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Group 1

Research Titles
Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leaves extract in
curing the disease that are cause by lackness of
protein, called Marasmus
Ipil-ipil leaves Person with Marasmus
Different diseases was made because of different
reasons. Many people suffering in different of
disorders and infections, that’s why the
government itself are striving hard to discover new
medicine that everyone will surely get the benefits
of it. So many different kind of diseases were
made, either minor or major. But the fact that it is a
disease, we should act immediately and find an
effective remedy.
Many reasons that cause a certain disease,
one of it is the environment and a person’s
habits. But as much possible a person should
avoid habits which is bad and be careful. One
of those famous diseases is the Marasmus.
The researchers decided to make a remedy that can cure
the disease called Marasmus. They gathered data about the
certain disease. This Marasmus is an infamous disease that
causes malnourishment. Lack of protein is the main reason
why a person attain this disease. Most of the person who
obtain this disease are living on a tropical and hot places
that are suffering on a scarcity of foods. Marasmus is a form
of malnutrition. It happens when the intake of nutrients and
energy is too low for a person's needs. It leads to wasting,
or the loss of body fat and muscle. A child with marasmus
may not grow as children usually do (Foram Mehta, 2018).
And the researchers also chose the Ipil-ipil (Leucaena
leucocephala) leaves extract as the subject in curing the
so called disease which is the Marasmus. Ipil-ipil trees
are growing on a tropical places such as the Philippines.
Ipil-ipil leaves are also used as a food of a pig. This ipil-
ipil leaves are beneficial to us, o that he researcher
decided to use the certain plant as a subject for the
The researchers will be dealing with this study in order to
find an effective remedy that can help everyone.
• What are the components of Ipil-ipil (Leucaena
leucocephala) leaves extract that can cure
• What are the other diseases that an Ipil-ipil (Leucaena
leucocephala) leaves extract that can cure?
• What are the benefits of Ipil-ipil (Leucaena
leucocephala) leaves extract in different fields?
The extraction of Starflower (Trientalis borealis)
leaves and Lace flower (Ammi majus) flower as an
Alternative Molluscicide for Golden Apple Snail
(Pomacea Canaliculata Mamark)
Golden Apple Snail

The golden apple snail, popularly known as "golden kuhol''

[Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck], is one of the major pest
problems in rice production.
Star Flower and Lace Flower

Starflower (Trientalis borealis) is a low-growing Laceflower is a common name for

wildflower which produces small, star-shaped several plants and may refer to:
white flowers. Ammi majus
Farmers nowadays are suffering from the damage
caused by pest. Pest caused damage to our crops
and that leads to a less income for farmers not
only for farmers but also to us consumers. The
consumers mostly eat rice and the most affected
of this crisis is the plantation of rice in our country.
One of the particular pest is called Golden Apple
Snail or Golden Kuhol.
Many agriculturist try to make pesticides to lessen
the damage in our crops but it only leads to a bad
side effects in us. They are seeking for a good
quality and more effective organic pesticides that
will help them to lessen their problems.
The Researchers decided to make a solution that
can lessen their problems. They gather some data
about the those pest. They also gather some data
about those plants that can eliminate those pest.
The researcher choose Starflower leaves and
Bishops weed extract to make a organic
pesticide to help eliminate those pest which is
the Golden Apple Snail or Golden Kuhol.
The researchers will be dealing with this study
in order to find an effective remedy that can
help everyone.
• Is Star flower leaves (Trientalis borealis) and Bishop's
weed (Ammi majus) feasible for eliminating Golden
• What particular phytochemicals are in Star flower leaves
(Trientalis borealis) and Lace flower (Ammi majus) that
can eliminate Golden Kuhol?
• Is Star Flower leaves (Trientalis borealis) and Lace
flower (Ammi majus) Feasible as an alternative
Molluscicide for Golden Apple Snail?
Multi-controller based Wheelchair
Safety using Android , Touch,
Speech and Gesture Control

Locomotion is one basic needs of humans which is

lacked by people having limited abilities which render
them to use wheelchair for moving from one place to
another. The researchers wants to help those people
who have disorders so they come up with this kind of
idea. The purpose of this project is to serve these
people by automating the process of moving in any
direction. This will help them to make their life easier
as a person with disabilities.
• One of the most common problems of the people
specifically the person with disability is the difficulty
or difficulties in doing simply things. We prevent the
happenings that a certain person with disabilities
will think of commiting suicide because of
depression for not doing simple things. The
researchers themselves already decided to make a
solution for this certain problem. They chose it as
their subject because they find it interesting and
• What are the technologies use to build this invention?
• The availability of the materials use in the particular
• The capability of this invention in elevating a person.

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