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Believe It or Not!
•Spiritual self is one of the four constituents
of the “self”(James,1890).

•The spiritual self is the most intimate,

inner subjective part of self.
The ability to use moral sensibility and
conscience may be seen through the
expressions of religion, its belief and
practices. In the same manner, cultural
rituals and ceremonies are some
manifestations what people believe in.
Religion is a set of cultural beliefs and
practices that usually includes some or all
of the basic characteristics. (Stein 2011).
These characteristics are:
1. A belief in anthropomorphic supernatural
being, such as spirit and gods
2. A focus on the sacred supernatural, where
sacred refers to a feeling of reverence and
3. The presence of supernatural power or
energy that is found on supernatural beings
as well as physical beings and subject.
4. The performance of ritual activities that involves the
manipulation of scared object to communicate to
supernatural beings and/or to influence or control
5. The articulation of worldview and moral codes through
narrative and other means.
6. Provide the creation and maintenance of social control
within a community; and provide explanation for
unknown and a sense of control for individuals.
Ritual is the performance of ceremonial
acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law (
Britannica 2017). Ritual is a specific,
observable mode of behavior exhibited by all
known societies. It is thus possible to view
ritual as a way of defining or describing
Three Fundamental Characteristics according to
Penner. Ritual has a characteristics of:

1. a feeling or emotion of respect, awe, fascination, or

dread in relation to the sacred.

2. dependence upon a belief system that is usually

expressed in the language of myth

3. is symbolic in relation to its reference

World religious
beliefs and practices
Buddhism believes that life is not a bed of roses. Instead, there are
suffering, pain, and frustrations.

Reactive Cycle can be broken through:

1. practice of meditation
2. acquiring more wisdoms and deeper
3. acceptance of things as they are
It is practiced as This practice aim at
mindfulness of breathings developing insight into
and development of reality.
Acquiring wisdom is by studying Buddha’s
teaching, the Dharma. Through reflection of
Dharma, Buddhist can achieve a deeper
understanding of life. Buddhist believe in non-
violence principle.
 Believe in Trinitarian

Three Personas:
1. God the Father (Creator)
2. God the Son (Savior)
3. God the Holy Spirit
 Eternal life after death will be achieved through
faith in Jesus Christ.
 The Holy Bible is a selection of books which is
divided into:
1. Old Testament
2. New Testament
It symbolizes the birth in It is an act of remembrance of
Christian World. Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love.
It is usually on December It is sometimes on March
25, to commemorates the birth or April, to celebrate the
of Jesus Christ. resurrection of Jesus Christ
from the death.
Hinduism believe that
existence is a cycle of birth,
death and rebirth, governed
by Karma.
Karma- is a concept where
the reincarnated life will
depend on how the past life
was spent.
Hindus believe that the soul passes through a cycle of
successive lives and its reincarnation is always dependent
on how the previous life was lived.
Vedas-are sacred scriptures of hindus
Diwali is the festival of lights Navratri is the festival of nine
of Hindus. nights, which celebrate the
triumph of good over evil
Muslim believe in
Allah, who is their “One
Muslim believe in the
unity and universality
of God.
Muslims also have a strong sense of community or
“ummah” and an awareness of their solidarity with all
Muslims worldwide.

Islam- means “willing submission to God.

Muslims believe that Mohammed is the last
and final prophet sent by God.

Mohammed- was born in Mecca in 570 CE

The Holy Book of Islam is called Quran, which
was taught to be recited in Arabic because
any translation is seen as inadequate.
1. Shahadah – satement of faith: “There is no
God but the one true God and Mohammed is
his messenger.
2. Salat- the prayer that is practice five times a
3. Hajj- the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca.
4. Zakat- the monetary offering for the benefit
of the poor.
5. Sawn- the fasting.
It is the celebration at the end of Ramadan.
It is celebrated within the completion of the Pilgrimage, the
The Jews believe in the
God of Abraham, the
same God that liberated
the Hebrew slaves from
Egypt to Canaan.

Canaan- the promised land

through the leadership of
Moses and later, Joshua.
The Jews believe in the coming of the Messiah,
the Savior.

Torah- the sacred scripture of Jews, and the guide

of Jewish living.
Customs and practices
There are five major festivals observe by the Jews:

 Rosh Hashanah- the New Year

 Yom Kippur- the day of Atonement
Pesach – Passover Shavuot- Pentecost

 Sukkot- Tabernacles
Finding and creating
meaning of life
Dr. Viktor Frankl was born on March 26,1905
in Vienna, Austria, where famous psychiatrists
Sigmund Frued and Alfred Adler lived. At a young
age, he wrote a short paper to Frued which was
published after three years. Dr. Frankl graduated
with a medical degree from the University of
Vienna in 1930. He was assigned in Vienna
Hospital suicide ward and headed the Rothschild
Hospital, eight years later.
A survivor of Holocaust, Dr. Frankl
published a book about logotherapy. In 1959,
the book was translated to English and was
revised in 1963 as The Doctor and the Soul: An
introduction to Logotherapy. His book, Man’s
Search for meaning, has been used as a
textbook in high school and college courses.
Dr. Frankl died in 1997.
Logotherapy is a psychotherapy introduced by Dr. Viktor
Frankl, who is considered the Father of Logotherapy. The main
belief of logotherapy is that “man’s primary motivational force is
search for meaning.” Logotherapy aids individuals to find
personal meaning of life, whatever life situation they may be.

In logotherapy, meaning can be discovered by creating a

work or doing a deed, experiencing something or encountering
someone and the attitude toward unavoidable suffering.

The Franklian Psychology has the basic concepts. These are the following:
Life has meaning under all circumstances.
Main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life
Freedom to find meaning.

Furthermore, Franklian Psychology aims to:

Become aware of spiritual resources
Make conscious spiritual resources
Use “defiant power of the human spirit” and stand up against adversity.
1. The human being is an entity consisting of body, mind, and
spirit. This first assumption deals with body(soma),
mind(psyche), and spirit(noos).
2. Life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most
miserable. Assumption two is “ultimate meaning”.
3. People have a will to meaning. The third assumption is seen as
our main motivation for living and acting.
4. People have freedom under all circumstances to activate the
will to find meaning. Assumption four is that we are free to
activate our will to find meaning, and this can be done under
any circumstances.
5. Life has a demand quality to which people must respond if
decisions are to be meaningful. The fifth assumption, the
meaning of the moment, is more practical in daily living than
ultimate meaning.
6. The individual is unique. The sixth assumption deals with one’s
sense of meaning.

In essence, all humans are unique with an entity of body,

mind, and spirit. We all go through unique situations and are
constantly looking to find meaning. We are free to do these at
all times in response to certain demands.
1. Purposeful Work
- To find the meaning of life starts with holding the future

2. Courage in the Face of Difficulty

- A meaningful life is a life with suffering.

3. Love
- According to the definition of love of Dr.
Frankl, “Love is the only way to grasp another
human being in the innermost core of his

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