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Road Geometry
What is meant by a ROAD?
A wide way/path through which one can travel from
one place to another.
● Road Alignment
● Road Creation
● Road Deletion
● Road Split
● Roundabouts{Circular Islands}
● Elevations
● Barrier Attributes
● Connections and Disconnections
● Free Turns
● Merge and Unmerge
● Line Map[Imported Data]
● Aerial Imagery/Satellite Imagery
● Street Capture Data
● GPS Samples
Road Alignment
● Here, we align the imported data to the Available Satellite
Imagery or Street Capture Tracks exactly on to the path visible.
Purpose:- To route the user on the path for a smooth drive by
avoiding routing over destinations.
Improper Alignment Aligned Roads
Road Creation
We create 2 types of roads,
a.)Cul-de-sac Roads
b.)Connecting Roads

When do we create these roads;

a.)When there are destinations.
b.)When there are GPS Samples leading to destinations.
c.)When there are connecting network of paths.

Road Creation
Cul-de-sac Road:
A street which has only one way in and out.
i.e:- It is closed at one end.

Road Creation
Connecting Road:
If a path is connecting two trafficable roads, we create a
connecting road
Road Deletion
We delete a road segment if it is not
supported by any of our resources(Satellite
Imagery, Street Capture data, GPS Samples,
Line Map).
Road Split
We split a road to route the user indicating that the flow of travel is going in two
opposite directions.

We split a road in the following scenarios;

a.)Continuous Physical Median
b.)Hashed Painted Median
c.)Triangular Islands
d.)Wider Medians.

P.S:- The measurement criteria can be varied from one country to the other.
Road Split
Split Road with a connector

Hashed Painted Median Triangular Island

Definition: Road junction at which traffic moves in a single direction around a
circular island to reach any of the roads intersecting/converging the roundabout.

There is no measurement criteria for creating a Roundabout.

● We elevate road segments whenever it has roads above the
city level or below the city level.
● Examples include Skyways,Flyovers etc.
● An obstacle that prevents the flow of traffic from one side to
● We give barrier when we find a continuous single/double
solid line restricting access to destinations.
● We do not consider dashed lines to assign barrier attribute

PS:- The measurement criteria would be country specific.

Connections & Disconnections
● We will connect a road if it is enabling
free flow of traffic.

● We will disconnect roads wherever there is

an obstacle like wall/fence and is disabling
flow of traffic(motor vehicles).
Free Turns
● These are the slip roads that bypass direct intersection of roads
by enabling turns between roads.
● Frequently,observed on Highway Roads.
Merge and Unmerge
● If two roads intersect at 180 deg,we merge the nodes.
Intersection models
Place where two or more roads meet.

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