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* Indians are known for manufacturing iron and
in metallurgical works.
* Their iron steel is considered to be the best.
* India is also famous in medicine.
* Susruta Samhita describes different surgical
and other medical procedures famous in
Ancient India.

* Ancient India is notable in the field of
* Also known for their mathematics.
* Mohenjodaro ruler


* Brahmagupta suggested that gravity was a
force of attraction and explained the use of
zero as both a placeholder and a decimal digit.

* Madhava of Sangamagrama is considered as the
founder of mathematical analysis.

* Traditional Medicines
* Tools like compass, papermaking, gunpowder,
and printing tools.
* Tools like iron plow, wheelbarrow, and
* Invented the first seismological detector, and
developed a dry dock facility.

* The Middle East countries are dominantly occupied by
* Ibn al-Haytham is regarded as the Father of Optics

* Muhammad bin Musa al-
Khwarizmi-concept of
* Algebra is derived from al-
jabr, the beginning title of
one of the publications of
* Muslim chemists and
alchemists played an
important role in the
foundation of modern
* Jabir ibn Hayyan- Father of
Arabic Chemistry
* Pioneered the discovery of
definite proportions.

Ibn Sina – persian physician
* “Book of Healing”
* “The Canon Medicine”
* Development of geometry in ancient Egyptian
* Egypt was known to be a center of alchemy.
* Africans used three types of calendars: lunar,
solar, and stellar
* Metallurgy was also known in the African

* Lebombo Bone –oldest mathematical artifact

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