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Also known as the “world bully”,

the foreign policy stance which

holds that a nation should extend
power by acquiring territory
around the globe or exploiting
weaker nations to serve national
Which foreign policy stance involves strict
non-involvement in the affairs of other
nations? What is it’s nickname?
Which foreign policy stance involves a
nation working with other nations to
influence world affairs?
Which foreign policy stance
involves intervention in the affairs
of other countries to promote
important national interests and/or
to safeguard national security.
What Cuban industry which played
a major role leading to the Spanish-
American War did the U.S. invest
Which year did the Spanish-
American War take place?
Isolationism; Loner
Collective Security
What did the Cubans want from
In response to a Cuban launched
revolution attempt, the Spanish
rulers forced Cubans into _____.
Reconcentration camps
About how much of Cuba’s
population died as a result of the
horrifying conditions in the Spanish
reconcentration camps?
One- fourth
Which nation was blamed for the
U.S. battleship Maine explosion in
Havana Harbor?
Which president demanded a
peace agreement from Spain?
President McKinley
In which country did the war start?
(U.S. sank all 10 of Spain’s ships in
seven hours)
Why did the Philippine rebels help
the U.S. storm Manila, the capital?
They believed that the U.S. would
grant them independence from
Which significant event marked the
end of the war in Cuba?
U.S. Navy destroyed the Spanish
blockade of Santiago Harbor,
Which nation emerged as a world
power, with influence/control in the
Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico,
Hawaii, Samoa, other small Pacific
Islands and China?
The U.S.
This was the belief that it was
America’s right and duty to spread
across the North American
Manifest Destiny
Which foreign policy stance did the
U.S. take during WWII to prevent
the fascist and military regimes
from gaining too much power
By joining the United Nations, the
U.S. took which foreign policy
Collective Security
What is the foreign policy stance
that George Washington took in his
1796 Farewell Address which
advised people to “have as little
political connection as possible
[with other countries] ”?
President James Polk was intent on
achieving ______ - the belief that
the U.S. was destined to occupy
the territory between the Atlantic
and the Pacific Oceans.
Manifest Destiny
Before joining the Triple Ententé’
an alliance between Great Britain,
France and Russia against the
Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-
Hungary and Italy in WWI, the U.S.
took this approach.
In 1941, the U.S. plunged into
WWII after trying to stay neutral
because of the infamous ____.
Pearl Harbor attack
The U.S. joined the Vietnam War in
an attempt to stop the spread of
which political philosophy in
Southeast Asia?
The Persian Gulf War began when
Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq,
ordered an invasion of which
Which foreign policy stance did the
U.S. take when President Wilson
told Americans they would fight “to
make the world safe for
democracy” in WWI?
By working with the United Nations
to try to stop the bloodshed in
Bosnia, the U.S. took which foreign
policy stance?
Collective Security
Which foreign policy stance did the
U.S. take through the Truman
Doctrine which committed the U.S.
to fight the spread of communism
throughout the world?
Sensational headlines and stories,
with little attention to facts,
designed to grab attention and stir
the emotions of readers which
called for U.S. intervention in Cuba
is known as what?
Yellow Journalism
The Monroe Doctrine, asserted that
the Americas were not to be
considered for future colonization
by any European power and that
the U.S. would not interfere in
Europe’s internal affairs. What
foreign policy stance is this?
McKinley sent Spain an ultimatum
demanding an ______, or
temporary peace. He wanted the
ending reconcentration camps, and
to appoint himself as arbiter.
Which battle was the first and last
major battle of the Spanish –
American War in Cuba?
San Juan Hill
The press lauded the Rough
Riders, a unit of volunteers under
the command of Theodore
Roosevelt, and failed to give
sufficient credit to which group for
the U.S.’s success in the Spanish-
American War?
African Americans
After the Spanish-American War,
which modern day country became
a U.S. colony?
The Philippines
By advocating peaceful relations
with other nations but maintaining a
strong international presence,
Theodore Roosevelt’s “Big Stick”
Policy adhered to which foreign
political stance?
Which group was crucial in the
successful capture of San Juan Hill
yet only received little to no acclaim
for their efforts in Cuba?
The African American soldiers
Which country granted
independence to Cuba and ceded
Puerto Rico and the Philippines to
the U.S. in the Treaty of Paris?
Which group of people feared that
through annexation of other states
and islands, the U.S. would lose its
Anglo-Saxon “purity”?
When the U.S. gained control of
faraway peoples and lands which
group rejected the exploitation of
indigenous peoples and claimed
that the U.S. was doing that which
it had fought a war with Spain to
President Wilson’s approach to the
Imperialistic tendency of the U.S.
was known as ______. He
maintained that the U.S. should
promote democracy around the
world and help maintain world
Moral Diplomacy
What is known as “a movement to
expand power through investment
and economic control”?
Economic Expansionism
In 1867, the U.S. purchased Alaska
and the Aleutian Islands for $7.2
mil. from which country?
Also known as the “Teddy Terrors”,
the Rough Riders were under the
leadership of which president?
Theodore Roosevelt
The U.S. built which canal to allow
warships to pass between oceans
and defend the newly acquired U.S.
territories of Puerto Rico and the
Philippines in 1898?
In which country were there regions
called “Spheres of influence” that
were occupied by Imperialistic
countries such as Great Britain,
Russia, Japan, France and
Which nation, annexed by the U.S.
after the Spanish-American war,
was seen as a stepping stone to
The U.S. urged nations such as
Germany, Japan, France, Great
Britain and Russia to respect
certain Chinese rights and fair trade
in 1899. What is this policy is
known as?
The Open Door policy
In response to violations of the
Open Door policy in China what
was the uprising against these
foreign powers called?
The Boxer Rebellion
Which President sent troops to the
Dominican Republic “to teach the
Latin American republics to elect
good men”?
Woodrow Wilson
The Great War (WWI) began as a
result of the assassination of
Archduke Francis Ferdinand of
which country?
Which three countries made up the
Triple Entente?
France, Great Britain and Russia
Which three countries made up the
Triple Alliance?
Germany, Italy, Austro-Hungarian
The Great War (WWI) started with
a dispute between which two
Austria-Hungary and Serbia
With the deadly array of modern
weaponry including machine guns,
mechanized cannons and poison
gas, most of the battles were fought
in these.
U- boats, short for “Unterseeboot”,
were the naval power of which
The Zimmermann Telegram was an
intercepted proposal from Germany
which promised the lands of New
Mexico, Texas and Arizona to
which country?
The wet conditions encouraged
which common disease which
rotted away feet and usually led to
Trench foot
What is a prevention of trade
between a country and other
countries known as?
Trade Embargo
The famous poster of Uncle Sam
U.S. ARMY” is a form of _____.

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