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Name the four letter word that pump salesmen least like to
hear. NPSH Those four letters strike fear in the hearts of
pump salesmen more than any others. Let’s take a quick
look at why. The Hydraulic Institute defines Net Positive
Suction Head as follows: “The Net Positive Suction head
is the total suction head in feet of liquid absolute
determined at the suction nozzle and the referred datum
less the vapor pressure of the liquid in feet absolute”.
After reading this definition, it is no wonder why many
people become frightened and confused. What this study
will attempt to do is break through the technical
definitions, and put this NPSH study into layman’s terms,
something everyone can understand. Our goal is for you to
have a working understanding of how NPSH affects a
pumping application.
You Are Not Alone
Don’t know much about NPSH? You first need to
realize that you are not alone, and there is no
reason to be embarrassed. I have met seasoned
salesmen, brand new salesmen and engineers alike
who have little to no working knowledge of
NPSH. And you can continue to get by this way if
you wish, but you will be more valuable to your
customers, and more successful if you have a
complete understanding of the products you sell.
You will never know everything there is to know
about pumps, but the real embarrassment should
be having the opportunity to learn, and not taking
Making Sense Out of NPSH
Simply stated, most liquids can take on more than one
form. Most commonly, liquid or gas form. Because a
centrifugal pump cannot pump gas, we need to insure
the liquids we are pumping remain in liquid form.
NPSH or Net Positive Suction Head, is the term we
use to calculate and insure the liquids we are pumping
remain in liquid form. Pressure is what keeps the
liquid in liquid form, so begin to think of NSPH as
being the way to measure the pressure necessary to
keep the liquids from turning to gas. We have all
experienced water in three forms in our very homes,
and only one form can be pumped with a centrifugal
pump. The next three slides show three forms of
water found in every home.
Liquid Water
Water Vapor
Terms For Discussion
 We will be covering the following terms in this
 NPSHa (available)
 NPSHr (required)
 Atmospheric Pressure
 Absolute Pressure
 Vapor Pressure
 Friction & Elevation Losses
 Cavitation
 As we have stated, NPSH is the abbreviation of Net
Positive Suction Head. If you get beyond the term
NPSH and begin to think of it somewhat the same as
PSI or feet of head, you will take the mystery away
from the term. The only aspect of NPSH that is really
confusing is the part of the pressure being measured
that you will not see on a standard pressure gauge. It
is however very real, and it can be measured. NPSH is
measured in feet of head. In fact, since we are at sea
level in this meeting, the very glass of water in front
of you contains about 34’ of NPSH. We will discuss
that more in depth in a moment. The important point
to remember is NPSH = Pressure in feet of head.
 NPSHa is the abbreviation of Net Positive Suction Head available.
Available for what you might ask? In the life of a pump salesman, it
means available to keep the pump running properly. Think of it this
way. NPSH can be used up by other factors in a pumping application,
so we need to determine what is being used up, and what is left over.
The amount left over is the NPSHa. Imagine this: You need to make
three trips in your car, and you want to find out if you will have
enough gas left over for the third trip. You start with 10 gallons of gas
in the tank. The first trip will use 2 gallons, and the second trip will
use 5 gallons, so you have 3 gallons left for the third trip. The NPSHa
is equivalent to the 3 gallons of gas left over for the third trip. If your
third trip is 15 miles, you have plenty of gas left for the third trip.
However, if your third trip is 200 miles, you will definitely run out of
gas. In much the same way, we can determine if we have enough
NPSHa to properly operate a pump. Keep this example in mind,
because we will refer to it again during this discussion.
 NPSHr is the abbreviation for Net Positive Suction Head
required. Required for what? Required to keep the pump
operating properly. In our previous example, the NPSHr is
the equivalent of the amount of gas required for the third
trip. If the third trip was 15 miles, the NPSHr would have
been about 1 gallon of gas assuming the car gets about 15
miles per gallon. Just as every car is different, each pump
is different as well. Different types of cars get different
gas mileage, and different pumps require different amounts
of NPSHr. The pump manufacturer has already tested the
pumps, and they will show what the pumps requirements
are on the pump curve. The following slide shows a pump
design point with an NPSHr of about 12 feet.

12’ NPSH Curve

NPSH Curves
Atmospheric Pressure
 In simple terms, atmospheric pressure is the amount of
pressure the atmosphere is putting on the earths surface. In
our example of the three car trips, the ten gallons of gas in the
tank at the beginning is equivalent to the atmopsheric pressure,
or the pressure inside a pressure tank. Think of the atmosphere
as weighing 1 PSI per every 2000 feet of height. This is
actually about right for the weight of the lower atmosphere,
but we do not feel this weight because we are accustomed to it.
If you flew in an airplane to get here, during your flight, your
ears popped. This is because even though the airplane tries to
keep the interior cabin pressure constant, high attitudes have a
lower pressure, and the higher pressure inside your ear tries to
escape into the lower pressure surrounding your head in a high
altitude airplane. When you land, the opposite is true, and the
higher pressure is pushing against the lower pressure inside
your ear drum.
Atmospheric Pressure - Continued
 Imagine blowing up a large balloon. I think everyone
understands there is pressure trapped inside. But if you were
inside the balloon, do you think you would feel the pressure?
Probably not, unless it contained a high pressure. However, if
you untie the balloon, the pressure contained inside
immediately comes out. Think of the earth’s atmosphere as
the inside of the balloon. Pressure is present, we just can’t
usually feel it. If every 2000’ of atmosphere weighs about 1
PSI or 2.31 feet of head as we have stated, would you expect
the atmospheric pressure in Jacksonville, Florida and Denver,
Colorado to be the same? Certainly not! Jacksonville is about
at sea level, while Denver is the mile high city. So Denver has
about 5280’ (one mile) less atmosphere pushing down on the
surface of the earth, which is equivalent to about 2.6 PSI or
about 6’ of head.
Atmospheric Pressure - Continued
 Now, can anyone guess why the glass of water sitting in
front of you has 34’ of NPSH contained inside? And if we
were sitting in Denver, Colorado for this meeting, can you
guess how much NPSH would be in the glass? (The correct
answers are found two slides down) Atmospheric pressure
only becomes a factor in NPSH calculations when the
system is open to the atmosphere. Examples would be
taking suction from a cooling tower, a swimming pool, a
pond, or a ground storage tank with a vent. Any totally
enclosed system does not involve atmospheric pressure in
the NPSH calculations. The following slide shows
atmospheric pressures at different altitudes.
Pressure at
Sea Level

About One
Mile High
Absolute Pressure
(The atmospheric pressure in Jacksonville {sea level} is about 34’, which
is why the glass has 34’ of NPSH. In Denver, the glass would have about
28’ of NPSH which is equivalent to the atmospheric pressure in Denver)
Absolute pressure refers to the “total” pressure
you will find in any system. In a system which is
open to atmospheric pressure, absolute pressure is
the pressure you would read on a pump suction
gauge, plus the atmospheric pressure at that
location. The absolute pressure in a pressurized
tank is the same as the pressure you would read on
a pressure gauge . Absolute pressure is expressed
as psia and can be converted into feet of head
using the standard formula to convert psi to feet of
head. .
Vapor Pressure
Vapor pressure is the amount of pressure required to keep
any given liquid in liquid form. Most liquids vapor
pressures vary from liquid to liquid. Temperature is a key
factor that will affect the vapor pressure needed to keep
liquids in liquid form. The higher the temperature, the
higher the vapor pressure. In our example of the three car
trips, vapor pressure is equivalent to the gas used during
the first car trip, and it is the first factor that uses up some
of the NPSH. So, when doing NPSHa calculations, the
vapor pressure is the first thing subtracted from the NPSH.
Think of it this way, by subtracting the vapor pressure, we
are actually reserving the vapor pressure needed to prevent
the liquid from turning into gas. Any time the vapor
pressure exceeds the atmospheric pressure, the liquid must
be contained in a pressurized tank to prevent it from
turning to vapor. The following slide shows the vapor
pressure of water heated to various temperatures.
Friction & Elevation Losses
The next step in calculating NPSHa, is to determine what friction and
elevation losses are present in the suction line. These losses along with
the vapor pressure must also be subtracted from the NPSH at the
jobsite to determine the NPSHa. In our example of the three car trips,
the gas used in the second trip is equivalent to the friction and
elevation losses. Friction losses are calculated just as they are in the
pump discharge line using charts or programs. Elevation calculations
however, often take on a different form from discharge piping
elevations. Most often, discharge line elevation calculations are actual
losses since the pump is usually below the final destination of the
water flow. In the case of suction elevation, elevation is most often
calculated as a gain, and not a loss. For instance, a pump taking
suction from a cooling tower is always below the surface water level in
the cooling tower. If the pump is 6 feet below the water level in the
cooling tower, this 6’ of elevation is now added to the NPSH
calculations, while friction losses are always going to be subtracted in
our formula. Whether a system is open or closed, elevation
gains or losses still need to be calculated.
Tying It All Together
 Let’s begin by reviewing our 3 car trips.
We are starting out with 10 gallons of gas. This is the beginning
atmospheric pressure or pressure contained in the pressure tank.
Trip one will require 2 gallons of gas. This is the vapor pressure.
Trip two will require 5 gallons of gas. This is the friction and elevation
Trip three will require 1 gallon of gas. This is the NPSHr.
Subtracting the vapor pressure (2), and friction & elevation losses (5)
from the atmospheric pressure (10) will result in the NPSHa. (3)
Since the gas left over for the third trip is 3 gallons (NPSHa), and the
gas required for the third trip is one gallon (NPSHr), we can safely
make the third trip. In our example, trip one and trip two must always
take place before trip three.
What You Have Just Learned
NPSHa = ha – hvpa + hst – hfs

ha = atmospheric pressure in feet on the surface of the liquid if the
suction is from an open tank or sump, or the absolute pressure existing
in a closed tank.

hvpa = vapor pressure of the liquid at the temperature being pumped.

hst = static height in feet that the liquid supply level is above the eye of
the impeller. (If the pump is above the water supply, this amount must
be subtracted and not added in the formula)

hfs = all suction line losses in feet including friction losses through the
pipe, valves, fittings, etc.
 Cavitation is the term we use to describe a pump that is pumping a
combination of liquid and gas. Generally speaking, classic cavitation
is caused by a pump operating with insufficient NPSHa, and the pump
sounds as if small rocks are passing through it. Two other causes of
cavitation are entrained air, and vortexes. Entrained air is tiny air
bubbles that are still suspended in the water when it enters the pump
suction. Entrained air is usually caused by some type of turbulence
such as water falling into a sump. If the bubbles do not have enough
time to rise to the surface and pop before being drawn into the pump,
this is a type of cavitation. We have all seen an example of a vortex
while letting the water out of a bath tub. The small tornado looking
whirlpool that appears as the water gets low is actually a vortex, and
air is being sucked into the drain. This same scenario can happen with
a pump, most commonly, a vertical turbine. Minimum submergence
values are given for vertical turbines to avoid vortexing. Poor sump
design can also lead to vortexing, even when sufficient submergence is
available. In our car example, cavitation will occur if the third trip
requires more than three gallons of gas.
Temperature also plays an important role in
keeping liquids in liquid form. As the temperature
of a liquid rises, so does the vapor pressure. (the
pressure required to keep the liquid in liquid form)
Liquids with naturally high vapor pressures, and
those that have been heated to the point of having
a high vapor pressure are usually contained in
enclosed pressurized tanks. For instance, water
heated to 300 degrees F. must be kept in a
pressurized tank with more than 67.005 psia to
prevent it from flashing. (turning to vapor) Look
at the following chart to understand why.
Margin of Safety
 Up until this point, we have been explaining how to calculate and
understand NPSHa. NPSHr also needs to be understood. Just as we
have to calculate Max. BHP at runout on a pump curve, we also have
to add in some margin of safety between the NPSHa and the NPSHr.
As a pump flows more water, the NPSHr goes up. Unless the design
point of the pump is constant and very accurate, the pump will more
than likely operate at a number of points along the curve. There are
many technical papers written about the proper margin of safety to use
in an application, and most differ in opinion. When quoting jobs with
borderline NPSHa, it is always a good idea to send a pump curve along
with your quotation. This way, the customer or engineer has a chance
to raise questions. The Hydraulic Institutes latest guidelines show a
recommended safety factor for cooling tower applications at 30% or
5’, whichever is greater. Most other applications show a safety factor
of 10% or 2’, whichever is greater. As you can see by the pump curve
on the following slide, if the design point A of 360 GPM was used, and
the pump actually runs at point B, 500 GPM, the NPSHr goes from 10’
to 15’.
Design Point

Point B

NPSHr Curves
 Using the following two charts, calculate the NPSHa in the
four piping diagrams that follow. Assume that the friction
loss in the suction line for all four diagrams is 3’, and that
the first and third applications are at sea level, and the
second and fourth are at an elevation of 2500 feet.
Because the first diagram includes a suction lift, it will be
done for you on the slide. Whenever a pump is located
above the supply water, it must have sufficient NPSHa to
operate, and it must also be primed (the suction line and
pump must be filled with water) before it will work. A self
priming pump that has the priming chamber filled can
complete the priming action. Answers will be found on the
following slide for each example.
Using this formula, NPSHa = ha – hvpa + hst – hfs ,
we have the following answer.
34 - .78 – 10 – 3 = 20.22 NPSHa
Where 34 is the atmospheric pressure, .78 is the
vapor pressure, 10 is the elevation loss, and 3 is
the friction loss. You are on your own for the next

Elevation: Sea Level

Friction losses in suction

piping are 3 feet.
Elevation: 2500 feet

Friction losses in suction

piping are 3 feet.
Previous answer NPSHa = 31’ - .78’ + 10’ - 3’ = 37.22’

Where 31’ is the atmospheric pressure at 2500’ elevation, .78 is the

vapor pressure of 68 degree F water, 10’ is the plus elevation, and 3’
is the friction losses.

Elevation: Sea Level

Friction losses in suction

piping are 3 feet.
Previous answer NPSHa = 34’ - 34’ + 10’ - 3’ = 7’.0

Where 34’ is the atmospheric pressure at sea level, 34’ is the vapor
pressure of water at 212 degrees F. 10’ is the plus elevation, and 3’ is
the friction losses.

Elevation: 2500’

Friction losses in suction

piping are 3 feet.
Previous answer NPSHa = 349’ - 349’ + 10’ - 3’ = 7’.0

Where 349’ is the absolute pressure in the tank, 349’ is the vapor
pressure of 350 degree F. water, 10 is the plus elevation, and 3’ is the
friction losses.

For those who got the correct answer of 7’ but

used the wrong first two numbers (311’), you
forgot to correct for a S.G. of .8904 @ 350
degrees F. Since you made the same mistake for
the vapor pressure and the tank pressure, your
answer was still correct. If you tried to use
atmospheric pressure at 2500’ elevation in your
equation, this is incorrect. This is a closed system
and is not subject to atmospheric pressure.
Congratulate Yourself
If you didn’t understand NPSH when you began
this study today, you should be ending with a basic
understanding of Net Positive Suction Head. This
is not something you will use everyday unless you
work consistently with boiler feed water pumps, or
in industrial applications pumping volatile liquids.
So to retain this knowledge, you should refer back
to this study from time to time and study both the
Cameron Hydraulic Data book, and the Hydraulic
Institute Standards book as well. The more you
know about the products you sell, the more
valuable you will become to your customers, and
you will also be more successful in this business.

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