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The title must contain the following:

 Subject matter or research problem

 Setting or locale of the study
 Respondents involved in the study
 Time or period when the study was conducted
The title must be broad and at the same time, must be brief
and concise as possible.
Contains a few words as possible
“Analysis of”, “A Study of”, “An Investigation of” and the
like should be avoided
If the title contains more than one line, it should be written
in inverted pyramid
Be easy to understand
Avoid abbreviations, formula and jargon
Reports the SUBJECT of the research rather than the
Interrogative Form

What is the motivation for using

Combinatorial Form: Question and Title

Who uses Facebook? An investigation

into the relationship between the Big
Five, shyness, narcissism, loneliness
and Facebook usage
Combinatorial Form: Powerful Phrase and Title

Too much face and not enough

books: The relationship between
multiple indices of Facebook use
and academic performance
Use of Novel Method

Attitudes of ederly Korean patients toward

death and dying: an application of Q-
Result of the Paper

Preventive health behavior

influence by self-perceptions
of aging
Title Examples

“Emotional Quotient and Purpose in Life of

Prisoners in Selected Jail Custodies in Quezon City:
Roadmap Towards Psychological Well-Being”

“Effects of Frequent Playing of Computer Games to

the Academic Performance of SHS Students of
Title Examples

“Life’s Adjustment of Yolanda Victims”

“Awareness on Traffic Rules and Regulations of

Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association in Brgy.
Culiat, Quezon City, Calendar Year 2015”

“Health Practices of Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in MAPEH at University of Rizal
System, Academic Year 2015-2016”
 Green papaya
 Sayote
 Lemon grass
 Dahon ng sili
 Chicken
 Ginger
 Soy sauce
 Vinegar
 Garlic
 Onion
 Chicken or pork
 Laurel leaves
 Pepper (ground)
 Liver spread
 Evaporated milk
 Tomato sauce
 Potatoes
 Beef chunks
 Pepper
 Bell pepper
 Carrots
 Ginger
 Vinegar
 Fish
 Pepper
 Eggplant
 Onion
 Onion
 Garlic
 Vinegar
 Liver spread
 Pepper
 Pork/lechon kawali
 Sugar
 Laurel leaves
 Pork/beef/Ox tail
 Fish sauce
 String beans
 Pechay
 Eggplant
 Garlic
 Onion
 Achuete
 Peanut butter
Chapter 1

The Problem and

its Background
This chapter provides an overview of the study and
its background.
Comprises the reasons why the particular problem is
being presented, the previous researches about
similar topics, the importance of the study, as well as
the operational terms used throughout the research.
Chapter I should include the following:

Background of the study
Objective of the study
Statement of the problem
Scopes and delimitation
Significance of the study
Definition of terms

Discusses 4 relevant ideas:

Topic or subject matter
Importance of the topic
Reason for choosing the topic
Purpose of the study

Keep it short.
Define the problem.
Make it well-organized.
(EX:) Introduction “Emotional Quotient and Purpose in Life of
Prisoners: Roadmap Towards Psychological Well-Being”

The general state of different penitentiaries and prisons in our country is

not unbeknownst to most of us. Aside from the evident condition of the
prisons, as witnessed by the inmates themselves, their families, the jail officers,
and other individuals, the government itself admits that the allocated funds for
prisoners and their needs are not enough to fully meet the requirements
needed for a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation program. Poor lighting and air
ventilation, inadequate food and water supply, congested and undersized cells,
defective comfort rooms – these are just some of the problems many prisoners
in detention across the Philippines are facing. Despite the national standards
set by the government in providing correctional services to prisoners, such
problems arise inevitably due to insufficient fund and scarce resources.
According to the Bureau of Corrections and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology, as of 2011, prison administrators
only allocate a daily subsistence allowance of P50 per prisoner.
The absence of enough medical supplies and laboratory
facilities also added to the many problems detainees
experience. But aside from the unappealing physical
conditions of prisoner’s living space, another issue on the
correctional system, not just in Philippines but also in other
countries, had gained the attention of many people. This
concerns the psychological well-being of the prisoners.
In this study, the researchers aspire to understand the
emotional quotient as well as the purposes in life of some
detainees in selected prisons, and how these two relate with
each other. This study also tackles the possible factors that may
affect the development of the prisoners’ value of life and their
emotional stability that may contribute to their future decision-
making. This study is also geared towards the reconstruction of
programs and services that are provided to the prisoners in
order to improve their psychological well-being. This research
study will help in securing the kind of treatment and
rehabilitation prisoners deserve that will greatly contribute to
the welfare of these people, our society and others as well.

Consists of statements and/or factors that led the

investigator to launch the study
A brief rationale to justify the problem
A present state of knowledge regarding the problem
The researchers can state the antecedents of the
study, the reasons why it is relative to previous
It may include:
Discussion of problem in general and the specific
situations (macro to micro approach)
Concepts and ideas related to the problem including
clarification of important terminologies
Discussion of the existing or present conditions and
what is aimed to be in the future.

Statement of a long-term objective expected to be

achieved by the study.
It is usually prefixed by this introductory phrase: “The
main objective of this study is to…”

The main objective of this study is to determine the
emotional quotient and purpose in life of prisoners as well
as formulate useful recommendation that aims to improve
the mental state of the prisoners.

Specific questions which are to be answered in the


It can be a general statement of the whole problem

followed by specific questions or sub-problems into
which the general problem is broken up.
(EX:) Statement of the Problem
This study entitled “Emotional Quotient and Purpose in Life
of Prisoners” aims to determine the relationship between the
emotional quotient and the purpose prisoners see in their lives.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

 Age
 Gender

 Number of times imprisoned

 Violated law
What is the Emotional Quotient of the respondents in terms of:
 Interpersonal Scale
 Intrapersonal Scale

 Adaptability Scale

 Stress Management Scale

 General Mood Scale

What is the level of purpose in life of the respondents in terms of:

 Perceptions of Life
 Personal Aspirations

 Interest in Living
Is there a significant relationship between the emotional
quotients of the respondents when grouped according to their
demographic profile?

Is there a significant relationship between the levels of

purpose in life of the respondents when grouped according to
their demographic profile?

Is there a significant relationship between the emotional

quotients and levels of purpose in life of the respondents?

A tentative answer to a research problem

Resercher’s pridiction about relationships between

or among variables under investigation.
Predictions of expected outcomes

Simple- Prediction between one independent

variable and 1 dependent variable.
 Eg: Unemployment leads to higher incidence of crime

Complex- Prediction of more than 1 dependent and

independent Variable
 Illiteracy and unemployment leads to higher incidence of crime
 Unemployment leads to higher incidence of crime and poverty

According to predicted result: Null vs Research

Null HO
 Explicates that no relationship betwwenn the dependent and
the independent variable.
 Eg: The number of books owned by a student does not affect
his academic performance

Reseacrh HA
 Explicates that a relationship exists between variables
 Eg: Exposure to music affects the level of anxiety
Directional vs Non-Directional
 Directional-State that a relationship exist between variables
and it is ALSO explicates the direction
 Eg: The health of the students decreases as their level of stress

 Non-Directional-State that a relationship or differences exists

between variables but the direction is not explicated
 Eg: Health affects the level of stress among senior high school
There is no significant relationship between the
emotional quotients of the respondents when
grouped according to their demographic profile
There is no significant relationship between the
levels of purpose in life of the respondents when
grouped according to their demographic profile.
There is no significant relationship between the
emotional quotients and levels of purpose in life of
the respondents.

The SCOPE describes the coverage of the study;

 Specifies what is covered in terms of concept, number of
subjects, and timeline when the study was conducted.

DELIMITATION refers to factors or variables that

are not included in the study and the boundary in
terms of time frame, number of subjects who are
 Specify those that you will not deal within the study .
This section should BRIEFLY answer the basic
WHAT - the topic and the variables included
WHERE – the venue or setting of the research
WHEN – time frame by which the study was conducted
WHO – participants or respondents, population, and
WHY – general purpose of the study
HOW – the methodology of the research (research
design, methods, research instrument)

In this part, the researchers defines who will benefit

out of the findings of the study and how they will
benefit from it.

Usual beneficiaries of a research:

Experts concerned about the problem
Administrators who make decisions or implement
The subjects themselves
Future researchers
Those who are directly and indirectly affected by the
Field of specialization or discipline that will gain
contribution of knowledge
Specific sectors who will also benefit from the study

Refer to the statement of the problem
Write from general to specific

Only terms, words, or phrases which have special or

unique meanings or roles in the study are defined.
Terms should be arranged alphabetically.
Terms should be defined operationally and

Conceptual definition – describes what a

construct or word actually means; dictionary meaning
Operational definition – describes how the
particular construct or word was used in the study.
Detainee - a person held in custody or confinement
(Oxford Dictionaries, 2012).
In this study, they serve as the subjects of the research
who are convicted in the chosen jail institution.
Adaptability – the ability of a person to make changes in
response to his or her environment. (Vocabulary, 2014).
In this study, it pertains to one of the factors of
emotional intelligence that the test, which is to be given to
the respondents, intends to measure.

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