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 Conditions and actions in healthcare that aim to

minimize hazards to health and that inhibit factors

known to increase diseases and alterations in a
persons overall health and well being.

 Example:
 A family member avid smoking.
 HIV/AIDS awareness.
 Approaches and interventions that seek to avert the
occurrence of alterations to health and prevent disease
or injuries from occurring.

 Example:
 Immunization shot.
 Eating nutritious foods to avoid obesity
 Activities that are aimed for early detection, diagnosis
and treatment of a condition, disease or altered state of
health, and consists of interventions which seek to stop
negative health symptoms.

 Example:
 Screened for a disease like type II diabetes.
 Mammography to detect early signs of breast cancer.
 Blood pressure test to detect hypertension to prevent such
complication such as myocardial infarction.
 Preventing further deterioration or progress of a
negative state health of physical conditioning.

 Example
 Receiving rehabilitation after stroke.
 Group of actions and measures which seek to decrease
and alleviate possible harm or adverse effects caused
by health interventions and treatments.

 Example:
 Use of X-ray and unnecessary over exposure to radiation
that can lead to detrimental effects later in life.

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