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What is the difference between HACCP and a Food Safety Management System?
This can sometimes be misleading and often confuses people. HACCP - As we have
already discovered, HACCP is the set of guidelines or rules that must be used to
identify the threats and then deal with them.
FSMS - A Food Safety Management System is the set of paperwork that sits behind
HACCP. It is what your food safety officer will look at to make sure that you are
maintaining food safety. It will include paperwork to prove that your system works
and is being monitored day by day. For example, this could be a form detailing how
long you cooked the pie for and what temperature you cooked it to. If this
information is recorded, this is the start of your due diligence defense and will also
give your Food safety Officer confidence in how you run the business. The
complexity and size of the system will depend on the size of your business. It needs
to cover the essentials without drowning you in paperwork. Ultimately it really does
not matter if you call it a HACCP system or a Food Safety Management System, the
important point is that you set the system up and ongoing, protect public health

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