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The history of architecture represents

one of the most visible and lasting forms

of expression of the human being. From
the time of the pyramids in Egypt, to the
Pantheon of ancient Greece, buildings
have been an expression of our culture.
One could say that the exact
origin of the architecture dates
back to the Neolithic period,
around 10,000 BC, or simply when
people stopped living in caves
and began to manage the way
they want their houses to look
and feel.
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Alejandro Gastón Aravena Mori is a
Chilean architect, an academic at the
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
and a visiting professor at Harvard
University, winner of the 2016 Pritzker
Prize, the main architectural prize in the
He was born on June twenty one thousand
nine hundred and sixty seven (1967),
Santiago de Chile.
Education: Pontificia university catholic of
Books: The facts of architecture, Material of
Thanks for your attention

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