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Fixie Gear:

Crit, Climb and

There are only two fixed things in
this life:
Death and the pinion.
The Fixie is a monorail, with fixed pinion and
without brake. So it is a bicycle without gears, with
only one transmission and no dead point, so the
pedal will rotate whenever the wheel turns, at any
speed. And it brakes with the pedals, exerting back
pressure with the feet on them to reduce their
speed or to completely block the rear wheel and to
skid. They present the same principle as track
bicycles, which have a shape similar to racing
bicycles to favor an inclined posture
Among the modalities that the fixed
pinion has find:

A criterium is a type of amateur or unofficial cycling race, played
on a short circuit and closed to traffic, often on the streets of a
city. The length of the race can be determined by a number of laps
or by time.
In general, the duration is shorter than that of a traditional road
race. However, the average speed and intensity are significantly
higher. When disputed in very short circuits, the number of laps
can be around 50 or 60 and the fan has the opportunity to see the
cyclists several times.
The climb is a modality of the fixie gear that
consists in the climbing of a mountain route,
either in time trial or race.
For the race mode, there is competition in
short climbs but with a steeper slope.
For the time trial modality one competes in
more extensive ascents and with a
moderate inclination.
An Alleycat is a competition that combines different skills of the
cyclist, around the world, cyclists of fixed gear use their bicycle
as a way to earn their daily bread, many of these with the bike
messenger, the alleycat is something like a bike messenger, the
competition starts leaving your bike at a point with the other
bicycles of the competitors, the organizers give the signal and
next to this, they give you a certain address to which you must
go and claim the famous "manifesto", in this you will find a list of
addresses or places in which you must go in the order you want
or the one assigned to you, the winner of the alleycat will be the
one who knows how to locate addresses in a better way, the
most agile and of course the one that arrives first.
Title: Fixie Gear: Crit, Climb and Alleycats

Type of discourse: Descriptive/ Informative.

I. Introduction
The fixed pinion is a form of cycling in which it consists of a bicycle without brakes and
continuous gear, it can be practiced in the velodrome or in the city.

II. Crit: It is a closed circuit competition, it is the most legal competition of this modality.
Climb: It is a chrono-ladder competition or race between competitors, it takes place in hills or
Alleycat: It is a competition similar to a bi-messaging route, the winner is one that reaches all
the points marked in the manifest.

III. Conclusion
The fixie gear is a sport that combines the skills of a cyclist of high performance and the
agility of dodging potholes, cars and obstacles that puts the city, day by day.

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