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My visit to Puerto Gaitan – Meta for the

2018, was for the festival of summer

I arrive on January 10 to Gaitan Port to
spend the weekend.
I do drip by motorcycle from Villavicencio
to Puerto Gaitan.

I took two hours to reach, there are 200 km

As it is a festival, with many people, peolple
turn to sleep in camping because there are no
hotels. Sometimes people sleep on the streets
because there is no where to sleep.
In Puerto Gaitan you can
go to the beaches of rivers.
You can also take a boat
ride and watch pink
On de beach of the river, there is
stage where the singers are
presented. Also you can practice
wáter sports.
At nigth i went to the main stage where he
sang Romeo Santos. People went crazy,
there were about 60 thousand people, it
was a very Good concert.
The next day when the party
ends, eat breakfast a rich broth
rib, I had lunch on the way, a
roast and driven two hours to
reach my house.

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