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weirdest jobs

Victoria Perez
Why would this jobs exist?
 Why not?
 There are many things to do in this world and
there also are many people in it, so, why not
to try different jobs?
 Today we are going to talk about some weird jobs and some
dream jobs.
 Some of the weird ones are Train pusher, professional
mourner, bed warmer, between others.
 Some of the dream ones are full time Netfilx viewer.

Let’s take a look at them!

 Some hotels hire people to taste their beds. It is like
the dream job of everyone!
 The day later you have to make archivements and
comments about how good was the bed or how bad.
 It gets payed very well!
 This one is also a dream job for those ones who love
to spend time in bed watching series and movies.
 It is based on watching these movies or films before
we (the public) see them. They have to tell the
company how good was it or things like that
 This one is very funny,
actually. It is more seen
in Asia, but is also in
some countries of
 It is based un pushing
people in trains just to
fit in perfectly. It is very
unconfortable, because
this job is ejecuted in the
hour more poblated at
the station during the
 Ancient african traditions
used to say that during a
funeral, if it was very
noisy and dramatic, the
death would go to heaven.
 So people hire someone to
go over the funeral and
cry, without even knowing
who the one who passed
 This is really, really weird.
Some hotels hire people to
lie down on a room bed
and stay in there until the
customer goes, so the bed
is warm when they go to
 Imagine eating chocolate
all they long!
 It’s one of the most weird
jobs people looks for.
 You have to go to the
dentist even frequently.
 This people’s job consist in travel hotel
from hotel to check if their water slides
are both fun and safe.
 If they see something’s wrong or not
safe, they tell their bosses.
 It might be very fun
 So, this is really, really
weird (and sad).
 It is when a girl wants a
boyfriend but she doesn’t
have one, so she pays a
boy to do it for a
determined time.
 This is considered the
best job in the world,
i mean, imagine
everyday waking up
and looking at the
ocean, with a bright
sun and a lemonade
 The only condition is
that you have to take
care of the island
while the owner is
 Imagine being cold, lonley,
and sleepy, what you need
is someone who keeps you
warm and safe.
 Youare hired to
check if the little
chicks are male or

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