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 Over the last century, the global population has quadrupled. In

1915, there were 1.8 billion people in the world. Today, according
to the most recent estimate by the UN, there are 7.3 billion people
and we may reach 9.7 billion by 2050. This growth, along with rising
incomes in developing countries (which cause dietary changes
such as eating more protein and meat) are driving up global food
 Food demand is expected to increase anywhere between 59% to 98% by 2050
 . This will shape agricultural markets in ways we have not seen before. This drastic increase
in food water and resources in the first quarter of the 21st century may not be an eye
opener for most but the later quarter will see and regret doing nothing about it .
 Water is one of the most abundant materials in the world but 60-80% of this water is unfit
for human consumption due to increase in salt in the water. Therefore out of the 100%
only 15-20% is fit for consumption in the f20 years of the 21st century we are already seeing
many countries not recieving enough to keep them hydrated.
 Even though the current t ime period population is not affecting most people but in a few
years all this may change with increase in population as more water , produce, essentials
and material need to be made for the new generations . causing a decrease the ratio
between production and consumption at a global rate

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