly one of the epoch-making
advancement in the field of medicine.

Inventor: Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen.

• The prehistoric battery dates back the Parthian empire,
which might be 2,000 years old.
These batteries might have been
used to electroplate silver.
• The inventor of the first electric battery
that we know is Alessandro Volta.
4-The Internet

• The global system of interconnected computer networks known as

the Internet is used by billions of people worldwide.
• In the 1960s, a team of computer scientists working for the U.S.
Defense Department's ARPA.

Inventor: Lawrence Roberts.

• Combustion engines convert chemical energy into mechanical work,
the engine.
• This invention, bring cars, airplanes,subways, etc.

Inventor: 1800’s Engineers

2- wheel
• Before the invention of the wheel in 3500 B.C., humans were severely
limited in how much stuff we could transport over land, and how far.
1- Electricity
• Electricity has become the basic need for day to day life. It’s been
there around all along but the practical applications to effectively use
it were invented.
• Alessandro Volta discovered the first practical method of generating

• Inventor: Alessandro Volta.


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