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Home Remedy

“Beras Kencur”
The History Of The Remedy
Jamu is a unique herb for herbal medicine in Indonesia and used
to treat anything in accordance with the effectiveness of plants
known to be empirically hereditary. Knowledge of herbal
medicine has been used for centuries in Indonesia, and is still
used today. We didn’t found how Jamu Beras Kencur start used it
but we know that jamu kencur was Initially rice (mashed) mixed
with galingale by the Javanese people. Jamu is said to have
originated 1300 years ago in the Javanese Royal Courts, and is
still practised today throughout Indonesia.
The Illnes And The Symptomps
Prevent acne : The appearance of spots (blackheads) that are
black or white.
Treating indigestion : Belch, Feel uncomfortable as if the
stomach is full or heavy.
Easing symptoms of cold and flu : The nose continually snot,
Sneezing often
Removal of tiredness and body aches : Confused or difficult to
focus, Difficult to remember something.
Neutralize Coughing and Itching In the Throat : Sore throat ,
Fever, Headache.
Inside of The Ingredients
-Brown sugar : very good for skin health. Why is that? Because brown sugar
does not cause irritation and inflammation so it is very good for the skin and
can help overcome the problem of acne and blackheads that are stubborn on
the face. With this sweet brown sugar you will get beautiful facial skin and
-Ginger : Gingerol and phenol, the chemical compounds contained in ginger,
are anti-pain which can relieve pain. Both are effective in relieving symptoms
of gastric irritation, relieving menstrual abdominal cramps, to muscle aches
after exercise.
-Kencur : Taking it can make breathing more relieved and help relieve cough
with phlegm faster. Aside from being a cough medicine, it turns out that these
herbal ingredients are often consumed by singers before they appear to help
maintain the condition of the vocal cords in the throat and relieve the throat!
-Rice water : Soothing acne and irritation. All because of the content of
allantoin in it.
How To Use It ?
• Wash the rice thoroughly, then soak it in water for 1 hour. After that
set aside.
• Boil tamarind, sugar, brown sugar and ginger with water until
boiling. After that, wait until it's cool and strain the water. Set it
• Wash the fresh kencur, then peel the skin and cut it into pieces.
• Drain the soaked rice water. Blend the rice, kencur, and boiled sugar
water until smooth.
• Strain the herbs of kencur rice. Then squeeze the blender pulp until
it is completely dry.
• Serve kencur rice with ice cubes or store it first in the refrigerator.
• Drink it.

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